at this moment和at the moment有什么区别?


首先我们来看下at the moment和at this moment的大致意思:

at the moment:词性为短语,at the moment是一个固定搭配短语,表示某一特定的时刻或此刻正在发生的事情。

at this moment:词性为短语,at this moment也是一个固定搭配短语,含义与at the moment相同,表示此刻正在发生的事情。

通过下面的表格我们了解下at the moment和at this moment的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下at the moment和at this moment的用法区别:

1.语法结构:at the moment是介词短语,后面可接一个名词或动名词作宾语。例如:She is busy at the moment.(此刻她很忙。)
at this moment是一个名词短语,后面不能直接接宾语。例如:I'm not available to talk at this moment.(此刻我没空说话。)


- She is busy at the moment.


- I'm not available to talk at this moment.


2.时间范围:at the moment指的是具体的某一时刻,可以是过去、现在或将来的某个时刻。例如:At the moment, I am studying for my exam.(此刻,我正在为考试复习。)
at this moment强调的是说话时刻,表示当前的现在。例如:I am feeling great at this moment.(此刻我感觉很好。)


- At the moment, I am studying for my exam.


- I am feeling great at this moment.


3.语气:at the moment相对较正式,用于正式场合或书面语。at this moment则更口语化,常用于日常对话中。


- He is in a meeting at the moment.


- I am really tired at this moment.


4.语境:at the moment通常用来描述短暂的、正在进行的动作或状态。at this moment则可以描述更长时间的状态或情况。


- Please wait, I am busy at the moment.


- I feel very happy at this moment.


5.强调度:at the moment的语气较为中性,不强调当前的现在。at this moment则强调当前的现在,语气更加强烈。


- He is observing the stars at the moment.


- I am really angry at this moment.


6.使用习惯:at the moment是英式英语中更常用的表达方式,而at this moment则在美式英语中更常见。


- He is thinking about the problem at the moment.


- I feel very nervous at this moment.

