


The time resembled passes through for several thousand years, the dreamland which Shangrila like gorgeous immersed made one yearn. The snow and ice cover's steep mountain, the resplendent in gold and jade green pagoda temple, has the illusion gorgeous youth guqin young girl Luo treasure, in the blue month river flutters lotus flower ......Because is complete secluded from the world, Shangrila is covering a mystical veil indistinctly has also taken to bring with some kind of sad beauty. In here, the years are also slow the copper ting which like in the Tibetan monastery resounds, are the time flow bit by bit. But along with four stranger fate's intrusion, this all balanced is broken. Actor Kang Wei harbors one kind of primitive respect to all these, is as if a crowd beautiful and the lovable young people, hugs and kisses in the world terminus falls in love. Paradise Shangrila, several thousand years ago is serene and is gentle, can take on and contain all outside storm. When Barnard and Bro Kelin young lady decided to hope and believe pauses when this dream, Kang peacekeeping Mallinson - - also has that beautiful Manchu nationality girl Luo treasure - - actually to plan leaves. They really left, afterward all miracle vanishing, looked like makes one to be continuous the life dreamland - - this is Shangrila, eternal, peaceful, tranquil place, a section gorgeously to inconceivable dream, and had the innumerable people to be willing to immerse for it.
第1个回答  2009-08-18
Time seems to pass through thousands of years, Shangri-La China and the United States while intoxicated as a desirable dream. Stacks of snow-covered mountains, resplendent pagodas and temples, China and the United States has a fantastic youth罗珍guqin girls, blue lotus floating on the river ... ... because it is completely isolated, Shangri-La over the layer of the mystery is also vague with on a certain sad beauty. Here, time is also slow as the copper rings in喇嘛寺ring tones, bit by bit is the running time. With the fate of four strangers into the like, all the balance is broken. Actor Conway all with a primitive in this respect, as if a group of beautiful and lovely young people, in the clinch at the end of the world love. Shangri-La paradise-like, from several thousand years ago, serene and calm, to play and inclusive of all the turmoil outside. When Miss Barnard and Brock decided to stay in order to hope and belief in this dream, the Conway and Mallinson - and that beautiful girl of the Manchu罗珍- but is planning to leave the. They really left, followed by the disappearance of all miracles, just as is done in a long life dream - This is the Shangri-La, an eternal, peaceful, quiet place, a strange dream to China and the United States, and many people are willing to The intoxicated.

第2个回答  2009-08-22
Time is through thousands of years, such as a colorful and shangri-la drunken dream yearning. Ice and snow mountains, the sheer pagoda temple, glittering like dream has colorful youth guqin LuoZhen girl on the river, the blue lotus... Because it is completely isolated, a layer of shangri-la pall mysterious veil also faintly accumulated certain sad beauty. Here, also slowly like bronze bell rang at lama, bit by bit, is the flow of time. With four strangers, all these fatalistic into balance is broken. For all this KangWei actor with an original respect, asing if is a group of beautiful and lovely young people, in the world at the end of each kiss. Xanadu of shangri-la, from thousands of years ago, can bear the serene and enveloping the storm outside. When barnardo's decision to miss klingenberg block and hope and faith in the dream, and the beautiful MaLinSen peacekeeping - the manchu LuoZhen girl - but are going to leave. They really left, after all, like a miracle did a stretch of life dreams -- this is an eternal, shangri-la, peace, tranquility, a beauty to the incredible dream, and millions of people willing to get drunk.
第3个回答  2009-08-18