

第1个回答  2013-12-06
一、作及物动词,发音为/ ju:z /。
1. 译为“用,使用”。例如:
We can use the lift to go up and down.
2. 译为“发挥,行使”。例如:
He promised to use his influence.
3. 译为“消耗,用尽”。例如:
They have used money up.
4. 译为“利用”。例如:
He was used by a stranger.
5. 译为“对待,相当于treat”。例如:
He used his friends worse than ever‍ 二、作名词,常与of 连用,发音为/ ju:s /。
1. 译为“用法,应用,使用,用途”。例如:
He makes good use of his time.
2. 译为“使用权,使用能力”。例如:
He gave me the use of his bike.
3. 译为“效用,益处,价值”。例如:
What’s the use of worrying?
4. in use译为“使用之中,使用着”。例如:
The lab is in use.
1. use (名词) → use (动词)
2. use (动词)→ used (形容词) used cars 二手车
3. use (动词) → useful(形容词) 有用的
4. useful (形容词) → usefulness (名词)有用,用处
5. use (名词) → useless (形容词)无用的
6. use (名词) → user (名词) 使用者,用户
1. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事。(现在不做了)例如:
My father used to be a teacher.
He used to have long hair.
其否定形式常用didn’t use to 或 used not to。例如:
She didn’t use to / used not to wear a skirt.
2. be used to sth / doing sth.习惯于某事或者习惯做某事,其中to为介词,其后跟名词,代词或形容词。例如:
I am used to getting up early.
I wasn’t used to city life, but now I have got used to living in this city.
3. be used to do sth = be used for sth / doing sth. 被用来做……,是被动语态,其中to 为不定式符号。例如:
A knife can be used to cut things.
Seal’s fur can be used for coats.
4. make use of sth. 利用,使用某物。其中use也是名词,可用 good、full、more、little等形容词修饰。例如:
We must make good use of time to study.
5. use one’s head 动脑筋,仔细考虑。例如:
Use your head and you’ll find a way.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2013-12-05

  1. used to do sth.意为"过去常常做某事",它表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态,而现在已不再发生或存在。这个短语含有今昔对比之意,其否定形式常用used not to或didn't use to。反意疑问句中应该用did/didn't或used/usedn't。例如:

  I used to swim in this river when I was young.我年轻时常在这条河里游泳。

  They used to be good friends, didn't they?他们过去是好朋友,是吗?

  2. be used to sth. / doing sth.意为"习惯、适应某事/做某事",它表示习惯于某一客观事实或状态,其中to是介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词;be used可用于多种时态;如强调动作可用get或become替换be。例如:

  Old people are used to getting up early in the morning.老年人习惯早晨很早起床。

  I wasn't used to city life, but now I have got used to living in this city.我以前不习惯都市生活,但现在我已习惯住在这座城市了。

  3. be used to do sth.意为"被用来做某事",其中use表"使用"之意,是被动语态形式,to是动词不定式符号。例如:

  Wood can be used to make paper.树木可以用来造纸。

  4. be used for...意为"被当做……",其中use表"使用"之意,是被动语态形式。例如:

  The seal's fur can be used for coats.海豹皮可当做大衣用。

  5. be of use意为"有用的",其中use是名词,可用形容词来修饰。例如:

  The dictionary is of great use to the students.这本字典对学生们很有用。

  6. be in use意为"在使用",其中use也是名词。例如:

  The laboratory is in use until three o'clock.实验室一直到3点钟都有人使用。

  7. make use of sth.意为"利用、使用某物",其中use也是名词,可用good, full, more, little等形容词来修饰。同学们应特别注意它的被动形式。