你对大学的期待是什么? 你认为一所好的大学应该具备些什么?(用英语回答!!!)


to be confess, as is realized by more and more people nowadays, you can hardly find out a real outstanding university or college in China Mainland. this situation is disapointing students day by day.
jump back couple of years. when i was in senior high, and with point of view of this moment, i would've chosen a new environment. cuz just like some well-known person said that china's college education is the greatest joke on earth. yes i couldn't agree with it more, it's bullshit. for me, that sort of university i want and need is, might be, only a very small school without those so called tall buildings, dormitories or catering houses, and even those politician professors and merchandized academy which i hate and cannot stand most.
thongh reality desprates lots of students. we have our pipe dreams and hopes for virtual stuff. an outstanding university like Harvard, Cambridge, Oxford, Yale and such should have a large group of students who are coming here only for knowledge and skills, not for the reputation, and also a group of professors spare no effort to do science and researches care no about fame and profits. this school should be like Cambridge locates at a place far from noise of city, lies in a beautiful quite countryside. when you face that, is my university.
第1个回答  2010-08-23
第2个回答  2010-08-23
第3个回答  2010-08-23