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山西是厚重的黄河文化的主要代表之一。古人类文化遗址、帝都古城、宝刹禅院、石窟碑碣、雕塑壁画、古塔古墓、佛道圣地、险堡关隘以及革命文物、史迹等,从北到南、珠串全省,构成了山西古今兼备,丰富多彩的人文景观。目前,全国保存完好的宋、金以前的地面古建筑物70%以上。在全省境内,具有珍贵价值的国家级重点保护文物就有119多处。如佛教圣地五台山、应县木塔、云冈石窟、永乐宫壁画、运城关帝庙、永济普救寺、洪洞广胜寺等在国内外都很著名。山西境内历代古塔多达 280余座,其中以应县木塔、五台山白塔、代县阿育王塔、太原永祚寺双塔、洪洞广胜寺飞虹塔和永济普救寺莺莺塔最为著名。山西境内规避较大的石窟近50处,以大同云冈石窟、太原天龙山石窟、龙山石窟、长治羊头山石窟、平定丹河寺石窟为代表。
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Diverse landscape and rich resources of the ancient human resources, such as the wings Kunpeng for the take-off of the tourism industry in Shanxi Province has laid a good foundation.
Shanxi, majestic mountains, unique scenery. Shanxi and more famous, is China's only a Five Sacred Mountains, the five towns and provinces in the four Buddhist mountains. One of the most famous of the Five Sacred Mountains Bukak Hengshan, the first of the four major Buddhist mountain of Wutai Mountain, North Mountain Wudang Taoism, Mianshan,五老峰state-level scenic spots, the National Nature Reserve, one of the top ten Luyashan, one of five towns in the town of Huoshan, preservation of the largest virgin forest in North China's Li Shan,奇绝Taihang Mountains in the rugged Taihang Grand Canyon, Wang Mang Ling, Huang崖洞, while Ling Mountain, gypsum Hill, Sally Doyama,管涔山, Pangquangou so different mountains,
Look different, were precarious, and elegant, beautiful and a surprise move. Tour viewing some can, some may avoid the summer heat, some can be寻幽visit to Cuba, some for pay respects.
Shanxi Yellow River flows through the western and southern borders, the territory also flows a tributary of the Yellow River Fenhe, Qinhe, Su River, the three River, Xin River and Haihe River Sanggan, Niigata (hū) Da River. Among them, the famous Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River to and surging rapids, waterfall sound of thundering roar known, Pingding County Niangziguan Niangziguan waterfall near the castle is also renowned for their beautiful scenery known to the world. Shanxi inside lakes and springs are widely distributed, well-known and Ningwu yuncheng Yanchi Tianchi lakes, such as the oldest group and the characteristics of geothermal water, mineral water is also a wide range of distribution. Shanxi old Stephen of Stephen difficult Jinci scenery is good victory, the
County浑源hot soup, "Run of the magic, the即愈wash."
Yellow River in Shanxi Province is a thick one of the main culture. The ancient ruins of human culture, the ancient city of Royal Park, Temple pagoda in a temple, grotto stele, sculpture murals, ancient tombs, Buddhist shrines, as well as the risk of Fort revolution pass antiquities, historical sites and so on, from north to south, the province beads form the ancient and modern Shanxi both rich and varied human landscape. At present, Song intact, the ground before more than 70% of ancient buildings. Throughout the province, with the value of the precious heritage of the state-level key 119 has a number.
Buddhist holy sites such as Mount, Yingxian Wooden Tower, the Yungang Grottoes, Yongle Palace Mural, Yuncheng Temple, Temple Yongji universalist, Hongtong广胜寺etc. are well-known at home and abroad. Shanxi ancient history up to the territory of more than 280 seats, of which the Yingxian Wooden Tower, Mount White, on behalf of County, Ashoka Tower, Taiyuan Twin Tower Temple永祚, Feihong广胜寺Hongtong universalist tower and Yongji Temple Orioles the most famous Orioles tower. Shanxi to avoid the larger territory of nearly 50 Grottoes, Yungang Grottoes in Datong, Taiyuan days Longshan Grottoes, Longshan Grottoes, Grottoes Changzhi a sheep's head, Dan River Temple Grottoes Pingding represented.
第1个回答  2009-08-10
Diverse landscape and rich resources of the ancient human resources, such as the wings Kunpeng for the take-off of the tourism industry in Shanxi Province has laid a good foundation.
Shanxi, majestic mountains, unique scenery. Shanxi and more famous, is China's only a Five Sacred Mountains, the five towns and provinces in the four Buddhist mountains. One of the most famous of the Five Sacred Mountains Bukak Hengshan, the first of the four major Buddhist mountain of Wutai Mountain, North Mountain Wudang Taoism, Mianshan,五老峰state-level scenic spots, the National Nature Reserve, one of the top ten Luyashan, one of five towns in the town of Huoshan, preservation of the largest virgin forest in North China's Li Shan,great Taihang Mountains in the rugged Taihang Grand Canyon, Wang Mang Ling, Huang Dong, while Ling Mountain, gypsum Hill, Sally Doyama, Guanyun mountain, Pangquangou so different mountains,
Look different, were precarious, and elegant, beautiful and a surprise move. Tour viewing some can, some may avoid the summer heat, some can be happy visit to Cuba, some for pay respects.
Shanxi Yellow River flows through the western and southern borders, the territory also flows a tributary of the Yellow River Fenhe, Qinhe, Su River, the three River, Xin River and Haihe River Sanggan, Niigata (hū) Da River. Among them, the famous Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River to and surging rapids, waterfall sound of thundering roar known, Pingding County Niangziguan Niangziguan waterfall near the castle is also renowned for their beautiful scenery known to the world. Shanxi inside lakes and springs are widely distributed, well-known and Ningwu yuncheng Yanchi Tianchi lakes, such as the oldest group and the characteristics of geothermal water, mineral water is also a wide range of distribution. Shanxi old Stephen of Stephen difficult Jinci scenery is good victory, the
County hot soup, "Run of the magic, then wash."
Yellow River in Shanxi Province is a thick one of the main culture. The ancient ruins of human culture, the ancient city of Royal Park, Temple pagoda in a temple, grotto stele, sculpture murals, ancient tombs, Buddhist shrines, as well as the risk of Fort revolution pass antiquities, historical sites and so on, from north to south, the province beads form the ancient and modern Shanxi both rich and varied human landscape. At present, Song intact, the ground before more than 70% of ancient buildings. Throughout the province, with the value of the precious heritage of the state-level key 119 has a number.
Buddhist holy sites such as Mount, Yingxian Wooden Tower, the Yungang Grottoes, Yongle Palace Mural, Yuncheng Temple, Temple Yongji universalist, HongtongGuangshen House ietc. are well-known at home and abroad. Shanxi ancient history up to the territory of more than 280 seats, of which the Yingxian Wooden Tower, Mount White, on behalf of County, Ashoka Tower, Taiyuan Twin Tower Temple永祚, Feihong广胜寺Hongtong universalist tower and Yongji Temple Orioles the most famous Orioles tower. Shanxi to avoid the larger territory of nearly 50 Grottoes, Yungang Grottoes in Datong, Taiyuan days Longshan Grottoes, Longshan Grottoes, Grottoes Changzhi a sheep's head, Dan River Temple Grottoes Pingding represented.本回答被网友采纳