

清晨,一个头上贴着胶布的男孩四处向人们问好,他就是我们的主人公——写乐保介。写乐向鬼童同学问好,但鬼童 ignored him and continued to look at the girl he admired, Hotta Chieko, through his telescope. Write tried various methods to get Tengu's attention, even using a trumpet and the school's public address system. This behavior angered Tengu, who threw Write into the swimming pool. Fortunately, Hotta Chieko came and defeated Tengu's gang, saving Write. Hotta thought Write was too timid and easily bullied, so she took him to the museum after school, where he accidentally destroyed some exhibits. They came across an ancient statue of the Sanzuwami with a red spear in its hand, covered in mysterious symbols. Hotta was curious about what was under Write's tape. She asked Write's father, Professor犬持, who rejected her, warning Write not to visit the museum again. This increased Hotta's curiosity. She kissed Write on the forehead and, while he was dizzy, ripped off his tape. As Write's third eye revealed itself, light bulbs shattered! In fear, Hotta hugged Write as he smashed through the window (Write's first appearance with three eyes; so cool!).
在学校,同学们都在运动,Hotta and some girls were playing volleyball, while Ko and Asu were playing baseball nearby, feeling powerless against Tengu's gang. The teacher favored Tengu. When Write's turn came to hit, Ko and Asu pulled him from the sandpit and onto the field. Tengu signaled, and his gang aimed a pitch at Write's head. In a crucial moment, Write ducked and picked up a small object,扔掉 his bat and rushed to give it to Hotta. Back on the field, Write picked up his bat, and a bee annoyed him, flying around his head. He swung at it with the bat. To everyone's surprise, Write hit a homerun! After the game, Write took Hotta to Uncle胡子的来来轩, where the uncle mistook Hotta for Write's girlfriend (she is!). Write was sent to deliver an order and didn't return for a long time. Hotta worriedly left. On an empty lot, Tengu's gang bullied Write. "Is this the kind of person Hotta likes?" they mocked. Hotta arrived and defeated Tengu's gang. "Aren't I a good enough partner for you?" Tengu asked. "You put on a kind face, but Write is better than you." Hotta replied. Hotta led Write away, and Tengu hated Write even more.
(To be continued...)