

U.S. : male on this day to his female friends say "happy valentine's day" has no special relationship, and gradually evolved into a public greeting form. But men less publicly to another male so greeting.\x0d\x0aBritain: from the 17th century on, valentine's day become common.\x0d\x0aJapan: female chocolates and give her favorite male, whereas men in a month after the White valentine's Day (ホ イ デ ー ワ ト, white.on return table /) says, this is Japan businessman in 1977 hype results. The yomiuri explained: "the present designated was white chocolate, the reason is to avoid stingy man with the girl friend send together a collection of chocolate, and then its unaltered in return."\x0d\x0aChina's Taiwan: by neighboring countries Japan effects and also celebrate this holiday, but unlike Japan is in Taiwan, but boy sent girls present. In addition, no contacts object the young men and women often choose to like people in this confession, the lovers will have particular date on that day.\x0d\x0aAustralia: Australia is a romantic country, hometown and the sea a neighbour, natural seashells rich resources, and on valentine's day, love people often think of representative romantic love purple shells to each other, describedas the love of faithful. In some youth idol drama, we often can see actor send natural purple shells to each other to actress, says the love.\x0d\x0aChina: after the reform and opening, many young men and women also began to celebrate this holiday, at present the festival's attention for young people with Spring Festival levels have can be compared, the Mid-Autumn festival. General is guys send girls, girls more formal gifts should also be said. In addition to the important content is comparative romantic place for dinner, each network send blessing and become love wall, said the new fashion with eternal love commitment. The boy for is in pursuit of girl, if this is a day the girl took his valentine's day gifts or to accept the invitation, it means relationship determination. Because of the word "lover" in mainland China different understanding of language (" lovers "sometimes involves" mistress, "" lover", namely legal marriage outside of the men and women relation of mean), suffer some criticism. On the other hand, because of fears that the western holiday pouring into China, to dilute the traditional Chinese festivals celebrate the festival was often some people opposition. Hong Kong: long-term impact by western culture, celebrating valentine's day for many years history. Men and women will be exchanging gifts, male send female standard gift is usually flowers, chocolates, jewelry and other, female send man is usually watches, tie, etc, and often men dress things candlelit dinner to the restaurant. Macau: in lover festival, male will send flowers to female, female will give male chocolate. Men and women couples attaches great importance to this day holiday.\x0d\x0aValentine's day gift\x0d\x0aThe customs on valentine's day celebration, flowers and chocolate is when necessary. Rose means love is well known, but the number of different color, flower is otherwise auspicious meaning roses.中文翻译: 美国:男性在这一天向他的女性朋友说“情人节快乐”已经没有特别的感情关系,而逐渐演变为有如公开场合的打招呼的形式。但男性较少在公开场合对另一位男性如此打招呼。 \x0d\x0a  英国:从17世纪开始,情人节变得普遍。 \x0d\x0a  日本:女性送巧克力给她喜欢的男性,而男性则在一个月后的白色情人节(ホワイトデー,White Day)回礼表衷肠,这是日本商人于1977年炒作的结果。《读卖新闻》解释说:“礼物指定是白巧克力,原因是避免吝啬的男子把女友送赠的巧克力收藏起来,然后又将其原封不动地作为回礼。” \x0d\x0a  中国台湾:因受邻近国家日本的影响,也庆祝这个节日,但与日本不同的是,在台湾却是男生送女生礼物。另外,没有交往对象的年轻男女也常选在这天向喜欢的人告白,情侣亦会特别在这天约会。 \x0d\x0a  澳大利亚:澳大利亚是一个浪漫的国度,家乡与海为邻,天然海贝资源丰富,在情人节这一天,恋人们常把代表浪漫爱情的紫贝壳送给对方,以示对爱情的忠贞。在一些青春偶像剧中,我们也常可以看到男主角送天然紫贝壳给女主角,表示对对方的爱慕。 \x0d\x0a  中国:改革开放后,不少年轻男女也开始庆祝这个节日,目前年轻人对该节日的重视程度已经可以与春节、中秋节相比。一般是男生送女生礼物比较正式,女生也要有所表示。除此之外的重要活动内容是到比较浪漫的地点共进晚餐,互相在网络爱墙发送祝福也成为新的时尚,表示爱情的承诺与永恒。对于正在追求女孩的男生来说,如果这一天女孩接受了他的情人节礼物或者表示接受邀请,就意味着恋爱关系的确定。由于对“情人”一词的不同理解(在大陆用语中,“情人”有时包含“情妇”、“情夫”,即合法婚姻以外的男女关系的意味),遭到一些非议。另一方面,由于担心西方节日不断涌入中国,冲淡了对中国传统节日的庆祝,这一节日经常遭到部分人士的反对。 香港:受到西方文化长期影响下,庆祝情人节已有多年历史。男女会互赠礼物,男送女的标准礼物通常是鲜花、巧克力、首饰等,女送男的一般是手表、领带等男士服饰用品,并且常会到餐厅享用烛光晚餐。 澳门:在情人节日,男会送鲜花给女,女则会送给男巧克力。男女情侣都非常重视这天的节日。 \x0d\x0a情人节礼物\x0d\x0a  在情人节的习俗中,鲜花和巧克力是庆祝时必不可少的。玫瑰代表爱情是众所周知的,但不同颜色、朵数的玫瑰还另有吉意。