



ü 自我介绍

1. 英语专业

2. 领事馆

3. 新东方

ü 课程安排

1. 概述和书信

2. 书信和对立观点题

3. 对立观点和单一观点题

4. 单一观点和图表

5. 图表,改错和完型

ü 课程要求

1. 预读——范文,模板,泛读

2. 复读——例文,笔记

3. 实践——押题

ü 评分原则——内容与结构

ü 总体评分

1. 找:idea

2. 扫:从,写作方法

3. 感:文字,文法,文体,文笔


1. 作文格式

2. 拼写

3. 搭配

4. 三“一致”

ü 印象分——加分点/闪光点


1. 提问法

2. 总结法

3. “一些人认为”

4. 从句:宾语从句、定语从句

5. 并列句

6. 理由词汇

7. 理由段公式

8. 路线句型

9. 数据的表达

10. 结语


? 信件类型:


? 主考类型:


? 未考类型:


? 特殊要求主要体现在以下两个方面:



? 下面归纳五大信函写作策略:

1. 求职信





2. 投诉信

开头段: 说明与收信人的相关性,点明你写作的意图(人物、关系)。

主体段: 写明投诉的原因,要展开说明,或者讲具体理由,或者谈问题的具体体现方式(事情)。


3. 订购信

开头段: 开篇点出写信的目的,定购你要的东西(事情)。

主体段: 详细说明你订购货物的规格、大小、颜色、尺寸等(时间、地点)。


4. 咨询信

开头段: 明确写信的目的,说明写这封信的目的是寻求某信息或帮助(事情)。



? 写作建议:




? 例文1

Dear Sir / Madam, To Whom It May Concern … Yours faithfully

Dear Mr. / Ms / Mrs. / Miss(全名/名), …. Yours sincerely / truly

Dear Tom, … (With) Best wishes, Yours …

Tommy, … Yours (ever) …

Hai, … Love


1. 问候型Long time no see.

2. I haven’t written to you for ages because I’ve been so busy over the last year and I never seem to have a minute to myself.

3. Long distance separates no bosom friends.

4. Though we have never seen each other, yet I have long heard of you.

5. How nice it was to hear from you at last!

6. 告知型You will be very glad to hear that…

7. With great delight I learned that…

8. To tell a piece of good news, I have/am doing…

9. I am writing this letter to tell/inform you that…

10. I have just received your kind letter regarding…


1. 客套型Thanks for your precious time.

2. Thanks again for your kind help / assistance.

3. Thank you in advance.

4. 展望型I am looking forward to seeing/meeting you here in Shanghai China.

5. 寄语型Your timely reply to this letter is highly appreciated by all the people concerned.

6. I would appreciate it if you contact me as soon as possible.

7. I am looking forward to your reply / hearing from you soon.

8. Write to me a.s.a.p.

9. Remember: I shall always my fingers crossed for you at any rate.

10. Shall you come across any problem, please do not hesitate to let me know.

11. Please let me know if I can help you any further.

12. I hope this information will help you.

13. Please feel free to contact me for more information / further confirmation.

14. I trust these suggestions will be of use to you.

? 泛读


? 押题




? 例文

? 十大闪光点之三——“一些人认为”——Some

无数的numerous/myriad (a myriad of)

大量的A great / large / huge / (in)considerable / significant / noticeable number / amount / quantity / portion of

对半的almost / nearly / some / close to / approximately half of

大多的the (vast / overwhelming) majority of

一些/另一些(抽象意义):some – others, majority – minority

? 十大闪光点之三——“一些人认为”——people

公众the public

各行各业people from all walks of life / the circle/community/walk of education

学生examinees / testees / students

特殊人群readers / drivers

支持/反对者followers – objectors, dissenters – consenters

参与者participants / candidates / interviewees

? 十大闪光点之三——“一些人认为”——think

认为assume / argue / hold (the opinion) / claim / suggest / declare / say / assert / state / believe / insist/ maintain / doubt / suspect that

支持give / express / show / demonstrate one’s support for

赞成/反对vote / ballot for/against

cast one’s vote / ballot for / against

side with / stand on the side of

接受take the advise / follow the suggestion / accept the opinion / idea that

意见是one’s viewpoint is that / be with the view that

? 十大闪光点之一——提问法

A. 直接提问法

B. 间接提问法

C. 连续提问法

? 十大闪光点之二——总结法

1. 玫瑰All roses have thorns.

2. 花园No garden is without weeds.

3. 金币Every coin has 2 sides.

4. 利剑Every sword has 2 edges.

5. 利弊Every advantage has its disadvantages.

6. 众口It’s hard to please all.

7. 仁智So many people, so many minds.

8. 伟人Great minds think alike.

9. 毒肉One man’s meat is another man’s poison.

10. 过及Throw the baby out with the bath water.


1. 背景法Along with the advent of…

2. As Chinese society develops, greater importance is attached to…

3. Gone is the days / years / age / period / era / times in which / when people regard / take / consider / think of / take sth. as a new / strange / radical blessing / curse / phenomenon / concept / notion / creation / invention

4. 提问法Is it a blessing or a curse?

5. 总结法Admittedly, there are merits to both sides of the argument.

6. All roses have thorns.

7. No garden is without weeds.

8. Answers shall find it hard to please all, as the old say goes.

9. As the proverb goes: “Every coin has its two sides”, ___ is no exception.

10. As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes.

11. At present, some people think ____, while others claim ____. Both sides have their merits and drawbacks.

12. Consensus has never been reached on this issue.

13. Every advantage has its disadvantages.

14. 组合句型As the proverb goes: "So many people, so many minds.", it is quite understandable that people from different backgrounds put different interpretations on the same issue of sth.

1. On the one hand / For one thing…

2. Supporters firmly suggest that …

3. The majority is in favor of the idea / point out the fact that sth. is beneficial to…

4. These people hold the view that…

5. Thunderous applause could be heard to maintain the idea that…

6. 因果法They also argue that sth is helpful to…

7. 数据法According to a recent survey, …


1. One the other side of the coin / On the other hand / For another

2. Adverse criticism complains that…

3. Criticism could also be noticed to show people’s concern over…

4. Discommenders / Antis could not concur with the former by insisting…

5. 因果法The minority, however, stands on a different ground. They complain that it does harm to sth.

6. Moreover, they suggest, sth. might exert negative effects on …

7. 举例法A case in point, …


1. 单刀式All things considered, a unshakable conclusion could be safely drawn that …

2. As is mentioned above, …

3. Balancing the advantages and disadvantages / negative effects and positive effects of … I intend to stand on the side that …

4. Based on the evidence before me, I am bound to accept the viewpoint that …

5. Given the factors listed before…

6. I am with the view that / I am inclined to stand on the side that / I would like to vote for the former / latter idea that / I prefer the former / latter viewpoint that…

7. 对比式I note the advantage / negative effect / influence / drawback of sth, but this alone could not substantial outweigh the positive effect / influence / merit / disadvantage of it as a whole.

8. 展望式Looking ahead, we can say with full confidence that China will raise its economic and social development to a new level despite of the current difficulties.

? 泛读

P11N2, 4, 7, 8, 25

? 押题




? 十大闪光点之四——从句(主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,同位语)



? 十大闪光点之五——并列句

1. 简单连词:and, or, but, if, because

2. 关联连词:both… and…, not only… but also…

3. 短语连词:as if, as long as, in order that

4. 分词连词:supposing, considering, provided

2 十大闪光点之六——理由段公式

1. 序列词:

the 序数词 / first and foremost / last but not least

the other / another

a third

one of

2. + n. :

point / thing / fact / factor

merit / demerit / positive influence / advantage

rule / principle

3. + VP :

to remember / to be kept in mind / ought to be taken into consideration shall be borne / kept in mind / could not be forgot / neglected / ignored

worth mentioning

of great importance / significance

holding the balance

I would like to mention / that talks / that holds water

4. + is that

5. + 从句



1. 昂贵:costly, expensive, lavish, extravagant

2. 帮助:helpful, useful, beneficial, think / speak / praise highly of sth., assist, free … from, make contribution to, do one’s bit to

3. 便利:efficiency, convenience, easy, handy, simple, comfortable, ready-to-use, friendly interface

4. 节省:save / waste time / money / space / energy, time-consuming, “Live now, pay later.”

5. 节约:economical, thrifty/thrift, frugal/frugality

6. 经验:social experience, enter the society, accumulate, inexperienced, green-hand, step by step

7. 提高:improve, enhance, develop, upgrade, better, perfect, upgrade, advance, make much progress/improvement in …(field)

8. 重视:pay attention to, attach importance to, lay / give emphasis on, give emphasis to, list sth. on the top of agenda, rank the first, sth. comes first

9. 重要:important, indispensable, essential, crucial, decisive, vital, fundamental, decisive, critical, inseparable, be of less importance, become one’s utmost concern

10. 信任:credit, decent background, world-renowned, trustworthy, respect, honor



1. 独立:independence, individuality, by oneself, stand on one’s own feet

2. 目标:ambition, strategic goal, aim, realize, dreams come true, target

3. 能力:competition, capability, ability, proficiency, creativity, tolerance, perseverance, capacity

4. 缺点:overbearing傲慢的, arrogant, selfish, dependent, conservative保守的, isolated, self-centered, indifferent, neglect, pay no attention to, turn a blind eye to, turn a cold shoulder to sb., turn a deaf ear to

5. 团结:cooperate, team spirit, team player, considerate, thoughtful, sociable, work together, joint effort

6. 信心:(self)confidence, convince

? 十大闪光点之七——理由词汇


1. 肮脏:dirty, filthy, messy, at sixes and sevens

2. 环境:environment, surroundings, working condition

3. 卫生:public health, hygiene

4. 污染:pollute, pollutant, poisonous, harmful, contaminate, contaminant


1. 安全:in safe, free … from

2. 疾病:disease, illness, attack, serious threat, spread

3. 健康:mental / physical health, physical well-being, strong, energetic, keep fit, figure, build up, lose weight

4. 危险:in danger, risk, hazard, harmful


1. 对比法There is no consensus of opinions among people about sth. Some people are of the view that… While others take an opposite side, firmly believing that… As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses. The reasons are obvious.

2. If one has considered the following perspectives, he could only agree with the title statement as I do

3. 反问法Can we stress the importance of … too much? Never!

4. 总分法I would state my objection to this issue after analyzing the following three reasons.

5. Among countless factors that influence my decision, there are two/three conspicuous aspects.

6. This view is based on the propensity of following points.

7. To assume that sth. is beneficial is destined to miss the following points.

8. There are numerous reasons why I advocate the argument of sth. and I would explore a few of the most important ones here.

9. In the following paragraph, I will venture to explore the reasons why …谦虚



1. In the following paragraph, I would venture to explore the reasons why…

2. To start with, first of all, first and foremost, when it comes to, Now there is a growing awareness that...

3. It is time we explore the truth of ...

4. Nowhere in history has the issue been more visible.

5. Besides, in addition, what’s more/worse, to make the matter worse…

6. Finally, last but not least, the last but not the least…

7. The main reason/factor/advantage that can be seen by everyone is that…

8. The major effect is that…效果(affect影响)

9. Another … that we must consider/take into consideration / cannot ignore is that…

10. ... but that is only part of the history.

11. Another equally important aspect is ...

12. A is but one of the many effects. Another is ...

13. Besides, other reasons are...


a) The first point to be kept in mind is that

b) The second merit I would like to mention is that

c) The third thing that should be taken into serious consideration is that

d) The fourth rule that could not be forgot / neglected / ignored is that


1. One very strong argument for doing sth. is that…

2. We may look into every possible reason, however, foremost reason for (doing) sth. is…

3. The first reason can be seen by every person is that…

4. Those who object to this idea forget a universal truth: …

5. First, we can observe easily that…

6. The other notorious disadvantages of sth. is that…

7. Some agree with the statement without reservation since…

8. Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest. That is,

9. Certainly no other reason in my decision is more crucial than the one as follow: …

10. In term of substantive level, the reason mentioned below seems to be advisable and deserve more consideration.

11. The main reason for my propensity is that…

12. Moreover, there is a further more subtle point we must consider

13. There is one impressive example I want to mention here.



1. 单刀式All things considered, a unshakable conclusion could be safely drawn that …

2. As is mentioned above, …

3. Balancing the advantages and disadvantages / negative effects and positive effects of … I intend to stand on the side that …

4. Based on the evidence before me, I am bound to accept the viewpoint that …

5. Given the factors listed before…

6. I am with the view that / I am inclined to stand on the side that / I would like to vote for the former / latter idea that / I prefer the former / latter viewpoint that…

7. It’s safe to draw the conclusion, not difficult to reach the consensus

8. Judging from all evidence available, we can predict with confidence that …

9. My personal / humble opinion / view point / point of view / theory / understanding / view / belief is that …

10. Through above analysis, …

11. Weighing the pros and cons of the argument, I am inclined to agree with the former / latter.

12. Were I to offer my choice, I would not hesitate to stand on the side/show my support / vote for…

13. A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that

14. As a college student, I am most eligible to have a say in this discussion.

15. From what has been discussed above, we may finally draw the conclusion that…

16. So from what has been discussed, one can reach only this conclusion: …

17. From above, we can predict that

18. 组合式All in all / In a word / In short / On the whole / In brief / In conclusion, if we take a careful consideration / for the reasons presented above / given the factors I have just outlined / as is mentioned above, it is not difficult to reach the conclusion that / the writer believe that / it is sagacious to support the statement that / it is safe to draw the conclusion that the advantages of sth. could not easily overweigh its disadvantages.

19. Taking into all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that…

20. 对比式While the writer understand / accept that sth. has brought about some advantages / positive influences / effects, these benefits alone could not substantially outweigh my serious / grave concern over its numerous / countless / immense / massive disadvantages / negative influences / effects to the development / advancement / benefit of study / country / society / economy as a whole.

21. I note the advantage / negative effect / influence / drawback of sth, but this alone could not substantial outweigh the positive effect / influence / merit / disadvantage of it as a whole.

22. 展望式Looking ahead, we can say with full confidence that China will raise its economic and social development to a new level despite of the current difficulties.

23. All in all, I would say the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. With the advance of society, if we encourage the merits and eliminate the drawbacks, all people will enjoy a better life in the near future.

24. 方案式What we must do is to encourage the strength and diminish the weaknesses to the least extent.

? 泛读


? 押题




? 重点:




? 词汇:

Nouns Verbs Phrase Adj. & Adv.

上升 Growth


Surge Ascend


Go up


Level up



Shoot up

Sore Increase up to

Reach a peak

Reach the highest point

Reach/increase a top

Be in the ascendance Upward

下降 Decrease


Reduction Descend

Go down


Level down







Touch the bottom

Go downhill
第1个回答  2006-12-21