

  Let's develop a healthy lifestyle
  According_to_a_survey_among_middle_school_students,_many_students_have_the_following_bad_ habits:_staying up late into the night; going to school without breakfast and often eating instant noodles; spending much time chatting on QQ or playing computer games.
  As we know, if you often stay up late at night, you will feel tired and sleepy during the daytime and cannot concentrate in class. Going to school without breakfast or eating instant noodles instead of meals will cause a lack of nutrition. Spending too much time on QQ or computer games will do harm to your eyes.
  In terms of study and health, we should develop a healthy lifestyle. First, go to bed a bit earlier instead of staying up late. Second, keep a balanced diet to build up our bodies. Third, don't spend too much time on the Internet. Actually, there are varieties of activities for us to relax ourselves, such as doing sports or listening to music.追问

