

例 ---He likes playing football, doesn’t he? 他喜欢踢足球,不是吗?
---Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. ,是 他喜欢。/ 不 他不喜欢。
---His sister didn’t attend the meeting, did she? 他妹妹没有参加会议,是吗?
---Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t. 不,她参加了。/ 是的,她没参加
反意疑问句是英文中常见的一种句型,它提出情况或看法,询问对方同意与否,被广泛应用于英语口语。反意疑问句通常由两部分构成:前一部分用陈述句的形式(statement),后一部分是一个附着在前一部分上的简短问句(也叫tag question)。所附简短问句中的主语和谓语与陈述句的保持一致,而且两部分的时态要一致。反意疑问句有四种类型:(1)肯定陈述+否定简短问句;(2)否定陈述+肯定简短问句;(3)肯定陈述+肯定简短问句;(4)否定陈述+否定简短问句。其中,前两种运用最为广泛。除此之外,反意疑问句还有“祈使句+简短问句”的形式,这种用法通常用于减弱祈使语气。如: Carry this parcel for me, can you? 给我拿一下包,好吗?
1.当陈述句的主语是everyone, everybody, someone, somebody时,简短问句中的主语通常用they。如果陈述句的主语是非人称的复合词,如everything, something, anything, 则简短问句中相应的人称代词是单数的中性词it。例如:
Somebody borrowed my coat yesterday, didn’t they?
Nobody came, did they?
Everyone thinks they’re the center of the universe, don’t they?
Nothing can stop us now, can it?
2.当陈述句是表示存在的句子时,简短问句用there 作形式主语。例如:
There isn’t a book on the table, is there?
There’s something wrong, isn’t there?
There won’t be any trouble, will there?
3.如果陈述句中包含有如下的否定或半否定词, 如seldom, hardly, never, rarely,little, few, nowhere, nothing,则简短问句通常用肯定形式。但如果陈述句中仅包含有否定前缀,则简短问句中用否定形式。例如:
He was unsuccessful, wasn’t he?
The rules are invariable, aren’t they?
He seldom pays more attention to his pronunciation, does he?
He hardly knows anything about computer, does he?
Tom has little knowledge of how to spend money, does he?
4.陈述句中是I am时,简短问句则用aren’t I。例如:
I am an excellent English speaker, aren’t I?
I am late, aren’t I ?
One must be honest, mustn’t one?
6.含有宾语从句的主从复合句的反意疑问句中,简短问句一般反映主句中主、谓之间的关系。但如果主句是I think, I suppose, I believe, I suspect, I imagine 等时,则简短问句反映的是that从句中主语与谓语之间的关系。例如:
They agreed that the United States shouldn’t make a war on Iraq, didn’t they?
I suppose (that) he is serious, isn’t he?
I don’t suppose (that) he is serious, is he?
7.如果陈述句的谓语动词是have (当 “拥有”讲时), 简短问句可用have形式或用do形式。例如:
You have a nice house, haven’t/don’t you?
He hasn’t a house of his own, has he?
He doesn’t have a house of his own, does he?
如果陈述句中的动词 have 表示“经历,遭受,得到,吃”的意思时,则简短问句中的动词用 do的形式。例如:
You often have headaches, don’t you?
8.当陈述句的动词是ought to时,英国英语中简短问句用ought,而美国英语中则用should。
9.陈述句中的动词是used to时,简短问句可用used 的形式或did的形式。例如:
The Smiths used to live in the countryside, usedn’t / didn’t they?
He didn’t use/used to tell lies, did he?
10.陈述句中动词为needn’t时,简短问句通常用 need。例如:
You needn’t do it if you don’t want to, need you?
You needn’t have told him the news, need you?
The food must be good, isn’t it?
You must have read the book last month, didn't you?
You must see the doctor, needn’t you?(must表必要性,故用needn’t)
You mustn’t do that again, must you?(must表示“不可以”)
12.当陈述部分是一祈使句时,简短问句则通常为 won’t you, would you, can you, can’t you, could you等,使语气婉转、客气。如果陈述部分的祈使句中含有第
一人称时,如Let’s do something, 则简短问句为 shall we?例如:
Do sit down, won’t you?
Shut up, can you?
在否定的祈使句后, 只能用will you。例如:
Don’t forget, will you?
13.当遇到宾语从句时候.一般反主句.但是以 I think I believe. Isuppose....开头的反从句 简称反问句,是句式中的一种。表面上看,是疑问句;实际上说话者是在强调某种肯定或否定的答案,也就是明知故问。这类句式常和“难道”、“怎么”等词联接。通常答案就在句子当中.
1. 难道我会不知道?----说话者是在强调自己是知道的。
2. (难道)我有这么笨吗?----说话者在强调自己并不笨。这里“难道”一词也可以省略。
6.你们怎能破坏环境呢? ——强调要保护环境
答:“是啊,那明明不一样。” Not everyone likes everyone else,__does he____? 只要将主句的语气倒过来就可以了 You have your house painted once a year,__do not you______?,Let's ask him his opinion about it_____do we_____?To get there on tume is impossible,___is not it_____?The news that they failed their driving test discouraged him,__did not it_____?He has been fired and will have to_____B____ over charge of his office tomorrow.A.take 接管 B.hand 移交 C.get 克服 D.go 复习
1.祈使句。祈使句后一般加上will you或won't you构成反意疑问句,用will you 多表示“请求”,用won't you 多表示提醒对方注意。例如:
Look at the blackboard, will you/ won't you?看黑板,好吗?
1)Let's...,后的反意疑问句用shall we或shan't we。例如:
Let's go home, shall we/ shan't we? 回家吧,好吗?
还可以用may I来表示征求对方的同意或许可。
2)Let us/me...后的反意疑问句用will you或won't you。例如:
Let me have a try, will you/won't you? 让我试一试,行吗?
What fine weather, isn't it? 多好的天气啊,是吧?
3.当陈述部分谓语动词是need, dare, used to,且这些词被用作实义动词时,其反意疑问句需用do的适当形式。例如:
He needs help, doesn't he?他需要帮助,是吗?
4.陈述部分主、谓语是I am...时,反意疑问句用aren't I 或ain't I ,而不是am not I (可用am I not)。例如:
I'm working now, ain't I? 我在工作,是吗?
5.陈述部分的主语是everything, nothing, anything或something 时,反意疑问句的主语应用代词it。例如:
Something is wrong with my radio, isn't it? 我的收音机出毛病了,是吧?
6.陈述部分的主语是 everybody, everyone, anybody, anyone, somebody, someone, nobody, no one, none, neither 时, 其反意疑问句的主语需用复数代词they。例如:
Everyone is here, aren't they? 大家都到了,是吗?
No one knows about it, do they? 没有人知道这件事,对吗?
This is a plane, isn't it? 这是一架飞机,是吗?
These are grapes,aren't they? 这些是葡萄,是吗?
One should be ready to help others, shouldn't one? 每个人都应该乐于助人,是吧?
9.当陈述部分含有以下这些含有否定意义的词时:few, little, seldom,hardly, never, not, no, no one, nobody, nothing, none, neither等,其反意疑问句需用肯定结构。例如:
He is never late for school, is he? 他上学从不迟到,是吗?
It is unfair, isn't it? 这不公平,是吧?
You got nothing from him, did you? 你从他那儿什么也没得到,是吗?
What you need is more important, isn't it?你需要的东西更重要,是吧?
13.当陈述部分含I think (believe, suppose...)that... 结构时,其反意疑问句须与从句的主、谓语保持一致,注意主句的主语必须是第一人称。例如:
I don't think he will come, will he? 我认为他不会来,对吗?
14.have(has)不是表示“有”的意思,并在句中做谓语时,其反意疑问句的助动词要用do, does, did。例如:
They had a meeting just now,didn't they? 他们刚才开了个会,是吗?
15.陈述部分有have to 时,其反意疑问句要用助动词的否定形式。例如:
You have to water the vegetables every day, don't you?你每天都要浇菜,对吧?
16.陈述部分是there be句型时,其反意疑问句中要用there。例如:
There was a hospital here, wasn't there? 过去这儿有家医院,是吗?
17.陈述部分有had better时,反意疑问句中要用hadn't。例如:
We had better go to school at once, hadn't we? 我们现在最好马上去上学,好吗?
18.当陈述部分含有情态动词must时,我们便要分析一下must的含义。如果must 作“一定;要;必须”讲,反意疑问句须用mustn't或needn't;而当must作推测意义“一定是;必定”讲时,反意疑问句则需根据must后的动词原形选用相应的形式。例如:
He must work hard at physics, mustn't he? 他必须努力学物理,是吧?
Tom must be at home,isn't he?汤姆一定在家,是吧?
值得一提是:著名学者周海中教授在《英语附加疑问句的一个问题》一文中指出:陈述部分的must不管是用来表示对现在的情况进行推测还是用来表示对过去的情况进行推测,附加问句都可以mustn't。该文举了若干个实例,从而改变了人们对这一用法的看法。 在回答的时候, 如果是前肯后否的句子,思维和中国人相同;如果是前否后肯的句子,思维正好同中国人相反:
He is a student, isn't he? (他是个学生,不是吗?)
Yes, he is.(是的,他是学生)
No, he isn't.(不是,他不是学生)
He doesn't like playing football, does he?(他不喜欢踢球,是吗?)
Yes, he does.(不是,他喜欢踢球)
No, he doesn't.(是的,他不喜欢踢球)
I am not a teacher, am I? (我不是一名老师,是吗?)
Yes, I am.(不是, 我是一名老师。)
No, I am not.(是的,我不是一名老师。)
5。最后就是,在回答的时候,不允许 Yes,.....not.或者 No,+ 肯定的。
