


What if what if we run away(如果我们私奔又何妨),What if what if we left today(如果我们现在离开又何妨),What if we said goodbye to safe and sound(如果我们告别安稳又何妨)。

What if what if we're hard to find(如果我们难以寻找又何妨),What if what if we lost our minds(如果我们不再清醒又何妨),What if we let them fall behind and they're never found(如果我们把他们抛在脑后又何妨)。

And when the lights start flashing like a photobooth(当灯光闪烁仿佛置身于照相亭中时),And the stars exploding we'll be fireproof(当星河崩塌时我们也能全身而退),My youth my youth is yours(我的青春韶华属于你)。

Trippin'on skies sippin'waterfalls(漫散于天,深潜于瀑),My youth my youth is your(我的青春韶华属于你),Run away now and forevermore(与我私奔,再不回首),My youth my youth is yours(我的少年青春全部属于你)。

A truth so loud you can't ignore(如此响亮的誓言,不可忽视),My youth my youth my youth(我的青春,我的年少),My youth is yours(全部独属与你)。

What if what if we start to drive(如果我们放手奔腾又何妨),What if what if we close our eyes(如果我们闭上双眼忘记现实又何妨),What if we're speeding through red lights into paradise(如果我们将红灯抛在脑后,直奔天堂又何妨)。

Cause we've no time for getting old(因为我们没法腾时间给变老),Mortal body timeless souls(凡人的身躯,不羁的灵魂),Cross your fingers here we go(祈求上苍保佑,一起走吧)。

And when the lights start flashing like a photobooth(当灯光闪烁仿佛置身于照相亭中时),And the stars exploding we'll be fireproof(当星河崩塌时我们也能全身而退),My youth my youth is yours(我的青春韶华属于你)。

Trippin'on skies sippin'waterfalls(漫散于天,深潜于瀑),My youth my youth is your(我的青春年少属于你),Run away now and forevermore(与我私奔,再不回首)。

My youth my youth is yours(我的青葱岁月属于你),A truth so loud you can't ignor(如此响亮的誓言,不可忽视),My youth my youth my youth(我的韶华,我的青春)。

My youth is yours(全部属于你),My youth is yours(我的少年青春全部属于你),My youth my youth is yours(我的韶华青葱全部属于你)。

Trippin'on skies sippin'waterfalls(漫散于天,深潜于瀑),My youth my youth is your(我的青春属于你),Run away now and forevermore(与我私奔,再不回首)。

My youth my youth is yours(我的青春属于你),A truth so loud you can't ignore(如此响亮的誓言,不可忽视),My youth my youth my youth(我的韶华,我的青春,我的年少)。

My youth is yours(独属于你),My youth is yours(我的少年青春独属于你),My youth is yours(我的青葱岁月全部属于你)。



2007年开启了他的歌唱事业,在YouTube个人频道上上传第一个翻唱视频Declan Galbraith的《Tell Me Why》,之后并不断上传音乐作品。
