谈谈你对莎士比亚戏剧特点的看法 英文版



其次, 喜剧的丰富性和生动性:“较大的思想深度和意识内容,和莎士比亚剧作情节的生动性和丰富性完美结合。”这是恩格斯对莎士比亚戏剧内涵的评价。具体表现为:一是情节线的安排巧妙恰当。二是情节曲折起伏富于变化。三是情节有多姿多彩的画面。四是情节能够深刻的反应现,实生活中的矛盾冲突,形象的展示人物性格发展的过程。


第1个回答  2016-08-14
  First: Shakespeare is good at using inner monologue technique directly reveal the inner world of the characters, to make it to explore life as the development of plot are natural, to create many vivid, typical characters played a key role of personality is distinct, and the image of the characters in the play is not a single plane, but with the many complicated personality. Such as "Hamlet" in the hero Hamlet is a feudal prince from the masses, and is an aspiring humanists. Aspect are also good at highlighted the hero character, the character's contrast, such as Hamlet and Horace xu also is humanist, but encounter different, status, Horace xu and dispassionate, Hamlet enthusiasm is deep, the more highlighted the spirit of Hamlet the profundity of the world.

  Second: Shakespeare broke the strict boundaries of the ancient Greek Roman tragicomedy, free from all bondage of classical drama "three will be", make the drama have the characteristics of the vividness and richness, follow the realism creation principle, reflect the complicated social image, enhance the rich life breath, often in the play are designed and arranged for more than two stories or parallel development or twists and turns, control complement each other. Such as Shakespeare Hamlet contradiction complex, only for revenge, there are three clues: Denmark prince Hamlet revenge for his father and expand with the feudal monarchy of thrilling struggle between the generation of disco macleod, small fortin blas and laertes ruchao, infortunate respectively by blind for revenge. With the former as the main line, among them, the latter vice line, the line from belongs to the main line, promote the development of the main plot.
  Third: Shakespeare's characters are all characters in a certain social historical conditions of the typical environment, is the typical character image shaping typical environment, make the drama shows special social content and bright color (typical character image refers to the flesh and blood full of character, the typical environment refers to the character of broad social background) also is what we usually call people live on stage background and action, stage background with vigorous figure.
  Fourth: Shakespeare's language master, his drama language vocabulary is rich and colorful, has the individuality, the language characteristics of visualization. According to statistics, he used the vocabulary of 29000, far more than other writers of his generation, smell its voice if meet the person, we will make it great, profound and rich in poetic and philosophical and lyricism, which depict broader social life picture.
  Fifth: Shakespeare's adhere to explore innovative, such as written most of Shakespeare's plays are old subjects, but the creation and modification of processing change, become a profound Sally soil biya's mark, style of era. Shakespeare think other drama creation must face up to reality facing life, keep a close touch with The Times, this is the result of long-term adherence to the realism creation principle. In all of Shakespeare's drama art features: it requires that the writer stand in the height of The Times, from real life and struggle of the practical need of society, rather than based on an empty concept, through concrete vivid plot, colorful language, character distinct characters, using visual art to reflect the essence of social life, reveals the time development trend. But the "Shakespeare" theatre with Sally soil Ethiopia is intrinsically close contact, the specific artistic skill is not the same concept, however, they cannot delimit equal-sign, at present a lot of comments about Shakespeare the article compared the two, this is not satisfactory.