read after me是什么意思


read after me的意思是:跟我读;跟我念

after 读法 英 ['ɑːftə]  美 ['æftɚ] 

1、作副词的意思是: 后来,以后

2、作介词的意思是: 在……之后




1、after all 毕竟;终究

2、go after 追求,追逐

3、ever after 从此以后一直

4、after hours adv. 下班;工作完毕后


All you gotta do is listen, imitate and read after me. 




1、after, in, since这三个介词都可指示时间关系,表示“在…之后”。其区别是:

after可表示从过去时间算起的一段时间之后,往往与过去时态连用(若接表示时间点的词,也可与将来时态连用); in则表示从现在时间算起推移到将来的一段时间之后,一般与将来时态连用; since所表示的时间往往是从过去某一点时间一直延续到说话的时间,因而一般与完成时态连用。

2、表达“某事件的若干时间以后”时,应是“若干时间after事件”,而不是“after若干时间of事件”。可说two hours after his arrival,不可说after two hours of his arrival。

3、在“two hours after his arrival”前加不同的介词,有不同的意思:“two hours after his arrival”单用时指“他到达两小时以后”。

若前面加the,如the two hours after his arrival指“他到达以后的两小时”,加for指“在他到达以后的两小时全段时间里”,加in 跟没有in意思相同,加within指“在他到达以后的两小时中的某时刻”;

第1个回答  推荐于2017-09-19
read after me
read after[英][ri:d ˈɑ:ftə][美][rid ˈæftɚ]

Some customers stayed to read after their haircut, and martinez had to repurchase the books customers just couldn't give them up.

Sitting in his french-style living room, goldblatt was unable to recall which story it was, however the story struck him as one of the first really authentic chinese stories he'd read after the country's disastrous cultural revolution.
第2个回答  2019-09-09
Read after me. 的中文意思是跟我读
第3个回答  2015-06-01
read after me
第4个回答  2015-06-01
Please read after me

The way to find an unknown addend from one addend and the sum is called subtraction. This is the essence of subtraction. Please read after me.归纳减法的意义:已知两个加数的和与其中的一个加数,求另一个加数的运算,叫做减法。(让学生读读。)
Please read after me.请跟我读。
Please look at the blackboard and read after me.请看黑板,跟我读。
Now, here are other sentences. Please read after me , pay attention to the structure "be+P.P."教师再举几个例子
4. The way to find an unknown addend from one addend and the sum is called subtraction. This is the essence of subtraction. Please read after me.归纳减法的意义:已知两个加数的和与其中的一个加数,求另一个加数的运算,叫做减法。(让学生读读。)收藏指正
Please read after me. S-h-a-p-e, shape.(学生边拼读边用手指书空。)
This is the Associative Property of Multiplication. Read after me, please.这就是乘法结合律,请跟着老师读。
Read after me sentence by sentence.一句一句跟我读。
Very good! Now please read after me. I like kangaroo.我喜欢孔雀。
Follow the song whorls. Do the actions and read after me.跟我读歌词并跟我做。
I'll read it alone first, and then you read after me.先由我一个人读,然后你们跟我读。
Let's say the chant one sentence by one sentence, OK? You are the first, please read the first sentence after me.一排幼儿中,第一个幼儿说歌谣的第一句,第二个幼儿说第二句,以此类推,幼儿一个接一个的传下去,顾及全体幼儿。
T: I’ ll play the tape again. Please read after it and try to imitate the speaker’ s pronunciation and intonation.教师再次播放录音带,并逐句要求学生跟著念,尽量模仿外国人的发音及语调。
Read after me, please.请跟我读。
I read and explain all these. Then I read one word or expression. You read after me.我把所有这些朗读和解释一下,然后我读一个单词或短语,你们跟着我读。
Who's left on the board? It's our last friend. Its name is MOUTH. Read after me “Mouth”.磁力板上最后剩下3张“嘴”的图卡,教师说:“啊!原来还有一位朋友没有认识,他是谁啊?”介绍新朋友“mouth”.
Please repeat the following sentence after me.请跟我朗读下面这句子。
Please read aloud so that I can hear you.请大声朗读,好让我能听到。
Please read Paul and me that story.请把那个故事读给我和保罗听。