用there be描述校园的英语作文60词

你的校园漂亮吗你喜欢他吗你的学校里有哪些建筑物请写一篇六十词左右的短文向大家介绍一下自己的校园要求使用there be句型及方位介词和词组

I have a very beautiful school,it is called xxx.There are a lot of trees in our school.The trees give us many fresh air to make ourselves healthy.They are in the south of the school.And there athrown new buildings and an old building in the east of the school.Two of them are white and pink it looks very beautiful.And we have a big playground.there are many sports things in it such as Xxx xxx xxx.there is a shop next to our school.And there is are supermarket across from our school.
第1个回答  2014-10-13
here is a beautiful school called ***.There are 200 people in my school.There are many good teacher in the school.We learn and help each other.There are lots of grass and flowers on two side of our school street.There are also many big buildings standing in my school.We study in our school every day and we all love it very much.本回答被网友采纳