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Entering the new century, especially as China's accession to the WTO heart of Beijing's Olympic bid, the successful schonborn Shanghai, marking China's more open, the link with the outside world more closely, in the eyes such a historical background and social environment, English is not Public communication is a tool for communication and, more importantly, it is to improve the international competitiveness of the means. In international relations, English is widely used, has become a relatively common world language. The popularity of English in international politics, economy and trade, information exchange and other fields.

In this way, China has greatly expanded space for the development of international trade, international trade professionals hot, great prospects for employment, a large number of types of import and export enterprise engaged in the actual operational needs of both good at English and proficient in the two-way international trade professionals. Faced with the enormous talent market demand, domestic supply of the professional talent is very limited, experts estimated that the next five years, the country's foreign trade management products for more than one million at least. Business English talent with strong competitive career development.

As China's foreign trade and further liberalization of the franchise will be a large number of small private enterprises and other production companies into the international market competition. Of both good at English and proficient in the business of international trade practice English more and more demand. Gradually obvious talent gap.

Analysis of employment trends, 1998, China's trade industry practitioners up to 21 million people who it. 20 to 21 years, electronic commerce and Internet trade will become the mainstream of the world, global trade integration in the development of international business professionals to a higher level of foreign language proficiency requirements. Business English negotiation is a complex transnational, cross-cultural economic activities. It not only requires negotiators with extensive knowledge of the horizontal, but negotiators have also called for expertise in depth, a good business English negotiators have not only theoretical knowledge, but also has extensive experience in negotiations, so the accumulation of experience very important. Learning to the success of the negotiations, but also to learn from the failure of the negotiations. Only in this way can we constantly improve their own quality, continuous improvement in practice. Business English in order to improve the overall quality of the negotiations should start with the following areas:

First, the accumulation of a broad range of integrated knowledge
Requirements of international business people not only have strong professional knowledge and grasp of our country and other country's foreign trade policies and laws and regulations, at the same time understanding the situation of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization and the world economy, but also international trade, international finance, international commercial law, insurance, transportation, business management and international marketing common sense. Due to different national and political background, cultural background, educational background, religious beliefs, different customs, values, philosophy, ways of thinking are also different. It also called on the international business negotiations have strong cross-cultural awareness and a very comprehensive knowledge of cross-cultural communication.

Second, proficiency in the language of business negotiation etiquette skills

1, good expression. The success of business negotiations the two sides are negotiating the excellent results of the use of language arts. It is embodied in (1) targeted: in the business negotiation process, the target language better, answer in an orderly manner, will produce its desired effects; (2) tactful way: In the United Kingdom and the United States, people use politeness functions that indirectly some of the commonly used language, such as: Would you ... ...? Could you ... ...? this type of sentence, the others refused the request, generally do not say No to use I am afraid ... ... or I am not sure ... ... and so tactfully refuse negotiations should be to make full use tactful language, this easy to accept each other; (3) respond to changes with flexibility: the process of negotiation often embarrassing encounter some unexpected things, negotiators have the flexibility requirements of language ability, can take appropriate emergency means skillfully predicament. When the opponent forces you to make a choice immediately, you can look at the table, and then politely tell each other: "I am sorry, Please waiting a moment, I have to call my friend." So, you will win very graciously Thinking for a moment of time. (4) Silent Language: business negotiations, negotiations through posture, gesture, expression, facial expressions and other non-speech organs to express the silent language, we call non-verbal, non-verbal negotiation process often play an important role, often See the form are: the speech of people with eye contact, smile, nod, did not appear to understand when confused and ambiguous expressions, surprised to be surprised at it. In some special circumstances, sometimes the need for silence, the silence of the right to obtain unexpected results.
2, ingenious response. Contacts in the business of business has a high personnel requirements of eloquence, has a good ability to logical thinking, clear expression of language, in the negotiations to maintain their own manners, always polite to master negotiation skills, be able to dialogue take the initiative to obtain satisfactory results.
3, a good listener. Effectively listen to a lot of valuable information available, an increase of a bargaining chip to negotiate, understand each other's needs and find new ways to solve the problem, modify our offer or the offer. To encourage each other to say, and ask questions, please answer the other side, to talk about their situation, as far as possible in order to achieve the purpose of understanding of each other.

Third, business etiquette in English negotiations Image

Business etiquette is in the business activities of mutual respect embodied in codes of conduct, business activities, the appearance on the instrumentation and the general requirements of speech and deportment. Its main roles: First, to enhance our personal quality of business, market competition is the quality of the performance of the final competition, to business people, it is the quality of commercial cultivation and the quality of the performance of individual competition. Second, contribute to the establishment of good interpersonal relationships.懂礼貌exchanges do not, do not know what the rules will screw up sometimes. Third, for the maintenance of the image. The image of the design of business people is very important because the image of the personal business on behalf of the corporate image, product image and service image, in cross-cultural exchanges in the image on behalf of national, local and national image of the image.

Fourth, access to useful information or information

Today's information age, access to effective information is an important condition for business success. Through the collection of information, the entire sequence, use and evaluation, and to create new information. Year-old forward to the continued expansion of social information, as well as the extensive use of computer technology, database technology, network technology has provided us with a variety of convenience. Information capacity is to create, expand the basis. Rapid domestic and international economic and technological development, the emergence of a large number of scientific and technical information, business people need to understand information needs of a very good grasp of the information, and make the right response to the information, seize the opportunity to be successful.

Fifth, with the times, the ability to foster self-improvement

At present, knowledge innovation, dissemination and transformation of applications with unprecedented production very rapidly and widely. The rapid expansion of knowledge, so that science and technology theory and technical know-how to speed up the aging cycle. Social workers will only be one life of education, far enough to enjoy lifelong, knowledge-based society to force every member of society, especially business professionals must establish lifelong access to education, the idea of the concept of lifelong learning. Socio-economic development of the future is full of variability and unpredictable nature, exacerbated among people working and living in the competitive. An increasingly competitive international economy. Faced with the ever-changing international economic situation changes, only the rapid mastery of new technologies and means of competition, continuously improve the ability to meet challenges in the fierce international competition.
With the development of economic globalization, the increasingly frequent international exchanges. Therefore, negotiations on the business requirements of the quality of personnel is also getting higher and higher. China's international economic development is dependent on the personnel system have knowledge of international business, with business innovation and the ability to exchange
第1个回答  2009-08-08
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一、 积累广博的综合知识

二、 精通商务谈判礼仪的语言技巧

1、善于表达。成功的商务谈判者都是谈判双方出色运用语言艺术的结果。它体现在(1)针对性强:在商务谈判过程中,语言的针对性要强,对答有序,做到有的放矢;(2)婉转方式:在英美国家,人们利用礼貌功能,常用一些表示婉转的语言,例如:Would you……?Could you……?这一类的句式,在拒绝别人要求时,一般不直说No而用I am afraid ……或I am not sure……等委婉地拒绝,谈判中应当尽量使用婉转语言,这样易于被对方接受;(3)应变灵活:谈判过程中往往会遇到一些意想不到的尴尬事情,要求谈判者具有灵活的语言应变能力,能采取恰当的应急手段,巧妙地摆脱困境。当遇到对手逼你立即作出选择时,你可以看看表,然后有礼貌地告诉对方:“I am sorry ,Please waiting a moment ,I have to call my friend.”于是,你便很得体地赢得了片刻思考的时间。(4)无声语言:商务谈判中,谈判者通过姿势、手势、眼神、表情等非发音器官来表达的无声语言,我们称之为非语言,非语言往往在谈判过程中发挥重要的作用,常见的形式有:与讲话人目光接触、微笑、点头,未听懂时显出迷糊不清的表情,感到奇怪时做出惊奇的样子。在有些特殊环境里,有时需要沉默,恰到好处的沉默可以取得意想不到的效果。

三、 商务英语谈判礼仪中形象塑造


四、 获取有用的信息或资料


五、 与时俱进,培养自我提高的能力


