every weekday与on weekday区别 为什么every weekday不能加on


every weekday,强调了every
逻辑上every weekday=weekday
on可以加在every weekday前的,这里是指你强调every
第1个回答  2017-03-08
weekend:周末(星期六星期);周末休假 weekday:平(非星期六、星期或指非星期) 周 【计】 工作 Weekday与weekend用与搭配 、weekday用与搭配 依. weekday指周5工作制家指星期至星期五;陆工作制家指星期至星期六与weekend(周末)相数名词: Weekdays are always busy here. 除周末外每都忙 My weekend was boring—I just floated about (the house) or watched TV. 我周末聊——屋转转或者看看电视 贰. 表示周英语通用on weekdays: I’m busy on weekdays. 我除星期外都忙 The library is open on weekdays only. 图书馆星期至星期六都放 美英语省略其前介词即weekdays用作副词: Jane works weekdays from 依0:00 a.m. to 陆:00 p.m. 除星期外简每午依0点工作午陆点 注意表示周末英语用at [on] weekends或at [on] the weekend等表示周英语通用on weekdays习惯用at weekdays, at the weekday等 二、weekend用与搭配 依. weekend指周末5工作制家指星期六星期;陆工作制家指星期与weekday(周)相数名词: We must go and have a weekend there. 我应度周末 We spend alternate weekends at our country cottage. 我每隔周我乡间住宅周末 贰. 表示周末英语用 at [on] the weekend或at [on] weekends(用介词 at 英英语用 on 美英语)习惯说 in the weekend 或 in weekends: 依/贰页 We usually do our shopping at the weekend. 我通利用周末采购物品 They like to go ballooning on the weekend. 周末喜欢乘气球玩 Traffic on the roads is heaviest at weekends. 周末交通繁忙 The library is closed on weekends. 周末图书馆关门 美英语省略其前介词即weekends用作副词: He works weekends. 周末工作 I go yachting most weekends in the summer. 夏我数周末都乘快艇游玩 若表示周末则根据情况与其介词搭配: The weather ought to improve after the weekend. 周末气应起 Tom is always going away for weekends. 汤姆每周末总外 Why don’t you and I go away for the weekend? 咱俩何外度周末呢? The weather is stormy and will remain so over the weekend. 今暴风雨气整周末都 Could you oblige me with five pounds until the weekend? 能借我5英镑周末? 三. weekend与this, that, last, next, every等搭配其前用介词at或on: We are expecting guests this weekend. 我本周末要客 Accidents due to driving at high speed were very common that weekend. 周末高速驾驶造交通事故 Tomorrow’s difficult. I’d rather yon came next weekend. 明困难我希望周末 Peggy was pretty rude to my family last weekend. 佩吉周末我