求蔡徐坤 young歌词

求 蔡徐坤 young 歌词


该曲从编曲制作到音乐后期,均由蔡徐坤操刀,是他在2019年制作耗时最长的一曲  。该曲是蔡徐坤送给自己二十岁的一份礼物,也是他对自身二十岁的一个总结 。他希望通过该曲记录他的二十岁,同时也希望通过该曲激励听众带着热爱全力前行。


1 2 3 4。Young people醒过来

换上new shoes new watches。Get the vibe

Young & Rich。Young & Rich

It's a real life。Young & Rich

Young & Rich。Party time

1998 we got a legend born as a star。KUN from China bag it up up up up

单枪匹马 独领天下。注定把历史写下

把音量开到最大。Everybody gets shot

Freaky 20。Freaky 20

Freaky 20。You gotta call me daddy

Freaky 20。Freaky 20

Freaky 20。We are young and rich

Freaky 20。Freaky 20

Freaky 20。You gotta call me daddy

Freaky 20。Freaky 20

Freaky 20。We are young and rich

All the girls say we young。Very dangerous very dangerous

Just say we young。Money money explode it

All the boys say we young。Very dangerous very dangerous

Just say we young。Money money explode it

So young so rich。太多对手开始感到饥饿

提到我的名字。新的hit song到达顶点发热

Back off鱼龙混杂太多温室的花朵。前面猎物血在流



It's okay I play a long game。掀起腥风血雨全call out my name

站在金字塔的顶尖flexing my one。Freaky 20

Freaky 20。Freaky 20

You gotta call me daddy。Freaky 20

Freaky 20。Freaky 20

We are young and rich。Freaky 20

Freaky 20。Freaky 20

You gotta call me daddy。Freaky 20

Freaky 20。Freaky 20

We are young and rich。All the girls say we young

Very dangerous very dangerous。Just say we young

Money money explode it。All the boys say we young

Very dangerous very dangerous。Just say we young

Money money explode it。Young


(This is the revolution right here)。Young and rich

All the girls say we young。Very dangerous very dangerous

Just say we young。Money money explode it

All the boys say we young。Very dangerous very dangerous

Just say we young。Money money explode it



《YOUNG》是青春的一体两面,是蔡徐坤送给自己的一份礼物,也是送给那些拥有“不一YOUNG”灵魂的人的礼物 [3]  。这首歌的灵感是来源于Young和Freaky 20的主题,蔡徐坤借此契机,用《YOUNG》来记录自己二十岁的经历和态度 [4]  。对于这首歌的初衷,他表示,《YOUNG》是送给自己20岁的礼物,也是对20岁的一个总结 [5]  。




第1个回答  2019-07-26
1 2 3 4
Young people醒过来
换上new shoes new watches
Get the vibe
Young & Rich
Young & Rich
It's a real life
Young & Rich
Young & Rich
Party time
1998 we got a legend born as a star
KUN from China bag it up up up up
单枪匹马 独领天下
Everybody gets shot
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
You gotta call me daddy
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
We are young and rich
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
You gotta call me daddy
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
We are young and rich
All the girls say we young
Very dangerous very dangerous
Just say we young
Money money explode it
All the boys say we young
Very dangerous very dangerous
Just say we young
Money money explode it
So young so rich
新的hit song到达顶点发热
Back off鱼龙混杂太多温室的花朵
It's okay I play a long game
掀起腥风血雨全call out my name
站在金字塔的顶尖flexing my one
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
You gotta call me daddy
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
We are young and rich
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
You gotta call me daddy
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
Freaky 20
We are young and rich
All the girls say we young
Very dangerous very dangerous
Just say we young
Money money explode it
All the boys say we young
Very dangerous very dangerous
Just say we young
Money money explode it
(This is the revolution right here)
Young and rich
All the girls say we young
Very dangerous very dangerous
Just say we young
Money money explode it
All the boys say we young
Very dangerous very dangerous
Just say we young
Money money explode it
第2个回答  2019-08-01
第3个回答  2019-08-17
第4个回答  2019-07-27