

第1个回答  2022-07-06
   故事 永远伴随着我们,伴随着我们的学习,从童年到老年,从课堂到 职场 ,从故土到异乡。因此我们说,学习始于故事。我精心收集了有关名人的 英语故事 ,供大家欣赏学习!
  有关名人的英语故事:Ralph Waldo Emerson

  The United States had won its independence from Britain just twenty-two years before Ralph Waldo Emerson was born. But it had yet to win its cultural independence. It still took its traditions from other countries, mostly from western Europe. What the American Revolution did for the nation’s politics, Emerson did for its culture.

  当美国从英国手里赢得独立的22年后,爱默生出生了。但是当时的美国还需要赢得 文化 上的独立。它的传统仍然来自其他国家,主要是来自西欧。美国革命在政治上为美国赢得独立,而爱默生在文化上为美国独立做出了贡献。

  When he began writing and speaking in the eighteen thirties, conservatives saw him as radical — wild and dangerous. But to the young, he spoke words of self-dependence 一 a new language of freedom. He was the first to bring them a truly American spirit. He told America to demand its own laws and churches and works. It is through his own works that we shall look at Ralph Waldo Emerson.


  Ralph Waldo Emerson’s life was not as exciting as the lives of some other American writers — Herman Melville, Mark Twain or Ernest Hemingway. Emerson traveled to Europe several times. And he made speeches at a number of places in the United States. But, except for those trips, he lived all his life in the small town of Concord, Massachusetts. Emerson’s father, like many of the men in his family, was a minister of a Christian church. When Emerson was eight years old, his father died. His mother was left with very little money to raise her five sons.


  After several more years in Boston, the family moved to the nearby town of Concord. There they joined Emerson’s aunt, Mary Moody Emerson. Emerson seemed to accept the life his mother and aunt wanted for him. As a boy, he attended Boston Latin School. Then he studied at Harvard University.


  For a few years, he taught in a girls’ school started by one of his brothers. But he did not enjoy this kind of teaching. For a time, he wondered what he should do with his life. Finally, like his father, he became a religious minister. But he had questions about his beliefs and the purpose of his life.


  Later, his speech, “The American Scholar,” created great excitement among the students in Harvard. They heard his words as a new declaration of independence — a declaration of the independence of the mind. Young people agreed with Emerson that a person had the power within himself to succeed at whatever he tried. The important truth seemed to be not what had been done, but what might be done.


  Schopenhauer was the son of a wealthy merchant, Heinrich Floris Schopenhauer, and his wife, Johanna, who was a famous local writer. In 1793,when Danzig came under Prussian sovereignty, they moved to the free city of Hamburg. Arthur enjoyed a gentlemanly private education. He then attended a private business school, where he became acquainted with the spirit of the Enlightenment and was exposed to a Pietistic attitude sensitive to the plight of man.

  叔本华出生在富有的商人之家,父亲名叫海因里希·弗洛里斯·叔本华,母亲约翰娜是当地小有名气的作家。1793年,格但斯克被普鲁士占领,他们一家搬到了自由城市汉堡。叔本华在汉堡受到了贵族式的私人 教育 ,然后他进入一所私立商学院学习,在那里他接触到启蒙思想,也培养了自己对人类痛苦极其敏感的虔诚态度。

  The World as Will and Representation was born during Schopenhauer's residence in Dresden. It was written in a non-academic style, with an ironic, aristocratic tone. Friedrich Nietzsche, who found a copy of The World as Will and Representation in a second-hand bookstore, did not put the book down until he had finished it. According to Schopenhauer, existence is the expression of an insatiable, pervasive will generating a terrible world of conflict and suffering, senselessness, and futility. Very shortly, the world is a bad joke. The “will to live” perpetuates this cosmic spectacle. The goal of someone who sees through the illusions of life is the denial of this powerful will to live. Love serves the reproductive interests of the species and sexual impulse, the most powerful motive in human existence.


  At the beginning of 1820, Schopenhauer advertised a course of lectures to be given at the same time as Friedrich and Hegel’s. But when Hegel attracted more students the course did not proceed. The epidemic of cholera, during which Hegel died, drove him to Frankfurt. After that, he lived in relative isolation, preferring the company of dogs to people. Five-sixths of human beings are worth only contempt, he once wrote. It was claimed that he once pushed a neighbor down a flight of stairs for disturbing him. As a result, the unlucky seamstress could not continue in his former profession.


  Shopenhauer died in Frankfurt of a heart attack on September 21, 1860. Nearing his death he had said to Eduard Grisenbach: “If at times I have thought myself unfortunate, it is because of a confusion, an error. I have mistaken myself for someone else... Who am I really?...”

  有关名人的英语故事:John Stuart Mill

  John Stuart Mill was born on 20 May, 1806 in London. His father was the influential radical thinker James Mill. In his Autobiography, Mill gives one of the most famous accounts of a childhood, certainly of a philosopher’s childhood. Interpretations have differed radically but everyone, including Mill, agrees that he had an extraordinary childhood, and that it shaped his later life as a thinker. Essentially, Mill tells us how his father educated him at home from an extremely early age until he went off to work in his father’s office at the age of 18. John Stuart Mill did not go to school or university. Instead his father established for him a unique experiment in education. At age three, Mill was learning ancient Greek and arithmetic. Soon he was being taken by his father on walks across the fields and reciting the evidence of his day’s reading.

  约翰·斯图尔特·穆勒于1806年5月20日出生于伦敦。他的父亲是当时非常有影响的激进主义思想家詹姆斯·穆勒。在穆勒《自传》一书中,有一段非常著名的、对童年生活的描述,当然,那是一个哲学家的童年。尽管对这本书的评论和解释有着一些截然不同的版本,但包括穆勒在内,所有的人都认为他有一个与众不同的童年,这也对他日后成为一个思想家有很大影响。很重要的一点是,穆勒给我们讲述了他父亲是如何教育他的,从很小的时候在家中受教育直到18岁他到父亲的办公室上班。约翰·斯图尔特·穆勒从来没上过中学或大学,都是在父亲独特的教育方式下学习。三岁时他就学习了古希腊语和算术。不久后,父亲带他到田野上散步,并且要求他背诵他一天当中所阅读的 文章 。

  At the age of eight, Mill began Latin, and this part of his life story is a long list of books in different languages. Several of these childhood texts are directly relevant to On Liberty, particularly ancient works of political theory by Plato, Aristotle and Cicero. From the age of twelve, Mill was taught logic, on which, in adult life, he became a leading authority.


  Mill also draws our attention to missing elements in his education, notably the absence of religion, for which he remains grateful. On the other hand, he does look back on a more damaging absence, the lack of affection. For some readers, notably Mill’s friend Carlyle, this is the account of a nightmare childhood. For others, such as the contemporary philosopher Jonathan Riley, the verdict is more mixed, as it seems to have been for Mill himself. Many of his father’s political ideas continue to find expression within On Liberty, but in other ways, as Isaiah Berlin observes, the book can be seen as a reaction against an upbringing— given its emphasis upon the well-being of the individual and upon the need for people to find their own way of living and thinking.



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