

第1个回答  2023-05-11



业务员:Hi,my name is XXX.Anything I can help?先自我介绍,提供帮助。不要问“需不需要帮助”,而要说“有什么可以帮忙的”。不要直接就问What product are you looking for'?Areyou looking for xx product?自我介绍基本礼仪是要有的,先从“我”开始,也不容易引起对方戒备。

如果客人说暂时不需要、随便看看,那就礼貌退场:Ok,this is myname card,reach me whenever you need help.(怕客人想叫你的时候不记得名字,所以递张名片)。如果客人提出了具体的问题,那就回答并顺势提问,了解客户需求。


1.Where are you come from?

情景:如果客户说的国家比较远,可以说:That's a long journey.Is this your first time to come to this show?

情景2:如果客户说的国家比较近,比如东南亚,可以说:Oh,that’snot far,I guess you come to China often?

2.Ok,so what's the main objective of your business tripthis time?了解客户此行的目的,比如寻找新的/备选供应商,或者新的业务机会等。

情景1:如果客户想寻找新的供应商,可以问:1 How long have your comPany been doing this business?问客户公司的从业年限,预判客人的实力和专业程度。如果客户说很长的时间Wow,so you must have a solid foundation in your market,What's your major sales channel?

客人回答后如果没有充分给到你想要的信息,还可以追问:Do you sellto end users or just distributors and wholesalers?如果时间不是很长,I see.So what's your business mode right now?I meanhow you acquire customer and what service do youprovide?

What do you expect from the new supplier?/What'syour expectation about the new supplier?/I mean inwhich aspects you hope the new supplier can meet yourrequests?

客人说了价格、质量、交期等,那可以进一步明确zu重要的方面:Which is more essential in your decision?客人回答了一个方面:So you think your current supplier can't satisfy you very well in this aspect?强化原供应商在客户心中的不良印象。

万一引起了客人的戒备,可以说:Don't be nervous/No pressure,what I'm trying to do isto learn more about your needs.如果客人没那么敏感,直接说Yes:Hope we can give you better experience.之后都要引导到讨论产品上来:Now let's come to the products,......根据自己产品的特性提几个问题,明确客户需求。

情景2:如果客户说想寻找新的业务机会,可以问下客户之前涉足的业务,判断相关性:I see.What products you are handling now/before?接着问:So,what's on your mind about the potentialbusiness?/Do you have a general idea about the newbusiness?


比如:For xx market,as far as we know,the annual purchasevolume of xx(产品名称)from China is around XXX,and themost popular products include XXX.

3.May I know......?/How about......?A and B,which onedo you prefer?可以用这些句型明确客户需求。

4.Based on what you've told me,I'd like to recommendour XXX to you.Let me show you some pictures.拿样册或手机/平板照片给客户展示,或者展位上有样品就直接给客户看,由对话的听觉转变到视觉/触觉。

5.Would you like to get a quote right now?客人说YesOK,come in and have sit.......Water or coffee?如果还没有交换名片,这时就可以主动递给客人,再给客人拿一本样册。客人说现在没时间,要去别的地方,或者直接让你发给他/她Sure,may I have your name card?

6.What's your major sales channel?

7.What's your average purchase volume every year?

8.Do you have your own brand or you represent thefactory's brand?

9.How much is the sales proportion of xxx in your entirebusiness?有的客户做的产品品类比较多,可以通过这个问题了解下你的产品在客户整体业务中的比重。

10.Do you use any advertising channel?如果客人有提到社媒,可以问问TA账号。虽然你事后也可以根据客人的名片去搜索,但现场问可以增加互动嘛,顺便也可以让客人关注你的账号,或者加个LinkedIn什么的。

Do you use SNS platforms such as facebook,Instagram?
