

It is about 400 meters from my home to school. And I spend around 15 minutes going to school every time. How do I get to school? Now, I'd like to give you the answer. Get out of the door of my home and just turn left, and go straight forward about 200 meters, then you can find the first crossroad. At the crossroad, you just turn right and go straight forward for 200 meters and you will find my school named *** on your right. You can't miss it.
从我家到学校大约400米,我每次大约花15分钟就可以到那里。那么我是怎么到学校的呢?现在,我将告诉你答案。出家门然后左转,直走大约200米,你将发现第一个十字路口,在十字路口那里,右转,再直走200米,你会发现我的学校 *** 就在你右边。你就找到了。