
《战争》 辛献云 编译 焦铮摘自《新东方英语》

俺找了大半天 让我给找到了 英文版:

The passengers who had left Rome by the night express had had to stop until dawn at the small station of Fabriano in order to continue their journey by the small old-fashioned local joining the main line with Sulmona.

At dawn, in a stuffy and smoky second-class carriage in which five people had already spent the night, a bulky woman in deep mourning was hosted in—almost like a shapeless bundle. Behind her—puffing and moaning, followed her husband—a tiny man; thin and weakly, his face death-white, his eyes small and bright and looking shy and uneasy.

Having at last taken a seat he politely thanked the passengers who had helped his wife and who had made room for her; then he turned round to the woman trying to pull down the collar of her coat and politely inquired:

"Are you all right, dear?"

The wife, instead of answering, pulled up her collar again to her eyes, so as to hide her face.

"Nasty world," muttered the husband with a sad smile.

And he felt it his duty to explain to his traveling companions that the poor woman was to be pitied for the war was taking away from her her only son, a boy of twenty to whom both had devoted their entire life, even breaking up their home at Sulmona to follow him to Rome, where he had to go as a student, then allowing him to volunteer for war with an assurance, however, that at least six months he would not be sent to the front and now, all of a sudden, receiving a wire saying that he was due to leave in three days' time and asking them to go and see him off.

The woman under the big coat was twisting and wriggling, at times growling like a wild animal, feeling certain that all those explanations would not have aroused even a shadow of sympathy from those people who—most likely—were in the same plight as herself. One of them, who had been listening with particular attention, said:

"You should thank God that your son is only leaving now for the front. Mine has been sent there the first day of the war. He has already come back twice wounded and been sent back again to the front."

"What about me? I have two sons and three nephews at the front," said another passenger.

"Maybe, but in our case it is our only son," ventured the husband.

"What difference can it make? You may spoil your only son by excessive attentions, but you cannot love him more than you would all your other children if you had any. Parental love is not like bread that can be broken to pieces and split amongst the children in equal shares. A father gives all his love to each one of his children without discrimination, whether it be one or ten, and if I am suffering now for my two sons, I am not suffering half for each of them but double..."

"True...true..." sighed the embarrassed husband, "but suppose (of course we all hope it will never be your case) a father has two sons at the front and he loses one of them, there is still one left to console him...while..."

"Yes," answered the other, getting cross, "a son left to console him but also a son left for whom he must survive, while in the case of the father of an only son if the son dies the father can die too and put an end to his distress. Which of the two positions is worse? Don't you see how my case would be worse than yours?"

"Nonsense," interrupted another traveler, a fat, red-faced man with bloodshot eyes of the palest gray.

He was panting. From his bulging eyes seemed to spurt inner violence of an uncontrolled vitality which his weakened body could hardly contain.

"Nonsense, "he repeated, trying to cover his mouth with his hand so as to hide the two missing front teeth. "Nonsense. Do we give life to our own children for our own benefit?"

The other travelers stared at him in distress. The one who had had his son at the front since the first day of the war sighed: "You are right. Our children do not belong to us, they belong to the country..."

"Bosh," retorted the fat traveler. "Do we think of the country when we give life to our children? Our sons are born because...well, because they must be born and when they come to life they take our own life with them. This is the truth. We belong to them but they never belong to us. And when they reach twenty they are exactly what we were at their age. We too had a father and mother, but there were so many other things as well...girls, cigarettes, illusions, new ties...and the Country, of course, whose call we would have answered—when we were twenty—even if father and mother had said no. Now, at our age, the love of our Country is still great, of course, but stronger than it is the love of our children. Is there any one of us here who wouldn't gladly take his son's place at the front if he could?"

There was a silence all round, everybody nodding as to approve.

"Why then," continued the fat man, "should we consider the feelings of our children when they are twenty? Isn't it natural that at their age they should consider the love for their Country (I am speaking of decent boys, of course) even greater than the love for us? Isn't it natural that it should be so, as after all they must look upon us as upon old boys who cannot move any more and must sit at home? If Country is a natural necessity like bread of which each of us must eat in order not to die of hunger, somebody must go to defend it. And our sons go, when they are twenty, and they don't want tears, because if they die, they die inflamed and happy (I am speaking, of course, of decent boys). Now, if one dies young and happy, without having the ugly sides of life, the boredom of it, the pettiness, the bitterness of disillusion...what more can we ask for him? Everyone should stop crying; everyone should laugh, as I do...or at least thank God—as I do—because my son, before dying, sent me a message saying that he was dying satisfied at having ended his life in the best way he could have wished. That is why, as you see, I do not even wear mourning..."

He shook his light fawn coat as to show it; his livid lip over his missing teeth was trembling, his eyes were watery and motionless, and soon after he ended with a shrill laugh which might well have been a sob.

"Quite so...quite so..." agreed the others.

The woman who, bundled in a corner under her coat, had been sitting and listening had—for the last three months—tried to find in the words of her husband and her friends something to console her in her deep sorrow, something that might show her how a mother should resign herself to send her son not even to death but to a probable danger of life. Yet not a word had she found amongst the many that had been said...and her grief had been greater in seeing that nobody—as she thought—could share her feelings.

But now the words of the traveler amazed and almost stunned her. She suddenly realized that it wasn't the others who were wrong and could not understand her but herself who could not rise up to the same height of those fathers and mothers willing to resign themselves, without crying, not only to the departure of their sons but even to their death.

She lifted her head, she bent over from her corner trying to listen with great attention to the details which the fat man was giving to his companions about the way his son had fallen as a hero, for his King and his Country, happy and without regrets. It seemed to her that she had stumbled into a world she had never dreamt of, a world so far unknown to her, and she was so pleased to hear everyone joining in congratulating that brave father who could so stoically speak of his child's death.

Then suddenly, just as if she had heard nothing of what had been said and almost as if waking up from a dream, she turned to the old man, asking him:

"Then...is your son really dead?"

Everyone stared at her. The old man, too, turned to look at her, fixing his great, bulging, horribly watery light gray eyes, deep in her face. For some time he tried to answer, but words failed him. He looked and looked at her, almost as if only then—at that silly, incongruous question—he had suddenly realized at last that his son was really dead—gone for ever—for ever. His face contracted, became horribly distorted, then he snatched in haste a handkerchief from his pocket and, to the amazement of everyone, broke into harrowing, heart-breaking, uncontrollable sobs.













“真正的真实... ...”尴尬的丈夫叹了口气,“但假设我们当然都希望它永远不会成为你的情况下)的父亲在前线有两个儿子和他失去了其中一个(左侧还有一个安慰他的同时.. ... “。




“胡说,”他重复,试图掩盖他与他的手口,以隐藏两名失踪门牙。 “胡说。难道我们给我们的生活,以自己的利益为我们自己的孩子?”


“波什,”反驳脂肪的旅客。 “难道我们认为该国的生命时,我们给我们的孩子?我们的儿子出生,因为...好,因为他们必须在出生时他们的生活,他们来参加我们与他们自己的生命。这是事实。我们属于他们,但他们从来没有属于我们。当他们达到20他们正是我们在他们的年龄。我们也有一个父亲和母亲,但也有许多其它的事情,以及...女孩,香烟,幻想,新的关系...和这个国家,当然,我们的通话将回答,当我们在20 -即使父亲和母亲说没有。现在,在我们这个时代,我们的国家仍然是伟大的爱,对当然,但强于它是我们的孩子的爱。是否有任何我们在这里谁也不会乐意参与他的儿子在前面的位置,如果他有可能会有?“


“为什么那么,”胖子继续说,“我们应该考虑孩子的感受时,20?这不是很自然的,在他们的年龄,他们应该考虑为他们的国家(我体面男孩,爱说话的课程)更大的比对我们的爱吗?这不是很自然that是应该的,他们must all as后看不起我们作为老男孩后,谁能够动弹不得,并在一定坐在家?如果Country是一个自然的必要性像面包,我们大家每个人都必须吃,以免死于饥饿,有人必须去捍卫它。而我们的儿子去,当他们20,他们不想流泪,因为如果他们死了,他们死红肿快乐的(我说,当然,体面男孩)。现在,如果一死年轻,快乐,而不必生命的丑恶方面,资讯科技无聊的鸡毛蒜皮的小事,在幻想破灭的痛苦...还有什么可以我们问他呢?每个人都应该停止了哭泣,每个人都应该笑,因为我做...或者至少感谢上帝,我做,因为我的儿子在去世之前,给我一个信息说,他是死在已经结束表示满意他在他的最好方式可能希望的生活。这就是为什么,你看,我什至不戴孝...“








第1个回答  2017-10-13

1 旅客们不得不在一个小站停留,准备换乘老式小火车继续他们的旅程。

2 天亮时,一个深陷哀恸的大块头女人被架了进来——差不多像一捆没形的包袱卷。 跟在她身后,喘着粗气呻吟着的,是她的丈夫——一个小个子男人,又瘦又弱,表情羞怯不安。

3 终于落了座,他彬彬有礼地感谢帮助他妻子、给她腾地儿的乘客。 他妻子又扯起衣领,盖上眼睛,把脸遮住。

4 他觉得有义务向旅伴们解释:战争就要夺走她的独生子,一个二十岁的小伙子,他们两口子把一辈子的心血都花在他身上,甚至允许他自愿参战;现在突然接到电报,说他三天之后就要开拔,要他们去为他送行。

5 裹在大衣下面的女人确信这些解释全然不会引起这些人哪怕一丁点儿的同情——他们极有可能像她自己一样处在同样的痛苦当中。 他们当中有人说:

6 “我呢?我有两个儿子和三个侄子在前线呢。”

7 “也许,可我们的情况是,那是我们唯一的儿子,”那位丈夫壮起胆子说。

8 “那又有什么不同呢?你可能会因为过度关心把你的独生子惯坏,可是如果你有别的孩子,你也不可能爱他胜过爱其他孩子。父母之爱不像面包,可以掰开,平均分给孩子们。如果说现在我正在为我的两个儿子受煎熬的话,我不是在为他们每人受一半的苦,而是加倍受苦……”

9 “是啊……是啊……”那位丈夫尴尬地叹息道,“可是如果一个父亲有两个儿子在前线,他失去其中的一个,还剩一个可以安慰他……而……”

10 “对呀,”对方回答说,“剩下一个儿子安慰他,他也要为这个儿子活下去,而独生子父亲的情况是,如果儿子死了,父亲也可以一死了却痛苦。”

11 “胡说,”另一位旅客插话说。这是个肥胖、红脸的男人,眼睛里布满血丝。

12 他气喘吁吁的。 一股无法控制的活力在内心激烈震荡,似乎要从他那鼓凸的双眼里迸发出来,他衰弱的身体几乎控制不了他的情绪。

13 “我们赋予孩子生命难道就是为了自己得到好处吗?”

14 其他旅客都悲伤地盯着他。 其中一位说:“你是对的。我们的孩子不属于我们,他们属于国家……”

15 “胡扯,”胖旅客反驳说。 “我们给孩子生命的时候想到国家了吗?我们的儿子出生是因为……呃,因为他们必须出生。现在,在我们这个岁数,当然,对国家的爱依然强烈,但对我们孩子的爱更强烈。”

16 周围一片沉默,人人都点头赞同。

17 “那么,”胖男人继续说道,“我们为什么不应该考虑孩子们的感情呢?在他们这个年纪,他们理应认为对国家的爱大于对我们的爱,这不是很自然吗?人人都应当停止哭泣;人人都应当大笑……或者至少感谢上帝——像我一样——因为我儿子寄给我一封信,说他就要死了,并为能以自己所希望的最佳方式结束生命而感到满足。这就是为什么我甚至都没有穿丧服……”

18 他抖抖他那浅黄褐色大衣,好像是在展示它;他豁牙上铁青的嘴唇在颤抖;他的双眼湿润、目光呆滞;很快他尖声大笑了一下——也可能是一声抽泣,算是说完了。

19 “的确如此……的确如此……”其他人表示同意。

20 那个女人一直试图从她丈夫和朋友的话里找些什么来安慰深陷忧伤的自己,以明白一个母亲应该怎样听天由命,她并不是送儿子去死,而是送他去一个极可能有生命危险的地方。

21 然而她在人们所说的许多话里并未找到一句安慰的话。眼看没有人可以与她分忧,她就愈发痛苦了。

22 可是现在,那旅客的话让她吃惊,几乎让她震惊。 她忽然意识到,不是别人不理解她,而是她自己不能达到那些父母的高度;他们没有哭泣,而是听天由命,不仅接受儿子的离去,甚至还接受儿子的死。

23 她从角落里欠起身来,想仔细听清楚。那个胖男人正在给旅伴们讲述他儿子如何为国王和国家战死而成为英雄,幸福且没有遗憾。 她觉得自己跌跌撞撞走进了一个从未梦见过的世界里。

24 然后突然,就好像她根本没听见别人说的话,仿佛刚从睡梦中醒来,她转向那位老人,问道:

25 “那么……你儿子真的死了吗?”

26 人人都盯着她看。 那位老人也转过脸来看她,他那大大的、鼓凸的、湿润得可怕的浅灰色眼睛深深凝视着她的脸。 有一阵子他试图回答,却说不出话来。 他终于忽然意识到他的儿子真的死了——永远走了——永远。 他的脸抽搐起来,扭曲得吓人,然后令所有人都吃惊的是,他匆忙从衣袋里掏出手帕,爆发出令人心碎的、悲痛欲绝的、抑制不住的抽泣。