求gossip girl的中英文对照台词

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第1个回答  2009-09-05
Every time you walk away or run away
You take a piece of me with you there
Every time you walk away or run away
You take a piece of me with you there
Oh it seems like I`m walking right to your door
With my hearts still resting, looking for something more
Are you ever going to see everything you mean to me?
I`m trying very hard to believe
Every time you walk away or run away
You take a piece of me with you there
Every time you walk away or run away
You take a piece of me with you there
Every time you walk away or run away
You take a piece of me with you there
Nothing feels right when Im left here on my own
Left last night ,
It seemed like I waited too long
Are you going to ever see everything you mean to me?
I`m trying very hard to believe
Every time you walk away or run away
You take a piece of me with you there
Every time you walk away or run away
You take a piece of me with you there
Come back to me
You smile and you make my life complete

Every time you walk away or run away
You take a piece of me with you there
Every time you walk away or run away
You take a piece of me with you there
Every time you walk away or run away
You take a piece of me with you there
Every time you walk away or run away
You take a piece of me with you there
第2个回答  2009-09-05
绯闻少女 第二季 3

Gossip Girl here|嘿 曼哈顿东区的富贵闲人 "八卦女"驾到

Your one and only source|为您带来

into the scandalous lives of|曼哈顿上流社会第一手的八卦内幕

- ... Manhattan's elite. - It feels so right to be together.|两人在一起好像是件很自然的事情

- But you're having second thoughts. - I just think that we should... think|- 但是你有顾虑 - 我只是认为... 认为

before we get back together.|我只是认为我们在复合前应该好好想一想

My name is actually Marcus Beaton.|我的真实姓名是Marcus Beaton

I'm British and a lord.|我是英国人 还是个爵士

Please don't leave with him.|别跟他走

Three words. Say it, and I'm yours.|三个字 说出口 我就是你的

- I... - That's all I needed to hear.|- 我... - 这就足够了

Eleanor's been in Paris, like, the entire time.|Eleanor整段时间都呆在巴黎

- What if it was a waste? - They want to take our money?|- 如果浪费了怎么办? - 他们想没收咱们的钱?

- Not yet, but they have frozen our accounts. - Everything okay?|- 暂时还不会 但他们冻结了我们的帐户 - 还好吗?

No, actually, it's not, but I'm so glad I called you.|噢 其实 不好 但是很高兴打给你

- I really missed you this summer. - Blair's dating Catherine's stepson,|- 这个夏天我真的很想你 - Blair正在和Catherine的继子约会

and, Catherine, Nate's Blair's ex.|Catherine Nate是Blair的前男友

You can take care of this... with my help|在我的帮助下... 你能处理好这件事

- And what would I have to do for you? - Oh, my effing god!|- 那我能为你做什么? - 噢 我的老天!

I'm so sorry, but I'm not gonna be able to make it back tonight.|我很抱歉 但是我今晚没办法回去了

It's okay. I was tired anyway, so we'll hang out another time.|没关系 我今天也有些累了 我们改天再约

What do you say we just forget thinking|我们不妨抛弃理性

and follow our hearts?|遵从我们的内心?

In spite of my lowly, unroyal ways,|然后会以循序渐进的方式公平公正的相信

accept that I have true feelings for Marcus,|我对Marcus的感情是真的

and that he has them for me, too.|他也是我的真命天子

And who am I?|想知道我是谁?

That's a secret I'll never tell.|这是个永恒的秘密

You know you love me.|你知道你爱我

X.O.X.O., gossip girl.

绯闻少女 第二季 第三集

In these last hazy days of summer,|在这夏日最后的日子里

a few simple tips to beat the heat.|有些简单的小帖士能帮你战胜暑气

One... drink plenty of fluids.|第一 多喝点饮料

Two... stay out of the sun.|第二 远离太阳

Oh, excuse me. Sorry.|噢 请让一下 不好意思

Excuse me.|不好意思 哇

Three... Ugh!|第三

Limit all physical activity.|少参加体力活动

That is, within reason.|那 都是有道理的

I thought you wanted my help with this party you're hosting.|我以为你想让我帮忙你主持的这个聚会

A back-to-school party for seniors and their parents?|为我们和我们家人举办的归校聚会?

It can wait.|它可以再缓缓

But someone could walk in. Dorota or...|但是可能会有人进来 Dorota 或者...

So? Didn't you see "Atonement"?|那又怎样? 你没看过"赎罪"?

That scene in the library when they're discovered?|他们在图书馆里被发现的那幕?

Mm. No. No, Blair.|嗯 不 不 Blair

That's not you.|这并不是你

It's not?|不是我?

You're a delicate little flower,|你是精致的小花朵

Nothing like that tart, Keira Knightley.|不像那个酸腐的Keira Knightley

It's just, we've been dating a while, and I thought...|只是 我们也约会好一阵子了 我想...

I feel the same way, but you're very special to me.|我也这么觉得 但你对我来说很特别

I want the moment to equal it.|我希望能等到合适的时间


The tea's getting cold.|茶快凉了

And if the heat's still too much,|如果还是很热

There's always a cold shower.|那就冲个凉水澡吧

Ugh! Jenny? Are you okay?|啊哈! Jenny? 还好吗?

Yeah. Sorry. My phone slipped. I think my cheek got sweaty.|嗯 不好意思 我电话掉了 我的脸上也都是汗

What was I saying? Oh, right, right.|说到哪了? 噢 对了 对了

- You like him. He likes you. So just call him. - He stood me up, remember?|- 你喜欢他 他喜欢你 所以你就打给他吧 - 问题是他放了我鸽子

He just made you wait a really long time|他只是想让你等了很久

And then called to cancel. That's completely different.|然后取消了约会 那是全然不同的

And besides, he only did that to spare you his family drama,|再说了 他这样做是为了与你分享他家里的喜怒哀乐

which is just more proof that he likes You.|这更加证明了他喜欢你

And calling him won't look desperate.|打给他 这样看起来也不会太绝望

It might. It will. It will,|可能会 应该会 肯定会的

- But in a cute, romantic way. - What is wrong with me?|- 但是要可爱点 浪漫点 - 我这是怎么了

I am so not the whiny,|我不是那种爱发牢骚的

- "should I call him?" girl. - Exactly. You are Vanessa.|- 嚷着"我该打给他吗?"的那种女孩 - 当然 你是Vanessa呀

The "do whatever she wants" girl,|那个"随心所欲"的女孩

and you want to call him, so just do it.|假如想要打给他 那就打啊

- Look, I gotta go. Laurel is gonna kill me, okay? - Bye.|- 你瞧 我得挂了 Laurel会宰了我的 好吗? - 再见

Hey, can s...can you guys pick that up, please?|嘿 能... 麻烦你帮忙捡下好吗?


Ralph Lauren adores you.|Ralph Lauren喜欢死你了

Catherine, did you hear what I just said?|Catherine 你听到我的话了吗?

I did. What happened to the money I gave you?|我听到了 我给你的钱哪去了?

It's gone, but I can repay you back|没了 但是我会还给你的

as soon as our accounts are unfrozen.|等帐户被解冻后

Which won't be until your father gets back from|如果你爸爸从...

- where was it again? Dominica? - I told you that in confidence.|- 我想想从哪回来 Dominica? 它就不会被解冻了 - 我相信你才跟你说的

You told me that in bed.|你在床上告诉我的

Relax, gorgeous. We can discuss this tomorrow over lunch.|放轻松点 漂亮的小伙子 我们可以明天午餐的时候讨论

I got us a room at the mercer. We can order in.|我在Mercer定了个房间 我们可以去那

I'm so glad this didn't end.|我很高兴 我们之间没有结束

Me, too.|我也是

Try these on. I'm gonna go find you some ties.|试试这些 我再帮你找条领带

[英学网] - 原创中英对照双语视频影视 英语学习网|www.EngXue.com

Hey, Vanessa.|嘿 Vanessa

Nate, hi. I hope it's okay that I'm calling.|Nate 嗨 我希望我打过来没有打扰到你

- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course. Uh, how are you? - Good.|- 嗯 嗯 嗯 当然不会 最近怎么样? - 很好

Um, so listen. I was wondering if...|嗯 听着 我在想...

Hey, do you want to do something later?|嘿 等下你可以出来吗?

Yeah. Sure. That sounds great.|嗯 当然 听起来很不错

Cool. Okay. Hey, listen. I'll call you later, okay?|很好 好的 嘿 听着 我等下打给你 好吗?

- Okay. - Bye.|好的 拜

Who was that?|打给谁呢?

It's my mom. It's about the party tomorrow night.|我妈 关于明晚的聚会

I'm gonna try these on.|我去试试这些

- A coming-out party? - Well, sooner or later,|- 一个"欢迎回城"的舞会? - 嗯 迟早

people are gonna figure out we're dating.|人们会发现我们在约会

We're not exactly the world's most covert secret couple.|我们并不是这世界上最偷偷摸摸的秘密情侣

Yeah, my family's getting a little curious|嗯 我家人对我的女朋友好奇着呢

About my new friend "Clyde" that keeps calling and calling.|我那新朋友"Clyde"一直不停的在打我的电话
第3个回答  2009-09-05