

Linkin Park——世界上最优秀的现场表演摇滚团体之一,是一组来自加利福尼亚州洛杉矶的歌唱组合兼流行摇滚乐团,由六个热爱音乐、健康阳光的年轻男孩组成,也被认为是新金属中最成功的乐团, 【主唱】麦克·信田 (Mike Shinoda)(监管吉他、键盘、采样) 【主唱】查斯特·本宁顿 (Chester Bennington) 【鼓手】罗伯·巴登 (Rob Bourdon) 【采样】约瑟夫·韩 (Joseph Hahn) 【吉他手】布莱德·德尔森 (Brad Delson) 【贝斯手】大卫·菲尼克斯·法雷尔 (David Phoenix Farrell) LINKIN PARK的歌不像WESTLIFE这无聊的组合一样总是唱唱爱情歌LP的歌所包含的还有对生活的态度 和自己对理想的追求NUMB这首歌在我看来是对生活的描述 以及现在人们的情感 对生活麻木的态度这只是我个人见解以下是歌词翻译I'm tired of being what you want me to be 像你希望的那样生活我感到厌倦 Feeling so faithless lost under the surface 在外表的伪装下我已丢失自我、丧失信念 Don't know what you're expecting of me 猜不透你到底期望我怎样 Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes带着你的镣铐步履蹒跚、压力重重 (Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow)(被困在深渊,只是被困在深渊) Every step I take is another mistake to you 我走的每一步,对你来说都是一个错误 (Caught in the undertow, just caught in the undertow) (被困在深渊,只是被困在深渊) I've become so numb I can't feel you there 我变得如此麻木,感觉不到你的存在 I've become so tired so much more aware 我变得如此厌倦,也更加清醒 I've becoming this,All I want to do 我已变成这样:我想做的只是 Is be more like me and be less like you 回归真实自我,而不是做你的影子 Can't you see that you're smothering me 难道你没有看到你正在使我窒息 Holding too tightly afraid to lose control 抓的太紧只怕失去控制 Cause everything that you thought I would be 以致你想要的那个我 Has fallen apart right in front of you 都彻底在你面前崩溃 (Caught in the undertone just caught in the undertone) Every step that I take is another mistake to you我走的每一步,对你来说都是另一个错误 (Caught in the undertone just caught in the undertone) And every second I waste is more than I can take 我浪费的时间远多过我能够利用的 I've become so numb I can't feel you there 我变得如此麻木,感觉不到你的存在 I've become so tired so much more aware 我变得如此厌倦,也更加清醒 I've becoming this,All I want to do 我已变成这样:我想做的只是 Is be more like me and be less like you 回归真实自我,而不是做你的影子 And I know 我知道 I may end up failing too 我或许将以失败告终 But I know 但我也知道 You were just like me with someone disappointed in you 有人同样对你感到失望,正如你对我一样 I've become so numb I can't feel you there 我变得如此麻木,感觉不到你的存在 I've become so tired so much more aware 我变得如此厌倦,也更加清醒 I've becoming this,All I want to do 我已变成这样:我想做的只是 Is be more like me and be less like you 回归真实自我,而不是做你的影子 I've become so numb I can't feel you there 我变得如此麻木,感觉不到你的存在 I've become so tired so much more aware 我变得如此厌倦,也更加清醒 I've becoming this,All I want to do 我已变成这样:我想做的只是 Is be more like me and be less like you 回归真实自我,而不是做你的影子
