

1. 如果主句的时态是一般现在时,宾语从句该用什麽时态就用什麽时态。
I don’t think (that) you are right.
Please tell us where he is.
Can you tell me how I can get to the railway station?
2. 如果主句的时态是一般过去时,宾语从句只能用相应的过去时态(一般过去时, 过去进行时, 过去将来时,过去完成时)。例如:
He asked what time it was.
He told me that he was preparing for the sports meet.
He asked if you had written to Peter.
He said that he would go back to the U.S. soon.
3. 如果宾语从句所陈述的是客观真理,其时态常用一般现在时。例如:
Our teacher said that January is the first month of the year.
Scientists have proved that the earth turns around the sun.
第1个回答  推荐于2018-04-24
引导时间状语从句的连词有when, while, as, before, after, until, till, once(一旦),as soon as, the moment, hardly … when, no sooner … than, the first time, the lasttime, every / each time等。现结合具体情景,对重点连词和难掌握的连词加以说明。
1.when, while, as
——I’m going to the post office.
—— _______you’re there, can you get me some stamps.
A.As B.While C.Because D.If
2)With parcels(包)of all shapes and sizes, Mr. Davies could hardly see where he wasgoing he and his wife left the last shop.
A.as B.while C.before D.until
3)________the election approached(临近),the violence got worse.
A.When B.As C.While D.With
4)I was just about to leave home_________it started to rain.
A.as B.while C.when D.as soon as
while“当…时候” while表示的时间是一段而不是一点,故从句的谓语动词用延续性动词,不用瞬间动词。
Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁
as ⅰ)正当…时候,ⅱ)一边… 一边,ⅲ)随着 as引导从句动作与主句动作同时发生,强调同时性。从句、动词通常为行为动词,不用be动词。
He sang songs as he was taking a bath.他一边洗澡,一边唱歌。
You will grow wiser as you grow older.他将随年龄的增长而聪明起来。
When they got home, I was cooking dinner.(同时)
When you get into trouble, turn to your father.(一先一后)若遇困难,就去找你父亲。
★此外,when还可以表示and just at the moment,用在以下句型中:
ⅰ)was /were doing when did ;ⅱ) was / were(just)about to do when did:
ⅲ) had donewhen did
We were sleeping when suddenly theearthquake happened.
I was about to go out when the telephonerang. 我正要出去,这时电话响了。
With election approaching, the violence got worse.
Their country has plenty of oil, while ourshas none.
2.before, since, until
________will be years_______we meet again.
A.It ; since B.There ; after C.It ; that D.It ; before
2)Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up________ I could answer the phone.
A.when B.since C.until D.before
—— What was the party like ?
—— Wonderful.It is years__________I enjoyed myself so much.
A.after B.before C.when D.since
4)Was it not the bell rang the students stood up ?
A.when ; that B.until ; that C.until ; when D.when ; then
a)…才… The plane landed atBeijing Airport before we knew it.
重点句型:It wastwo days before he came to himself.
It will be two years before the bridge is completed.
It was not long before he died. → Soon he died.
It won’t be long before he gets well. → Soon he will get well
b)还未来得及…就 Before I could explain, theteacher drove me out of the classroom.
我未来得及作解释,老师就把我赶出教室。(before表示此义,其后常跟could或had time to do)
since“自…以来” since引导的时间状语从句,从句用过去时,主句则用完成时
She has never called on me since shemoved to the country.
It is / has been a year since they got married. 他们结婚已有一年。
until 1)S + V(肯定句)until……。
I will wait(连续性)until he comes back.
2)Not / Never / No+n.……until……。在否定句中,表示“直到…才…”。主句谓语动词为终止性动词。
Until you told me I had no idea of what hadhappened in the school.
如果not until位于句首时,主句需要部分倒装结构
Not until the war ended did theymeet again.
还可以用于 It is(was)not until…that… 强调“not until…”
It was not until the war ended that theymet again. (主句用正常词序)
3.as soon as, the moment, every / each time, the first time, the lasttime
1)We called the First-Aid Centre the traffic accident occurred.
A.immediately B.shortly C.quickly D.hurriedly
2) I went to see him, he making experiments on living animals.
A.For the first time ; was busy B.Whenever,devoted to
C.The last time ; was lost in D.Every time ;was deeply in
I will go there as soon as(the meoent / directly / immediately)I have finished my breakfast.
Hardly hadhe entered the room when the telephone rang. 他刚走进房间,电话就响了。
No soonerhad he heard the news than he fainted. 他一听到那个消息,就晕了过去。
注:在hardly…when…;no sooner…than…句型中,when /than前句用过去完成时;后句用一般过去时。
某些表示时间的名词词组,也可引导时间状语从句。every time / each time“每当”;the first time“第一次”;the last time“上一次”。
Every time I met him, I found him to betaller. 每次我见到他,我都觉得他长高了。
The first time I saw her, I fell in lovewith her. 我第一次见到他,就爱上了她。
If he is not in the office, he must be outfor lunch.
I will not lend the book to you unless youcan return it in time.
★2)引导条件状语从句还有as / so long as(只要),on condition that(条件是…),suppose / supposing(假如),provided(that)假如,in case(万一)
I’ll lend it to you as long as you handleit with care. 只要你小心使用,我会借给你的。
We will buy everything you produce providedthat the price is right.
Suppose ( supposing) that this is not theright way to the station, what shall we do.
In case anything important happens, pleasecall me up.
1.though, although(虽然,尽管)
Although / Though it is hard work, yet Ienjoy it.
I won’t hire him though he is a talentedman. 尽管他很有才华,但我不想雇用他。
While I understand your viewpoint, I don’t agree with you. 虽然我理解你的观点,但我还是不同意。
1)Though he is a boy, he knows a lot.
2)Though Paul was disabled, he tried hisbest to serve the people.
3)Though I admire his courage very much, Idon’t think he acts wisely.
2.even if / even though(即使)
Even though I fail, I will keep on trying. 即使我失败,我仍会继续尝试下去。
3.Whether…or …,however / nomatter how …
1)Whether…or …引导让步状语,意为“不管…还是…”
All matter, whether it is a gas, a liquidor a solid, expands as the temperature rises.
I will study abroad whether my parentsagree or not.
2)however / no matter how …“无论怎么…”。
句子结构Howeveradj / adv S + V;However S + V
However coldit is, she always go swimming. 无论天有多冷,她总是去游泳。
W’ll have to finish it, however long ittakes. 不管花多长时间,我们必须把它做完。
However Itried to explain, he wouldn’t listen. 无论我怎么解释,他就是不听。
类似的句子还有:Whatever/ No matter what may happen, we won’t change our plan.
1)S + V + where从句
You should put the book where it was. 你应该把书放在原来的地方。
Make a mark where you have any doubts orquestions. 有疑问的地方可以做个记号。
2)where S + V,(there)S + V,译“哪里…,那里…”
Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者,事竞成。
Where water resources are plentiful,(there)hydroelectric power stations will be built.
Wherever he went, he was warmly welcome. 无论他走到哪里,都受到热烈欢迎。
引导原因状语从句的连词,有because, as, since和now that。
__________I haven’t seen the film, Ican’t tell you what I think of it.
A.As B.For C.With D.Because
_____________you have got a chance, youmight as well make full use of it.
A.Now that B.After C.Though D.As soon as
3)It must have rained last night,___________the ground is wet this morning.
A.for B.because C.therefore D.yet
1.because, as, since“因为”,都可以引导原因状语从句。
He didn’t go out because it was raining.(全句中心)
—— Why wereyou late ?
—— Becausethe traffic was too heavy.
It was because he was careless thathe failed.
since, as引导的原因状语从句,语气比because弱,表述已为大家所知的明显的原因,经常在句首,主句是全句中心。
As / Since he is working hard, he islikely to succeed.(全句中心)
2.表示“既然”,用连词since或now that
Since / Now that John has arrived, we canbegin. 既然John已经到
I believe her, for surely she will not lieto me.
It is morning, for the birds are singing.天亮了,因鸟儿在鸣叫。
It must have rained last night, for theground is still wet.
答案:1)A 2)A 本句句义为:既然得了一个机会,你最好充分利用它。3)A
1.由so that, in order that引导目的状语从句。
从句中谓语通常用may /might, can / could, will / would,
in order that引导的从句可置于句首,也可置于句末。so that引导的从句只能放在主句之后。
In order that he could make money, he did anything.
→ Inorder to make money, he did anything.
He told us to keep quiet so that wemight not disturb others.
→ He told usto keep quiet not to disturb others.
2.由in case, for fear that引导的目的状语从句
in case, for fear that“以防,以免”。应特别注意从句动词的形式
Take an umbrella in case it rains. 带把伞,以防下雨(从句用一般时)
I hid the book for fear that she wouldsee it. 我把书藏起来,以免被她看见。(从句用将来时)
表达方式:such+n that…;so adj /adv that…
so adj + a / an + n that…;so many / much / few / little + n that…
It was such a bad accident that dozens ofpeople were killed.
So fierce was their dog that no one daredto come near. 他们的狗真凶恶,没有人敢走近它。
2.so, so that引导的结果状语从句
He made a wrong decision, so(that)half of his lifetime was wasted.
I will do as you advice. 我会照你的忠告去做。
Leave it as it is. 把它维持原状好了。
On Friday, as on Monday, themeeting will be at 3:30.
Jim is very much like his father. It looks like rain.
When doing
If _____ ,_______S + V
Though done