℉ēⅠ﹎喑樂﹎○●、 (全新:精华+经典) 【私人所有 请勿模仿 】 PS:原装正版,盗版自重。 --王杰 QQ602860642 ℉ēⅠ.1. 大爆炸 ℉ēⅠ.2.time to rock ℉ēⅠ.3.辛巴达舞曲 ℉ēⅠ.4.Floorfiller ℉ēⅠ.5.sosforlove(又名:爱情求救号) ℉ēⅠ.6.Hey oh ℉ēⅠ.7.:Wet X One ℉ēⅠ.8.OneForDaMoney ℉ēⅠ.9.one shot ℉ēⅠ.10.la isla alizee ℉ēⅠ.11.i saw you walking in the rain ℉ēⅠ.12.moonlight shadow ℉ēⅠ.13.I saw you walking in the rain ℉ēⅠ.14.You`re Not Gonna Score ℉ēⅠ.15.ELECTRONIC LIFE ℉ēⅠ.16.teenage life ℉ēⅠ.17.Phillip Rushton Cinderella ℉ēⅠ.18.lavita ℉ēⅠ.19.In Your Mind Eddy Wata ℉ēⅠ.20.Let's talk about a man ℉ēⅠ.21.Tiggy Abracadabra ℉ēⅠ.22.Japanese main current king ℉ēⅠ.23.Hyper Tolks ℉ēⅠ.24.To Be Or Not To Be ℉ēⅠ.25.at the end of august Advance ℉ēⅠ.26.Dooh Dooh ℉ēⅠ.27.flute loop ℉ēⅠ.28.Sing For My Soul ℉ēⅠ.29.Activ Doar cu tine ℉ēⅠ.30.anima libera ℉ēⅠ.31.Dragoste din tei OZONE ℉ēⅠ.32.Activ Visez ℉ēⅠ.33.Banaroo Space Cowboy ℉ēⅠ.34.Cu Capul In Nori ℉ēⅠ.35.Imi Plac Ochii Tai ℉ēⅠ.36.Te Voi Pierde ℉ēⅠ.37.it's like that ℉ēⅠ.38.Kronos Roma Caput Mundi (Remix) ℉ēⅠ.39.null Bum kanikuly ℉ēⅠ.40.Im In Love ℉ēⅠ.41.Short Happy Life ℉ēⅠ.42.discotek people ℉ēⅠ.43.discotek people ℉ēⅠ.44.music Io Credo DJSanny ℉ēⅠ.45.Sing A Song Club Extend ℉ēⅠ.46.Let me carnival ℉ēⅠ.47.Flit The Bus Clan ℉ēⅠ.48.Be My Lover ℉ēⅠ.49.Oops Jaime Pas Langlais ℉ēⅠ.50.veni vidi vici ℉ēⅠ.61.Abracadabra ℉ēⅠ.62.Banaroo Fly Away ℉ēⅠ.63.7 years and 50 days Runaway ℉ēⅠ.64.Dolly Song Holly Pretty ℉ēⅠ.65.without me ℉ēⅠ.66.Guradian Angel Jimmy Gomma ℉ēⅠ.67.DREAM COME TURE S E ℉ēⅠ.68.Tonya mitchell Stay ℉ēⅠ.69.this is how we do it ℉ēⅠ.70.生命要继续 ℉ēⅠ.71.躲避的爱 ℉ēⅠ.72.away from home groove coverage ℉ēⅠ.73. that's why(推荐) ℉ēⅠ.74.dying in the sun-cranberries ℉ēⅠ.75.never grow old-cranberries ℉ēⅠ.76.don't cry guns n' rosesfar ℉ēⅠ.77.imagine gohn lennon ℉ēⅠ.78. let it be beatles ℉ēⅠ.79.fade to black metallic ℉ēⅠ.80.you can't say ℉ēⅠ.81.Yesterday Yes A Day Jane Birkin ℉ēⅠ.82.without you ℉ēⅠ.83. Crying in the Rain ℉ēⅠ.84.when you say nothing at all Krauss ℉ēⅠ.85.encore une fois helene segara ℉ēⅠ.86.Everything i do ℉ēⅠ.87.emilia big word ℉ēⅠ.88.Un emergenza D amore ℉ēⅠ.89.hotel california eagles ℉ēⅠ.90.goodbye airsupply Original 外附非主流音乐网站:
http://music.ld12.com/ ℉ēⅠ.91.虫儿飞 (热荐) ℉ēⅠ.92. 情非得已 童声版 ℉ēⅠ.93. 简单爱 童声版 ℉ēⅠ.94. 死性不改 童声版 ℉ēⅠ.95. 三只熊 童声版 ℉ēⅠ.96.we will rock you 童声版 ℉ēⅠ.97.Dur d etre bebe! Jordy ℉ēⅠ.98.Schnappi ℉ēⅠ.99.Tears in Heaven The choirboys ℉ēⅠ.100.Le Papillon 需要更多非主流音乐请联系.! 外附童谣网站:
http://www.koook.com/special/ertonglz/# 所有人:王杰 QQ602860642。 制作人:王杰 QQ602860642。 监制人:王杰 QQ602860642。 2008-09-02 02:21 就希望你能介绍我没听过的欧美音乐和空间背景音乐~! 还有我听过的不止这么点点哦~!呵呵~!我应该也算达人八~! 但也不是万能的哦~! 我空间里的歌也有些我不知道吖~! 大家可以去看下~! 2008-09-02 02:23 伤感的歌也别来~! 2008-09-02 09:19 为什么都是我听过的、、或者不喜欢的吖 难道就么有一个人有我喜欢听的歌? 我QQ :