

Book 2 Module 1 参考答案及部分解析
11-15 BCBAA 16-20BBAAC 21-25 CBACB 26-30DABDC
31-35 AAADC 36-40DEFGB
41-45 BCBAD 46-50CABDA
51-55 CDAAB 56-60 DCABD
61. giving 62.helpful
63. qualities 64.that
65. wants 66.possibly
67. the 68. to take
69. themselves 70.What
71. ... Park as usually. usually → usual
72. ... English activity calling ...
calling→ called
73. ... practising English here ...
here → there
74. ... two America students ...
America→ American
75. ... were both interested ... both → all
76. ... also liked them ... them→ it
77. We talk about ... talk → talked
78. ... some famous player ...
player→ players
79. ... this kind conversation ...
80. ... but also to ... 去掉to
One possible version:
Dear fellow students, good morning!
I am very glad to be here to give a speechon the topic of “Healthy habits”. Healthy habits are important to ourlives.
On one hand, we should exercise every day.For example, we can walk to school instead of taking a bus. Also, every day wecan spend at least one hour playing ball games. On the other hand, our healthdepends greatly on our eating habits and lifestyle. We should avoid eating toomuch sugar and junk food like hamburgers. What's more, we should have regularmeals every day and drink enough water. Last but not least, we must remember“Early to bed, early to rise” is necessary to health.
Thanks for your attention!

21. C。细节理解题。根据文中的Professor Beverley Glover, Director of the CUBG (CambridgeUniversity Botanic Garden)可知,BeverleyGlover是剑桥大学植物园的负责人。
22. B。细节理解题。根据24 Apr部分中的a pleasing journeyinto grass leaf shape可知,4月的报告主题是叶子形状。
23. A。推理判断题。根据文章第一段中的science talks at the Cambridge University Botanic Garden以及下文介绍这些报告的时间、主题和主讲人等信息可以推测,该文摘自当地的一则通知。
24. C。推理判断题。根据第二段中的I love walking with my friends to school和I feel good可知,Lizey认为走路去上学是一件赏心乐事。
25. B。推理判断题。根据第四段中的the group just keeps getting bigger and bigger with more and morekids the closer we get to school可知,离学校越近,走路校车的队伍越庞大。
26. D。词义猜测题。该段接下来谈到的helps parents save time,saves energy and cuts down on neighborhood traffic和provides kids with a chance to exercise and have fun都是走路校车的好处,由此可知merits与advantages同义。
27. A。标题归纳题。通读全文不难发现,整篇文章围绕走路校车这个话题展开,向我们陈述了走路校车这个概念,它的好处以及规则等相关信息。因此,A项概括了文章主旨,作标题合适。
28. B。细节理解题。根据第五段中的They are World Heritage Sites可知,Edinburgh's Old Town的特别之处在于它被列入了《世界文化遗产名录》。
29. D。细节理解题。根据倒数第四段中的Stories tell of a young boy named Abu Simbel who found the temples和倒数第三段中的the Abu Simbel Temples, in memory of the young boy who first foundthem可知,Abu Simbel是第一个发现那些寺庙的人。
30. C。推理判断题。根据倒数第三段中的engineers took the temples apart in many pieces and rebuilt them hundredsof meters back from the Nile River可知,Ramses II(拉美西斯二世,古埃及的国王名)寺庙被移到了一个安全的地方。
31. A。段落大意题。最后一段中的send a list和meets and votes等信息向我们展示了世界遗产委员会是如何选出可以被列入《世界文化遗产名录》的遗产的,故A项符合段意。
32. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的Maru is a popular international star和第二段中的Another famous cat is called “Grumpy Cat”可知,Maru和Grumpy Cat是网络“红人”。
33. A。细节理解题。根据第四段中的Ben Huh bought the small website in 2007和He earns millions of dollars every year managing them可知,I can has cheezburger这个网站很成功。
34. D。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的when people see a cat do something amazing, they know it did thetrick without training可知,有的专家认为人们喜欢在网上看关于猫的图片和视频是因为觉得猫的举动是自然而然的,没有经过人为刻意的训练。
35. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段中Matt Smith说的There willalways be more cats on the Internet可知,Matt Smith对猫米姆文化的前景感到乐观。
36. D。根据上一句It is also a good idea to revise before quizzes and exams可知,临考前复习可以让你对学习材料记忆犹新。
37. E。根据该段的小标题Find Your Place以及上一句中的find aquiet and relaxing environment和下一句中的a placewhere you will not be disturbed可知,E项谈论舒适的地方符合该处语境。
38. F。根据上一句中的make revising part of your weekly routine可知,F项承接上一句说最好每天都复习符合该处语境。
39. G。G项中的organize them bysubject, topic, and date实际上就是该段提到的StayOrganized的方法之一。
40. B。根据该段首句中的At the end of every revision, review your notes carefully可知,这是在每个复习阶段完成后检查自己的掌握情况,因此B项作小标题符合该段语境。
41. B。根据下文中的I have wanted to be an inventor since I was a small child可知,由于Scott儿时的梦想就是当发明家,因此他大学毕业后“决定(decided)”成为一名发明家。
42. C。根据下文中的his best friend Luke以及朋友Luke给他的建议可知,这里填friends。
43. B。Luke认为如果Scott当发明家,将“绝不会(never)”有一份固定的收入。
44. A。根据上文中的You cannot spend your life as an inventor以及a steady income可知,Luke为Scott的前途感到“担忧(worried about)”。
45. D。根据该空后的get a job in the city可知,Luke劝Scott“重新考虑(reconsider)”。
46. C。47. A。根据该段中的I have wanted tobe an inventor since I was a small child可知,成为一名发明家是Scott的“梦想(dream)”,因此他不想“放弃(give up)”。
48. B。根据下文中的he was unable to sell it和His second idea received little support可知,Scott的很多点子都以“失败(failed)”告终。
49. D。根据该空后的he was unable to sell it可知,Scott的第一个发明“问题百出(disadvantages)”。
50. A。51. C。根据下文Luke和Scott的对话可知,Luke“继续(continued)”劝说Scott,希望他换一个“不同的(different)”职业。
52. D。53. A。根据上文中的career可知,Luke希望Scott好好为自己的“将来(future)”打算,并是时候“尝试(try)”一些别的工作了。
54. A。根据上文中的But I cannot stop now. I am so close to coming up with somethinghuge可知,Scott认为“如果(If)”他现在放弃,那他的生命就被浪费掉了。
55. B。根据该段中的nodded和Just know that I amhere to support you可知,Luke“理解(understand)”朋友的决定。
56. D。根据下一句中的He presented it to several companies可知,有一天,Scott“完成了(completed)”他给飞机构想的新型机翼的设计。
57. C。根据下一句After some competition, a company offered to buy his design可知,那几家公司都喜欢Scott的“想法(idea)”。
58. A。根据上文中的a company offered to buy his design可知,Scott为自己的“成功(make it)”感到高兴。
59. B。根据文章开头Luke对Scott的劝说You cannot spend your life as an inventor可知,Luke对“曾经(ever)”建议Scott放弃发明家的梦想而心生内疚。
60. D。根据Scott最后成功的故事可知,Luke认为Scott的“成功(success)”是他应得的。
61. giving。考查动词-ing作宾语的用法。设空处作介词of的宾语,故填giving。
62. helpful。考查形容词。be helpful for ... 意为“对……是有帮助的”,故填helpful。
63. qualities。考查名词。设空处与the method, the habit并列,quality在此处表示“特性”,是可数名词,故填qualities。
64. that。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,作thinks的宾语,故填that。
65. wants。考查主谓一致。设空处真正主语是someone,且文中描述的是客观事实,故填wants。
66. possibly。考查副词。设空处修饰形容词fit,故填possibly。
67. the。考查定冠词。amount of support后面有that引导的定语从句限定,表特指,故填the。
68. to take。考查不定式。be able to do sth. 意为“能够做某事”。
69. themselves。考查反身代词。设空处作cure的宾语,且与主语指的是同一类人,故填themselves。
70. What。考查连接词。设空处引导主语从句,且在从句中作宾语(指物),故填What。

1-5 CDABD 6-10 DBABC
1. C。细节理解题。根据第一段中的to find and stop Japanese ships that hunt whales可知,Paul Watson每年冬天都忙着阻止日本船只捕杀鲸。
2. D。词义猜测题。根据划线词后的before an official order to stop commercial whaling was made in 1986可知,在禁止商业捕鲸的禁令出台以前,许多大型鲸的数量急剧下降。
3. A。推理判断题。根据第二段中的this monstrous killing machine,this industrialized whale-killing place和The Japanese have continued killing whales over the last 20 years inthe name of “scientific” whaling以及the whale meatends up on food store shelves可知,Nisshin Maru这只船挂羊头卖狗肉,其真正目的不是进行科学研究,而是捕杀鲸。
4. B。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的The behavior of people on both sides of the problem has beendangerous和whether violenceagainst illegal whaling operations is reasonable and right可知,双方都表现出格。
5. D。主旨大意题。文章首句中的a Canadian environmentalist ... a campaign every winter to find andstop Japanese ships that hunt whales in the name of research就已点出本文主旨,再结合下文Steve Irwin全体船员是如何奋力阻止日本商业船只捕杀鲸的故事可知,D项符合题意。
6. D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的the best soccer players are more likely to have been born earlier inthe year than later以及该段所举的例子可知,这种不同寻常的倾向和足球运动员的生日月份紧密相关。
7. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的answer an important question: when someone is very good atsomething, what actually makes them good可知,Ericsson教授试图找出优秀人士成功背后的原因。
8. A。推理判断题。根据第三段中的practice really does make perfect和expert performers are nearly always made, not born可知,研究结果暗示表现出色的人往往都是后天培育的。
9. B。细节理解题。根据第三段中的you should do what you love及Ericsson's conclusions suggest that students should follow theirinterests earlier in their schooling to build up experience and receivemeaningful feedback可知,Ericsson建议大家选择自己喜欢的方向培养自我。
10. C。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的The coach is mistaking maturity for ability以及What about those December-born players? They never get a chance可知,作者说话的口吻透露出他认为教练选择球员的方式不太公平。