
一开始一句 as i walked out over london bridge 第二句貌似是one misty morning early!后面不记得了!

  这是齐豫英文专辑《C'est la vie》中的一首《Geordei》。

  As I walked out over London Bridge,
  One misty morning early
  I overheard a fair, pretty maid
  Was lamenting for her Geordie

  Oh my Geordie will be hanged in a golden chain
  Tis not the chain of many
  He was born of the king''''s royal blood
  And lost to a virtuous lady

  Go bridle me my milk white steed
  Go bridle me my pony
  I will ride to London''''s court
  To plead for the life of my Geordie

  Oh my Geordie never stole cow nor calf
  He never hurted any
  He stole sixteen of the King''''s royal deer
  And sold them in Boeny

  Six pretty babies have I borne
  The seventh lies in my body
  I''''d freely part with them one and all
  If you''''ll spare me the life of my Geordie

  The judge looked over his left shoulder
  He said, Fair maid, I''''m sorry
  Said, Fair maid, you must be gone
  For I cannot pardon Geordie

  Oh my Geordie will be hanged in a golden chain
  Tis not the chain of many
  He was born of the king''''s royal blood
  And lost to a virtuous lady


  我信步伦敦桥上 一个多雾的早晨
  正为他的乔第哀唱 喔
  他出身皇族 不慎失足于一位贤淑女子
  为我上辔 我的白色战马 为我上辔
  我亲爱的马儿 我要前往伦敦法庭
  为我的乔第请命 我的乔第未曾偷过牛或犊
  他从未伤过任何人 就偷了十六只皇家的鹿
  在波爱尼变卖了它们 我膝下已有两可爱的小孩
  第三个正安躺于我体内 我可以毫无怨言的与他们永别
  只要你能赦免我和乔第 法官别过脸去
  他说:可爱的少女 我很抱歉
  说:可爱的少女,必需离开 因为我无法开赦乔第
  喔 我的乔第将以一条金色锁链被处以绞刑
  那不是一条普通的绞链 就偷了十六只皇家的鹿