
为了丰富广大学生的生活,学生会将举办一次音乐周活动。请以组织者的身份写一个书面通知,要求如下:时间:5月第一周活动: 1. 演唱歌曲:流行歌曲。 2. 器乐演奏:古典和民间音乐。 3. 音乐比赛:听歌曲片段,然后说出出处。地点:届时通知。 参加者请于4月20 日前报名。注意: 1. 书面通知应写成一篇连贯的短文。2. 可以适当增减细节。 3. 词数100字左右。 4. 通知格式已写好。 5. 参考词语:classical, folk, musical instruments, contest, sign up, take part in Music Week The Students Union has decided to organize a music week. Come and have fun! Students Union

Music Week
The Students Union has decided to organize a music week. It will be held in the first week of May. The activities include singing pop songs and playing classical and folk music. Bring your own musical instruments, please. A music contest will be included, too. The students taking part in the contest will listen to part of a song or a piece of music, and then tell where it comes from. If you’d like to join in the music week, please come and sign up before April 20th. The place for the activities will be announced later.
Come and have fun.
Students Union
