打春是什么意思 打春的含义是什么


立春前一日,旧时府县官员会迎接用泥土制作的春牛,放在衙门前。立春当天, early in the morning, the officials would beat the clay ox with red and green whips, which was why the Spring Festival was also known as "Beating the Spring Ox." This custom was popular in many regions of China. The "spring ox" was made of mulberry wood for the framework and soil was taken on the day after冬至 to sculpt it. It was about 1.3 meters tall and 2.4 meters long, with pictures of the four seasons, eight festivals, and 360 days and 12 hours. On the day before the Spring Festival, people would go to the ancestral altar to offer sacrifices and then bring the "spring ox" back to the county government. They would set up a feast in the hall and encourage men and women of all ages to lead the "ox" and plow, singing planting songs and praying for a good harvest.
In some areas, especially in Hunan Province in ancient times, unemployed people would go from door to door during the Spring Festival, beating small gongs and bamboo blocks, singing songs and collecting money, which was also called "Beating the Spring."
What is beaten on the day of the Spring Festival?
Beating the Spring Ox
Legend has it that on the day of the Spring Festival, the palace and its surroundings were treated as a festival, and celebrations were held with great pomp and splendor. The earliest record of beating the spring ox can be traced back to the creation of the custom by周公. The custom has almost the same longevity as the Chinese nation. The "Capital Customs" records: "In front of the palace, there was a god of agriculture to the east and a spring ox to the west." After the ceremony, the ox was beaten and burned, which is why it is called "Beating the Spring." At that time, breaking the spring ox symbolized encouraging the old ox to till the fields, indicating the meaning of "promoting sowing." People would fight to take home the fragments of the spring ox as a symbol of good luck.
Beating the small gong
During the Spring Festival, you can hear the sound of spring gongs and drums everywhere in the countryside, accompanied by rhythmic singing. This was done to celebrate the Spring Festival.
According to legend, during the Ming Dynasty, a magistrate ordered people to find branches that had sprouted and bring them to the magistrate's office. Whoever brought them first would receive a reward. The next day, two people, surnamed吴 and 周, brought some sprouted poplar branches to the magistrate's court. The magistrate, seeing this, was naturally very pleased and considered it a good omen. The two men received a generous reward from the magistrate. The magistrate also asked them to come earlier the next year to report the arrival of spring. Coincidentally, the next year was relatively warm, and the Spring Festival fell on the first day of the lunar year, so 周 and 吴 brought sprouted poplar branches, each holding a small gong and a half-made drum, and came to the magistrate's court to report the arrival of spring. They beat the gong and sang some nice words of blessing. The magistrate was extremely pleased and gave them double the reward. This news spread to the other people. In the following years, other people also followed the example of 周 and 吴, forming groups to report the arrival of spring to the magistrate. The magistrate, seeing so many people coming, no longer rewarded the people with his own money. The magistrate said to the crowd: "Reporting the arrival of spring is a great joy, and the beginning of a year depends on the spring. If spring returns to the earth early, it is the happiness of the people. You can take Wu and Zhou as your teachers and go to the villages to report the arrival of spring. From now on, I will hold a grand spring welcome ceremony during the Spring Festival to enjoy with the people." Since then, the custom of beating the spring has been established in various places.
What taboos are there on the day of the Spring Festival?
1. Do not see a doctor for illness on the day of the Spring Festival, as this means you will have no good luck throughout the year. This saying is just a way to seek good fortune, like not seeing a doctor on the first day of the year. It's okay to delay treatment for a minor illness.
2. Do not get a haircut on the day of the Spring Festival, as it is unlucky. As the saying goes: "Hair is like the grass and trees on the human body, and spring returns after the Winter Solstice. Harming the newly born grass and trees is against the laws of nature." Moreover, why should you get a haircut on this day out of the 365 days in a year?
3. Do not lie down on the day of the Spring Festival, but sit or stand up. It is said that spring returns to the earth, which is the time when all things begin anew. People should also have a good mental outlook to welcome the spring revival. It is recommended to go to the fields or parks to absorb fresh air and feel the vitality and nature, seeking a good omen for the new year.
4. Avoid arguments and speaking dirty words on the day of the Spring Festival. Do not engage in disputes, and greet the arrival of spring with harmony and joy. A good mood and a good start are needed to welcome a harmonious and smooth year.
5. Do not move on the day of the Spring Festival. Many people should know that moving should not be chosen on the four solar terms and eight festivals, as this is a time of transition when the energy is mixed, and moving is naturally not suitable. It is not advisable to move at the beginning of the year as it is a time of turmoil.