
个人简介 2002年,带着几分好奇和一丝对未来美好生活的憧憬,离开了那片养育我成长的黑土地,独自一人来到了繁华的大上海,七年的时间,历经了众多的艰辛与困苦,遍尝了生活中的辛酸苦辣,但只身在外的不易并没有改变我开朗、乐观的性格,也正是因为我这种开朗的性格和真诚、宽容的处事态度,让我结识了众多的挚友和师长,朋友的关心、长辈的教导,也让我更加热爱工作、热爱生活,明白了融洽的人际关系是有多么的重要。这些年来做过许多不同的工作,虽然在周围人看来都很出色甚至是让人羡慕,但内心总是感觉有些不足,因为多年的异乡生活让我清醒的意识到,工作中除了认真负责,尽心尽力去做好每一件事外,自身的文化素养也很重要,经过一翻思想斗争,06年夏天,我毅然辞去了工作,带着几年来积攒下的积蓄,去复旦大学进修行政管理本科段专业。曾经的经历让我倍加珍惜这个学习的机会,勤攻苦读,终于在08年底以提前一年完成学业和平均分数超过85分的优异成绩获准毕业,并获授予学士学位。离开校园的我,又一次步入职场,正期待着在新的岗位一展所长,迎接新的挑战!
教育背景 1998.9——2001.7 就读于赣榆县重点中学城头高中。
2003.9——2006.12 南京师范大学继续教育学院 自考秘书学专业(专科段)
2006.9——2008.12 复旦大学继续教育学院全日制自考班 行政管理专业(本科段)
工作经历 2001.9——2002.6在连云港赣榆县墩尚镇小学担任代课老师,任教五年级数学。
2008.10——2009.1 在上海浦东软件园科意捷信息有限公司实习,负责前台接待、员工考勤、文件打印等工作。

Profile in 2002, with a bit of curiosity and a trace of the future vision of a better life and left Napian upbringing I was growing up black earth, alone came to the big bustling Shanghai, and seven years, after many hardships and hardship, Bianchang the bitterness of life in Kula, but the difficulty of outside alone did not change my cheerful, optimistic personality, is precisely because I am such a cheerful personality and sincere and tolerant attitude, I met many close friend, and teachers and friends concerned about the teachings of their elders, but also make me more love work, love life, to understand how harmonious interpersonal relationships are important. Over the years done a lot of different jobs, while people around seemed very good and even enviable, but I always feel a bit inadequate, because of her strange new life for many years sober I realized that in addition to serious and responsible work, dedicated to do everything outside their own cultural qualities is also very important, after over the pages of the ideological struggle, in 2006 summer, I quit her work, with several years under the accumulated savings to the administration of Fudan University Education undergraduate professional segment. Once experience has taught me all the more cherish the opportunity to learn, diligence attack studying hard, and finally by the end of 2008 to one year ahead of schedule to complete their studies and the average score over 85 points are allowed to graduate with distinction and was awarded a bachelor's degree. To leave the campus, I once again stepped into the workplace, is looking forward to the new position, one's full potential and to meet new challenges!
Education 1998.9 - 2001.7 Ganyu key middle school in the city of the first high school.
2003.9 - 2006.12, Nanjing Normal University, School of Continuing Education Zikao Secretarial professional (specialist Section)
2006.9 - 2008.12, Fudan University School of Continuing Education classes full-time Zikao administration (Undergraduate Section)
Experience 2001.9 - 2002.6 in Lianyungang Ganyu dunshang town as a substitute elementary school teacher, who teaches fifth grade math.
2002.8 - 2003.6 Philips electronics factory in Shanghai to work done four months before the pipeline operator, the latter because of work carefully, but also understand the computer operation, was transferred to statisticians, responsible for assisting the production supervisor for routine production data statistics, Statement-making.
2003.7 - 2006.7 at the Shanghai Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. genomes at hand to work for a year and a half early telephone sales representative, sales team leader and other staff, the monthly sales are basically sales month in the company within the top three standings , later promoted to head the scene I have done a year and a half hours, is responsible for site management, performance statistics and sales personnel performance analysis and so on.
2008.10 - 2009.1 at the Shanghai Pudong Software Park Branch Codeasy Information Co., Ltd. internships, responsible for front desk reception, staff attendance, document printing and so on.
第1个回答  2009-09-02