

其余的英语是:the rest。
例句:1、They'll be able to furnish you with the rest of the details.他们将能够给你提供其余的细节。
2、The rest,as they say,is history.其余的就尽人皆知,不须赘述了。
3、Take what you want and throw the rest away.把你想要的拿走,其余的丢掉。
4、My fringe was cut short,but the rest of my hair was long.我的刘海剪得短,但其余的头发长。
5、All the rest I said,all that was bullshit.我所讲的其余的话全是乱说的。
6、She was no more a crackpot than the rest of us.她并不比我们其余人更怪诞。