
As we have some big problems in implantation and management for fish department.We invite your sales manager (Joen Xie)to come to our store for the staff trainning,if it's possible and convenient,can you send a schedule for me?And we will pay all the costs of transportation .Thank you for your support.
想麻烦大家帮我看下这段英文有什么问题,有语法错误吗 ?

Currently we're facing some issues in fish farming.
(要是楼主想表达的意思是“鱼类养殖",特别是规模大的鱼类养殖,适合的词是”fish farming”。如果是私人性质如因为兴趣而进行的养鱼活动,那是“fish breeding”。)

Thus, we would like to invite your sales manager, Ms Joen Xie(我假定是Ms啦,要是他是GG的话就改成Mr吧)to come to our premise and conduct training of our professional fish farming technical staff accordingly.

We will bear all transportation costs for this training arrangement.

Please send me the training schedule and training documents at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your support.

第1个回答  2010-08-31

首先,是send sth to sb而不是for;其次,你想要表达交通费用,最好用transportation fees而不是cost of transportation

第2个回答  2010-08-30
第3个回答  2010-08-30

第4个回答  2010-08-30
第一句结尾应该用逗号,还有if it's possible and convenient前应该用句号。再者if it's convenient就可以了,你这样写是中式英语。最好把这句话放到can you send a schedule for me后面,符合英语思维习惯。can you send a schedule for me,这个改成can you send me a schedule?
And we will pay all the costs of transportation,改为of course,...句首就用and太口语,或者直接去掉and。
第5个回答  2010-08-31
As we have some big problems in implantation and management in the fish department,we would like to invite your sales manager,Mr.Joen Xie,to come to our store for the staff trainning.因为as在此当作连接词使用,其后必须产生一个主要的句子。因此we必须改为小写。If it's possible and convenient,can you send a schedule to me? 至於send物件to 某人则是固定用法。And we will pay all the costs of transportation. Thank you for your support.此句OK。