

Today, I read Chekhov's short story titled " wanka". Speaking of Russia in the 19th century, a nine-year-old boy wanka was an orphan, and his grandfather couldn't support him, so he was sent to shoemaker Ali yaxin to learn craftsmanship. One day, when the owner and the teachers went to the morning prayer, he took out ink and wrote a letter to grandpa with a rusty dip pen. he asked him to take himself home. in the letter, he described his misfortune: he was constantly beaten, didn't eat well, didn't sleep well, nobody talked with him, and guys bullied him, not even dogs. How much he missed the happy time with grandpa before, remembered the male dog " loach" bitch " Kashtan card", and remembered the kind lady who taught him how to learn. How he wanted to go hunting in the wild in winter with grandpa. When wanka wrote, he looked out of the window from time to time to see if his owner came back. he was afraid that his owner would hit him again when he saw him write, and he wrote on the envelope the rural grandfather received it. At last, he put the letter in the mailbox, and he was intoxicated with sweet fantasies, but grandpa would never receive it, and he had to endure such pain.
In this novel, Chekhov depicts the tragic fate of a poor orphan with vivid statements. When I read that he looked back at several doors and windows with trepidation, squinting at the gloomy image, with rows of shelves extending on both sides of the image, with shoe lasts on the shelves, and then he sighed intermittently. I can't help but feel eerie and worried about wanka. When I read that grandpa always takes his grandson with him every time he goes to the forest to cut down the Christmas tree for his master's family. That was a happy time! Grandpa made a triumphant ha ha sound, even in cold weather, looking at grandpa and the scenery in severe winter, and wanka made a triumphant ha ha sound ... the little fir tree wrapped in severe frost stood quietly, waiting for: who among them died first? I don't know where a rabbit is coming from, and it flies by like a snow arrow … grandpa can't help shouting, " grab it, grab it … grab it! Ah, short tail ghost! I'm really happy for wanka at that time. Can feel how happy wanka was then. Look at wanka now, and I feel more sympathy for him.
After reading this novel, I felt: the same nine-year-old child, how different life is, the difference between them is like heaven and hell, I, at home, I have parents, they bring me warmth, at school, I have classmates and teachers, and they bring me joy. Eat well, wear well. Use a good pen. And wanka? His parents died, only grandpa, who couldn't go to school, didn't have enough to eat and wear warm, worked in other people's homes and was beaten, and only rusty pens could be used to write letters. What a pity! We should cherish the wonderful time now.今天,我读了契柯夫短篇小说,题目叫《万卡》。讲的是十九世纪的俄国,一个九岁的小男孩万卡,他是个孤儿,爷爷无法养活他,把他送到鞋匠阿里亚欣那儿学手艺。一天,等东家和师傅们去晨祷了,他就拿出墨水,笔尖生锈的蘸水笔给爷爷写信,求他把自己带回家去,在信中,他描绘了自己的不幸:不停的挨打,吃不好,睡不好,没人陪他说话,伙计们也欺侮他,连条狗都不如。他是多么怀念以前和爷爷在一起的欢乐时光,想起了公狗“泥鳅”母狗“卡什坦卡”,想起了教他学习的那位好心小姐;他是多么想再和爷爷一起去冬天的野外打猎。万卡写信的时候,时不时地往窗外看,看看东家回来没有,害怕东家看见他写信又要打他,他在信封上面写上了乡下爷爷收。最后,他把信放进了邮筒,他陶醉于甜蜜的幻想之中,但是,爷爷永远也无法收到,他还得忍受这样的痛苦。
第1个回答  2018-05-10
凡卡出现在读者眼前,是在写信,他在“自己面前铺平一张揉皱的白纸。”(原文:разложив перед собой измятый лист бумаги)这张纸,给读者心里造成许多悬念。因为这张纸,或许是老板,或许是其他什么人丢弃不用而被凡卡偷偷捡起来的。凡卡“把那张纸铺在一张凳子上,他自己就跪在凳子前头(он достал из хозяйского шкапа пузырѐк с чернилами, ручку с заржавленным пером)”写起信来。“铺平一张揉皱的纸”、“跪在凳子前头”的细节动作,充分说明了地位卑微的凡卡连写一封信都要提心吊胆,战战兢兢,不敢越雷池一步的艰难处境。那么,雇主是如何对待凡卡的呢,“老板随手捞起什么就用什么打我(хозяин бьѐт чем попадя)”,“老板娘叫我把一条绊鱼收拾干净,我就从尾巴上弄起。她捞起那条鲜鱼,拿鱼头直戳到我的脸上来。(я начал с хвоста, а она взяла селѐдку и ейной мордой начала меня в харю тыкать)”“随手捞起(взяла )”、“直戳(тыкать)”等动词,形象地说明了老板的暴虐成性以及老板娘的凶残狠毒,令读者替凡卡的处境担心。
在描写爷爷时,作家换了一种活泼的笔调,“那是个瘦小的,然而非常矫健灵活的小老头,老是带着笑脸,眯着醉眼(Это маленький, тощенький, но необыкновенно юркий и подвижной старикашка лет 65)。”两个形容词和两个动词,一个快活的小老头的形象就跃然纸上。