

1. "let the cat out of the bag" 泄漏秘密
I won't let the cat out of the bag. I won't disclose the secret.
2. "in the market for" 想买,积极物色
People are always in the market for something new and different.
People are always on the lookout for something novel and unique.
3. "meddle in" 干涉,搅和
Harold must have a screw loose somewhere; he's acting really strangely.
Harold seems to have a loose screw; his behavior is really peculiar.
4. "screw loose脱线,神经不对头"
Bill must have a screw loose somewhere; he's acting really strangely.
Bill seems to have a loose screw; his behavior is really peculiar.
5. "sell someone on" 以...说服某人
She sold me on her idea. I think it will work.
She convinced me with her idea. I believe it will be successful.
1. "hang in there" 忍耐一下
Hang in there. Things will look up soon.
Stay strong. Improvement is on the horizon.
2. "hands-off" 无为而治
He takes a hands-off approach when it comes to raising his children.
He adopts a laissez-faire attitude towards parenting.
3. "gag me with a spoon" 我快吐了
Gag me with a spoon! Please don’t tell me such disgusting stories any more.
That's enough! Stop telling me these gross tales.
4. "get a move on" 赶快
Get a move on. You can’t park your car here.
Hurry up. Parking isn't allowed here.
5. "cook up" 想出
He cooked up a wonderful way to surprise his wife on her birthday.
He devised a fantastic surprise for his wife on her birthday.
1. "roll with the punches" 逆来顺受
You have to roll with the punches if you want to survive in this business.
To thrive in this industry, you need to learn to go with the flow.
2. "right off the bat" 立刻
I was all prepared to put up a fight, but he gave in right off the bat.
I was ready for a battle, but he surrendered immediately.
3. "get one’s feet wet" 参与,开始做
It’s not good to concentrate all your efforts on just writing. You should get your feet wet and trying painting or dancing.
It's beneficial to diversify your interests beyond writing; why not try painting or dancing?
4. "get after" 盯着,责备
Ann’s mother gets after her to hang up her clothes.
Ann's mother is always nagging her to organize her clothes.
5. "pan out" 成功,奏效
Unfortunately, the deal did not pan out. I lost a thousand dollars.
Regrettably, the deal didn't work out, and I ended up losing a thousand dollars.
1. "screw someone over" 欺负某人
After working in the office for ten years, Alice was fired for no apparent reason. How can they screw her over like that?
After a decade of service, Alice was summarily dismissed without cause. How could they mistreat her like that?
2. "down to the wire" 等到最后一刻才开始做事
Peter always waits until the last minute to do his work. I could never let it down to the wire like that.
Peter always leaves his tasks until the last moment. I could never procrastinate that much.
3. "buck" 抗拒
You can’t buck the system.
You can't defy the system.
4. "blockhead" 笨蛋
Arnold is a blockhead if I ever saw one.
Arnold is a real dunce, if I've ever seen one.
5. "blow the lid off" 揭发(丑闻)
That newspaper story blew the lid off the Senator’s illegal business deals.
The newspaper article exposed the Senator's illicit business transactions.
1. "round up" 集合
Round everybody up. It’s time for our business meeting.
Gather everyone. It's time for our business meeting.
2. "put someone up" 留宿某人
I can put you up for a couple of days. My apartment is big enough for two people.
I can accommodate you for a few days. My apartment is spacious enough for two.
3. "take care of business" 负责
You have to take care of business if you want to survive in this industry.
To thrive in this industry, you need to take charge of your responsibilities.
4. "take out on" 拿…出气
Don’t take your frustrations out on me.
Don't vent your frustrations on me.
5. "hot stuff" 大人物
He thinks he’s hot stuff. But everybody else thinks he’s a jerk.
He considers himself important, but others see him as a jerk.
1. "nitty-gritty" 细节,基本情况
Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. I want to hear what happens next.
Let's delve into the details. I'm eager to hear what happens next.
2. "no good" 很糟
This typewriter is no good. Every time I use it, the ribbon falls out.
This typewriter is awful. Every time I use it, the ribbon falls off.
3. "have someone’s number" 清楚某人的底细,看穿某人
She dare not do anything to me, I have her number.
She wouldn't dare cross me, as I've figured her out.
4. "hot number" 新鲜、迷人的人或事务,尤物
Tom thinks Sherry is a hot number.
Tom considers Sherry an attractive and alluring person.
5. "off the hook" 逃脱,溜掉,不受罚
I’ll let you off the hook this time, but don’t do that again.
I'll spare you this time, but don't repeat that behavior.
1. "hunky-dory" 没问题
Everything here is hunky-dory. Don’t worry.
Everything is fine and dandy here. There's no need to worry.
2. "I kid you not" 我不骗你
I kid you not. I saw this woman talking to her hand.
I'm not joking. I witnessed a woman talking to her hand.
3. "pop one’s cork" 大发脾气
It’s time to pop your cork and express your frustration.
It's time to lose your temper and vent your frustration.
4. "poke one’s nose into something" 多管闲事
Stop poking your nose into my business. It's none of your concern.
Cease meddling in my affairs. It's none of your business.
5. "pull a fast one" 欺骗
He tried to pull a fast one on us, but we caught on before he got away with it.
He attempted to deceive us, but we realized his scheme before he could succeed.
1. "kick around" 讨论;多考虑一下
Let’s kick around a few more proposals before we come to a final decision.
Let's discuss and consider a few more proposals before making a final decision.
2. "junkie" 吸毒者
The junkie stole money in order to buy more drugs.
The drug addict stole money to purchase additional drugs.
3. "put someone up" 留宿某人
I can put you up for a couple of days. My apartment is big enough for two people.
I can accommodate you for a few days. My apartment is spacious enough for two.
4. "take care of business" 负责
You have to take care of business if you want to survive in this industry.
To thrive in this industry, you need to take charge of your responsibilities.
5. "take out on" 拿…出气
Don’t take your frustrations out on me.
Don't vent