




3、乘骑:riding也可以表示乘骑其他动物,如riding a bike表示“骑自行车”。

4、行使:在某些表述中,riding也有“执行、行使”等含义,如“riding high”表示“兴高采烈”。


1、Riding a bike is a great way to exercise and explore the outdoors. 骑自行车是锻炼身体和探索户外的好方式。

2、The young girl had a passion for horse riding and spent every weekend at the stables. 这个年轻女孩热爱骑马,每个周末都在马厩里度过。

3、The politician lost his parliamentary riding in the last election, but is planning to run again in the next one. 政治家在上次选举中失去了他的选区,但计划在下次选举中再次竞选。

4、Riding the motorcycle was exhilarating, despite the wind hitting me in the face. 骑摩托车是令人兴奋的,尽管风吹得我满脸风。

5、Sarah went horse riding in the mountains last weekend and saw some amazing scenery. 上周末,萨拉在山中骑马,看到了一些美丽的风景。

6、The riding school offers lessons in both English and Western riding styles. 马术学校提供英式和西式两种骑术风格的课程。

7、As a young boy, he loved riding his bike around the neighborhood and exploring new places.小时候,他喜欢在附近骑自行车,探索新地方。

8、The politician was confident that he would win his riding back in the upcoming election. 这位政治家相信自己将在即将到来的选举中赢回他的选区。

9、For her birthday present, Janine’s parents surprised her with a horse riding lesson at the local stables. 为庆祝她的生日,雅妮的父母给了她一个在当地马厩里学习骑马的礼物。

10、In some parts of the world, camel riding is a popular tourist attraction. 在世界的某些地区,骑骆驼是一个受欢迎的旅游活动。
