

My honey :
I am terrible sorry, I didn’t know why you are so touchy, in my eyes, I regard it as an interesting thing ,I
always do such things on my friends , and sometimes they do it on me ,my friends and I always thought it
我经常对朋友这样做, 他们有时也这样对我 ,
was a very exciting thing ,even though many people around us will think we are crazy and arrogant, it just
a joke ,you know, if you do it on me ,I wouldn’t change this words, it isn’t bring puzzle for me, I think we
这只是一个玩笑 如果你对我这样做,我也会这样说 ,它不会给我带来困扰
should lose face in the society, no one care, isn’t it?
我想我们应该在社会上丢脸 没人会在意 不是吗?
My honey, believe me I truly love you, sometimes I felt you are a child ,you always do your things on time
我的甜心,相信我真的爱你 有时我觉得你像个小孩 你总是准时的,认真的做好你的事情
and well-behaved. even though I always say some strange words, you never get angry to me , maybe I
have mental disorder……But the fact is, I am a homorous person, I like play jokes on the people I
我可能有些心里失常 但事实是这样 我是一个有情感的人 我喜欢对我爱的人开玩笑
loved,and you aren’t, so you don’t want to talk to me anymore, and then, I get angry and feel anxious
但你不会 所以你再也不想和我说和了 然后 我变得非常生气跟着急
and in the last, I say some words may hurt you. but my love, you know, I couldn’t change it easily, I am
所以最后,我说了些伤你心的话 但是我对你的爱 你知道的 不会轻易地改变
sincerely but I still strange ,I’m sorry……
Honey, can you forgive me? Today, you said, you hate me, I think it isn’t true, right? I believe you are
甜心,你能原谅我吗? 今天,你说你讨厌我 我想这不是真的 没错吧? 我相信你对我也是真心的
sincerely, too. That time I ask you help me mending my player but you didn’t come. It really broken, I am
我叫你帮我修理我的唱片机的时候你没来 它真的坏了
not sure whether you would come or not. But you agreed, you don’t know how happy I am, in that
我不知道你到底能不能来 但是你同意了 你不知道我有多高兴
evening, I didn’t sleep at all, I finished my weaving of your scarf. It was too ugly to give you and I’m not
那晚上我安全睡不了 我编好了你的围巾 太不好意思给你了所以我没有给
convinced .But at last, you said you couldn’t come , you said, I have already sent the message that we
但是,最后 你说你不会来 你说你已经发短信说了不要再见面
wouldn’t meet again, you said I just hoped you mend my player nothing more, you said you have no
你说我只不过希望你帮我修唱片机 你说你没时间
time, I sent a smile face to you ,but I cried in fact. I couldn’t believe how you became this hypocritical
我对着你微笑 但是实际上我哭了 我不敢相信你变得这么伪善
person, maybe that is the true face of you . I felt disappointed, I can’t describe how mixture my feeling is ,
那可能才是你的真面目吧 我太失望了 我不能描述我的心情又多复杂
and I thought I should put an end in our relationship. So I did that and I threw your ugly scarf into
我想我们的关系应该有个了断了 所以我那样做了,隔天早上把你的围巾丢尽垃圾桶
garbage can next morning, and told this to my friend, she said I must be crazy , and she said she will
而且对朋友说了这事 她说我肯定是疯了
introduce some handsome boys to me , and I agreed. When I come back to home , I still hate you and I
她还说会帮我介绍几个英俊的男孩 我同意了 当我回到家里 我依然觉得讨厌你
get know them , one of them would like teach me dancing and the other teach me driving .In that
evening ,I have nothing to do ,so I look over these messages between us in QQ ,It was a strange thing
那天晚上我没事做 所以我看我们俩QQ的聊天记录
and I recalled many delighted chatters between us, and I think I love you, I never fall in love with anyone
奇怪的是我想起了我们之间快乐的对话 我想我还爱着你 我从不爱上别人,除你之外
else, except you. yesterday night, I met one of my best friend in my middle school, she changed, she isn’t
昨天晚上 我在中学见到了我最要好的一个朋友 她变了
a good girl now, how can she play cards with others day by day at such an age ? I felt very stifled and
她现在不是一个好女孩 她这个年纪这么可以天天跟别人打牌
came back home quickly, I think I have lost the friend, I want to share my feeling with you but you didn’t
我觉得很郁闷然后迅速回家 我想我失去这个朋友了 我想跟你分享我的心情但是你没兴趣
show interest in it, so I did such foolish things……
That all I want to say, it’s the truly feelings I have towards you, my honey, I know your English isn’t very
这就是我想说的 这是我对你的真实感受 我的甜心 我知道你的英语不是很好
good but I must write it in English because I am shy, I don’t want you know it too cleanly, and there must
但是我必须用英语因为我害臊 我不想让你知道得太清楚
be many mistakes in my letter but I have no patience to correct it, that isn’t affect your reading, my
我的信里肯定又错误 但是我没耐心去改 这不会影响你的阅读
honey, can you understand me now? If you did, drop me a line as quickly as possible. I am waiting for
我的甜心 你现在能理解我吗 如果你能 尽快给我写封信 我等你
Yours. 你的
Little Pig. 小猪
第1个回答  2010-08-23
如果你想表达他的职业是卖东西的:He is a salesman.
如果你想表达他正在卖东西:He is selling things.
第2个回答  2010-08-23
He is selling goods.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2010-08-23
He is selling things.