

暴力导致了沉默 狂暴怎会带来如此的静谧
我们错怪了谁 而我们之中谁又是罪魁祸首
但你明白,这不是我的错 你也看到我本善良,
不是我家人的过错 我的家人也跟我一样
在你脑海里,在你脑海里 在你的头脑之中
他们在激战 人们却在手足相残
带着他们的坦克和炸药 用他们的坦克大炮
他们的炸药和枪支 用他们的钢枪铜弹
在你的脑海里 在你的头脑之中
他们在你脑海里哭泣 人们在哭喊
在你的脑海里 在你的头脑之中
行尸走肉 无生气的人
什么在你脑海了,在你脑海里 在你的头脑之中
行尸走肉 无生气的人
又一位母亲被强暴 又一位母亲的心已破碎
当暴力导致沉默 当暴行引致死一般的沉寂
心随之挖空 你把她的灵魂夺走
我们之间肯定产生了误解 我们全都是罪魁祸首
1916年来,一样的古老主题上演 那是永恒的经典悲剧,自从1916
在你脑海里 在你的头脑之中
他们在你脑海里激战 人们从末停止争斗
带着他们的坦克 用他们那些坦克炸弹
他们在你脑海里混淆你的记忆 在你的头脑之中人们在苟延残喘
在你脑海里,在你脑海里 在你的头脑之中
行尸走肉 无生气的人
什么在你脑海里,在你脑海里 在你的头脑之中
行尸走肉 无生气的人
第1个回答  2005-12-12
Zombie-The Cranberries 刽子手(卡百利)
Another head hangs lowly. 又一颗头颅垂了下去
Child is slowly taken. 孩子在慢慢死去。
And the violence caused such silence. 暴力导致了如此令人窒息的沉寂。
Who are we mistaken ? 这是谁的错?
But you see it's not me. 不是我的错。
It's not my family. 也不是我家人的错。
in your head,in your head. 在你的脑海中,在你的脑海中
They are fighting. 他们正在撕杀。
With their tanks,and their bombs. 用他们的坦克和炸弹。
And their bombs,& their guns. 用他们的炸弹和枪,猛烈地杀掳。
In your head. 在你的脑海中
In your head they are crying. 在你的脑海中,他们在哭泣。
In your head,in your head 在你的脑海中,一个声音在呐喊
Zombie ! Zombie ! Zombie ! 刽子手!
What's in your head,in your head ?你在想什么?在你的脑海中一个声音在呐喊!
Zombie ! Zombie ! Zombie ! 刽子手!
Another mother's breaking 又一个母亲的心
Heart is taking over.破碎了。
When the violence causes silence.当暴力导致沉寂的时候
We must be mistaken.一定是我们错了。
It's the same old theme since 1916.1916以来,我们一直在重复同样的错误。
In your head ! 在你的脑海中
In your head they're still fighting.在你的脑海中,他们仍然在厮杀。
With their tanks,& their bombs. 用他们的坦克和炸弹。
And their bombs,& their guns. 他们的炸弹和枪,猛烈地杀掳。
In your head ! 在你的脑海中
In your head they are dying.在你的脑海中他们在垂死挣扎。
In your head,in your head ! 在你的脑海中,一个声音在呐喊
Zombie ! Zombie ! Zombie ! 刽子手!
What's in your head,in your head ? 你在想什么?在你的脑海中一个声音在呐喊
Zombie ! Zombie ! Zombie ! 刽子手!
第2个回答  2005-12-12
another head hangs lowly. 另一颗头颅谦卑地垂下。
child is slowly taken. 儿童在缓缓死去。
and the violence caused such silence. 暴行造成了可怕的安静。
who are we mistaken ? 我们中谁做错了什么?
but u see it's not me. 但你知道那不是我。
it's not my family. 那不是我的家庭。
in ur head,in ur head ! 在你的头脑中!
they are fighting. 他们在战斗。
with their tanks,& their bombs. 用他们的坦克和炸弹。
and their bombs,& their guns. 他们的炸弹和枪。
in ur head ! 在你的头脑中
in ur head they are crying. 在你的脑中他们在哭泣。
in ur head,in ur head ! 在你的头脑中!
zombie ! zombie ! zombie ! 僵尸!
what's in ur head,in ur head ? 到底有什么在你的头脑中?
zombie ! zombie ! zombie ! 僵尸!
another mother's breaking.另一个母亲被夺去生命。
heart is taking over.灵魂被带走。
when the violence causes silence.当暴力造就了安静时。
we must be mistaken.我们一定做错了什么。
it's the same old theme since 1916.这是1916年以来从未改变过的话题。
in ur head ! 在你的头脑中
in ur head they're still fighting.在你的头脑中他们在战斗。
with their tanks,& their bombs. 用他们的坦克和炸弹。
and their bombs,& their guns. 他们的炸弹和枪。
in ur head ! 在你的头脑中
in ur head they are dying.在你的头脑中他们已经死去。
in ur head,in ur head ! 在你的头脑中!
zombie ! zombie ! zombie ! 僵尸!
what's in ur head,in ur head ? 到底有什么在你的头脑中?
zombie ! zombie ! zombie ! 僵尸!
第3个回答  2005-12-12
Another head hangs lowly/另一颗头颅被缓慢的吊起
Child is slowly taken/孩童逐渐被带走
And the violence caused such silence/这些暴力造成的寂静
Who are we mistaken ?/是我们错了罢

But you see it's not me, it's not my family/但是你瞧,这既非我,更非我的家人造成
In your head, in your head, they are fighting/在你脑里,就在你脑海里开打
With their tanks, and their bombs/用着坦克与炸药
And their bombs, and their guns/用这炸药于枪械
In your head, in your head they are crying/在你脑海,就在你脑海里嚎啕大哭

In your head, in your head, Zombie, Zombie/脑里!就在你脑海里!僵尸!那些僵尸!
what's in your head, In your head, Zombie/那在你脑里!脑里的是行尸走肉!

Another mother's breaking heart is taking over/又一位母亲破碎的心被带走
When the violence causes silence/当暴力造成寂静时
We must be mistaken/这一定是我们的错
It's the same old theme since 1916/同样的旧事发生在1916
In your head, in your head they're still fighting/在你脑里!仍在你脑里开打!
With their tanks, and their bombs/用着他们的坦克于炸药
And their bombs, and their guns/用着他们的炸药于枪械
In your head, in your head they are dying/在你脑里,就在你脑海里逐渐死去

In your head, in your head, Zombie, Zombie/脑里!就在你脑海里!僵尸!那些僵尸!
In your head, what's in your head, Zombie/那在你脑里! 脑里的是行尸走肉!
第4个回答  2005-12-12
another head hangs lowly. 另一颗头颅谦卑地垂下。
child is slowly taken. 儿童在缓缓死去。
and the violence caused such silence. 暴行造成了可怕的安静。
who are we mistaken ? 我们中谁做错了什么?
but u see it's not me. 但你知道那不是我。
it's not my family. 那不是我的家庭。
in ur head,in ur head ! 在你的头脑中!
they are fighting. 他们在战斗。
with their tanks,& their bombs. 用他们的坦克和炸弹。
and their bombs,& their guns. 他们的炸弹和枪。
in ur head ! 在你的头脑中
in ur head they are crying. 在你的脑中他们在哭泣。
in ur head,in ur head ! 在你的头脑中!
zombie ! zombie ! zombie ! 僵尸!
what's in ur head,in ur head ? 到底有什么在你的头脑中?
zombie ! zombie ! zombie ! 僵尸!
another mother's breaking.另一个母亲被夺去生命。
heart is taking over.灵魂被带走。
when the violence causes silence.当暴力造就了安静时。
we must be mistaken.我们一定做错了什么。
it's the same old theme since 1916.这是1916年以来从未改变过的话题。
in ur head ! 在你的头脑中
in ur head they're still fighting.在你的头脑中他们在战斗。
with their tanks,& their bombs. 用他们的坦克和炸弹。
and their bombs,& their guns. 他们的炸弹和枪。
in ur head ! 在你的头脑中
in ur head they are dying.在你的头脑中他们已经死去。
in ur head,in ur head ! 在你的头脑中!
zombie ! zombie ! zombie ! 僵尸!
what's in ur head,in ur head ? 到底有什么在你的头脑中?
zombie ! zombie ! zombie ! 僵尸!
第5个回答  2005-12-13
another head hangs lowly. 另一颗头颅谦卑地垂下。
child is slowly taken. 儿童在缓缓死去。
and the violence caused such silence. 暴行造成了可怕的安静。
who are we mistaken ? 我们中谁做错了什么?
but u see it's not me. 但你知道那不是我。
it's not my family. 那不是我的家庭。
in ur head,in ur head ! 在你的头脑中!
they are fighting. 他们在战斗。
with their tanks,& their bombs. 用他们的坦克和炸弹。
and their bombs,& their guns. 他们的炸弹和枪。
in ur head ! 在你的头脑中
in ur head they are crying. 在你的脑中他们在哭泣。
in ur head,in ur head ! 在你的头脑中!
zombie ! zombie ! zombie ! 僵尸!
what's in ur head,in ur head ? 到底有什么在你的头脑中?
zombie ! zombie ! zombie ! 僵尸!
another mother's breaking.另一个母亲被夺去生命。
heart is taking over.灵魂被带走。
when the violence causes silence.当暴力造就了安静时。
we must be mistaken.我们一定做错了什么。
it's the same old theme since 1916.这是1916年以来从未改变过的话题。
in ur head ! 在你的头脑中
in ur head they're still fighting.在你的头脑中他们在战斗。
with their tanks,& their bombs. 用他们的坦克和炸弹。
and their bombs,& their guns. 他们的炸弹和枪。
in ur head ! 在你的头脑中
in ur head they are dying.在你的头脑中他们已经死去。
in ur head,in ur head ! 在你的头脑中!
zombie ! zombie ! zombie ! 僵尸!
what's in ur head,in ur head ? 到底有什么在你的头脑中?
zombie ! zombie ! zombie ! 僵尸!