

Here are some English riddles about animals, revised for clarity and grammatical correctness. Each riddle is presented as a separate paragraph, numbered for easy reference.
1. What animal wears big black glasses on its face?
Answer: Panda
2. A cat, eyes like a cat, a tail like a cat, but isn't a cat?
Answer: Tiger
3. I look like a horse, but my body is covered by black and white stripes.
Answer: Zebra
4. I can run very quickly. I have antlers on my head.
Answer: Deer
5. I look like a dog, but people and animals are all afraid of me because I like eating them.
Answer: Wolf
6. I am not a fish, but I look like a large fish and live in the sea. I am a warm-blooded mammal.
Answer: Dolphin
7. I am an animal kept by farmers to produce milk.
Answer: Cow
8. I am known for my cleverness and cunning.
Answer: Fox
9. I have a very long neck and legs. I can eat the leaves on top of the tree.
Answer: Giraffe
10. It lives in the forest. It likes to eat insects. It's very small. It has short legs. It can fly. It's white. It's very cute.
Answer: Bird
Additional riddles and word puzzles are provided for further entertainment:
- Sandwich: A three-dimensional object; a humorous play on words.
- Windows: A pun on the word "windows" and the phrase "蚊都死" (literally "mosquitoes die").
- Capitol: A play on the word "capitol" and the similarity to the phrase "开批斗" (literally "openly criticize").
- Learn: A play on the word "learn" and the phrase "冷" (literally "cold").
These riddles demonstrate the creative use of language and the playful integration of English and Chinese.