对于压力的看法 英语作文

1. 有些人害怕压力2. 有些人认为压力不是坏事。
3. 我的看法。


Stress is a very magical thing. It can not only encourage a person to move forward, but also crush a person. Some people are afraid of pressure, which may be innate fear, or their ability to bear it is not strong enough.

Some people think that pressure can make themselves better, because she knows how to turn pressure into motivation. I think appropriate pressure can make a person better and stronger. When there is pressure, you need to learn to release pressure. That's my point.



第1个回答  2010-08-15
There are so many people under the unbearably high pressure in China. Heavy work demands and intense competition pile enormous pressure on the individuals who desperately try to pursue a more well-paid salary and push for a higher position. For students, exam pressure makes them overburdened and overwhelmed. Stress is a personalized phenomenon but confronts everyone at different degrees. This phenomenon divides people. Some have a depressing and gloomy attitude toward the physical and mental strain. So stress is always blamed for someone's mental disorder, violence and even suicide. In contrast to their negatively reacting to stress, others may face up to the mounting pressure and keep a excellent mood. How to properly and effectively cope with the huge pressure? First, people under the tremendous pressure can select a proper way to relax, such as pampering themselves with a long hot bath and immersing themselves in the favorite CD. Repetitive tasks and no break will propel people to pay a hefty health price. Second, the over-high expectations leading to the strong strain must be lowered. Third, a chat with close friends is a favorably good way. Talking to them will alleviate enormous pressure.
第2个回答  2010-08-03
the pressure
today,many people are under to much pressure.some of them are afraid of them.some think taht it is bad.
in my opinion,pressure is an impotant part of our life. we have to face it.so,we must learn how ot change the pressure into challenges.
