



眼睛 piercing, perating, sharpamber, blue, brown, dark, golden, green, grey, hazel 琥珀色/ 蓝色/ 棕色/ 黑色/ 金色/ 绿色/ 灰色/ 淡褐色眼睛 big, huge, large, enormous, wide 大眼睛;巨大的眼睛;瞪大的眼睛:She just looked at me with those big blue eyes of hers. 她只是用那双大大的蓝眼睛看着我。His eyes were wide with horror. 他惊恐地瞪大了眼睛。

narrow眯缝的眼睛close-set 两眼距离近的眼睛wideapart, wide-set 两眼距离宽的眼睛deep/deep-set, heavy-lidded, hollow, hooded, sunken 深陷的眼睛;眼皮重垂的眼睛;凹陷的眼睛protuberant 凸出的眼睛beady, piggy 亮晶晶的小眼睛;猪眼似的小眼睛baggy, puffy, swollen 浮肿的眼睛;肿胀的眼睛bleary, bloodshot, dark-ringed, exhausted, red, red-rimmed, sleepy, tired, weary 视线模糊的/ 充血的/ 带 黑眼圈的/ 疲惫的/ 红红的/ 红眼眶的/ 困倦的/ 疲倦的/ 疲困的眼睛:Her dark-ringed eyes showed that she hadn't slept. 从她的黑眼圈可以看出她没有睡觉。bright, brilliant, luminous, lustrous, sparkling, starry 明亮的眼睛;炯炯有神的眼睛;亮晶晶的眼睛clear, limpid, liquid 明亮的眼睛;清澈的眼睛;水灵灵的眼睛soft, velvety, warm 目光温柔的眼睛cloudy, misty, moist, rheumy, tear-filled, tearful, watery 迷蒙的眼睛;湿润的眼睛;噙着泪水的眼睛 dry 乾的眼睛sightless, unseeing 没有视力的眼睛;看不见的眼睛short-sighted 近视眼half-closed, narrowed半闭的眼睛;眯缝的眼睛unblinking 一眨都不眨的眼睛dazed, unfocused 目光茫然的眼睛;涣散的眼神mad, staring, wild 发狂的眼神;紧盯的目光angry, cruel, fierce 愤怒的眼神;残酷的眼神;凶狠的眼神anxious 焦虑的目光greedy, hungry 贪婪的目光;饥渴的眼神:鼻子big, bulbous, enormous, huge, large, long, prominent, strong 大鼻子;蒜头鼻;长鼻子;高鼻子;有型的鼻子little, *** all, stubby, tiny 小鼻子;窄鼻子;短鼻子straight 笔直的鼻子aquiline, curved, Roman 鹰钩鼻; 高鼻梁鹰钩鼻beaky, crooked, hooked 尖鼻子;鹰钩鼻子snub, tip-tilted, turnedup, upturned 短平而上翘的鼻子;向上翘的鼻子;朝天鼻pointed, sharp 尖鼻子:The sharp nose and thin lips gave his face a very harsh look. 他的尖鼻子和薄嘴唇使他的模样看起来很严厉。

narrow, thin 窄鼻子;小鼻子:She had dark eyes and a long narrow nose. 她长着黑色的眼睛和细长的鼻子。flat, flattened 扁平的鼻子;塌鼻子aristocratic, elegant 高贵的鼻子;优雅的鼻子pink, red, shiny 粉红鼻子;红鼻子;发亮的鼻子:He stuck his bulbous red nose back into his pint of beer. 他又把红红的蒜头鼻浸到了啤酒里。

She dressed up as a clown with a white face and red nose. 她打扮成小丑,雪白的脸,红红的鼻子。blocked, congested, dripping, runny, snotty 阻塞的鼻子;不通气的鼻子;流鼻涕的鼻子:a child with a runny nose 流着鼻涕的孩子bleeding, bloodied, bloody, broken, swollen 流血的/ 带血的/ 血淋淋的/ 破损的/ 肿胀的鼻子wet 湿润的鼻子:The dog pushed its wet nose into my palm. 小狗用它湿湿的鼻头蹭我手心。

sensitive 灵敏的鼻子:嘴巴big, cavernous, enormous, generous, huge, large, wide 大嘴; 巨口; 宽口 *** all 小嘴; 小口beautiful, chiselled, handsome, lovely, pretty, sensual, sensuous, well-shaped 漂亮的嘴巴;轮廓鲜明的嘴;可爱的嘴巴;性感的嘴巴;好看的嘴巴firm, hard, strong 坚毅的嘴;坚定的嘴:A *** ile played around his strong mouth. 他坚毅的嘴角挂着一丝微笑。soft 柔软的嘴hot, warm 灼热的嘴;温暖的嘴loose, slack 嘴不严full, full-lipped 唇形丰满的嘴lipless, thin 无唇的嘴巴;唇形单薄的嘴toothless 无牙的嘴lopsided 歪嘴wet 湿润的嘴dry, tight 发乾的嘴巴;绷紧的嘴:耳朵big, large 大耳朵long 长耳朵:a rabbit with long floppy ears 耷拉长耳朵的兔子 pointed/ pointy 尖耳朵floppy 下垂的耳朵torn 被撕裂的耳朵:Blood from his torn ear was soaking his collar. 他的耳朵被撕裂,流出的血浸湿了衣领。

sharp 灵敏的耳朵:眉毛 heavy, thick thin heavy, thick 浓密的眉毛thin 细的眉毛bushy, shaggy, unkempt 浓密的眉毛;乱糟糟的眉毛plucked, shaped 修过的眉winged 弯弯的眉毛dark, jetblack黑的眉毛;乌黑的眉毛lifted, raised 扬起的眉毛surprised 因吃惊扬起的眉毛amused 因觉得好笑挑起的眉毛derisive, mocking 带着嘲弄神情的眉梢 cynical, sardonic, sceptical 眉梢带着讽刺;眉梢带着轻慢;眉梢带着怀疑 enquiring, querying, questioning, quizzical 带着探询意味扬起的眉毛。


The so-called "features" refers to the "ears, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth" and other five human ans. Study on in-phase and were given a term as follows:

(1) ear and entitled: "Mining hearing officer."

(2) eyebrow and entitled: "Paul Shouson officer."

(3) eyes and entitled: "Ombud *** an."

(4) nose and entitled: "presiding officer identified."

(5) I: called "cashier's official."



short 矮

tall 高

overweight 胖

plump 丰满

thin 瘦


slim 苗条

medium height 不胖不瘦

tubby 矮胖

muscular 强壮

elegantly 优雅

good-looking 长的好看

plain 长的一般

*** artly dressed 穿着得体

well dressed 穿的漂亮

neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁

scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁

外貌:身材体形:overweight 超重

thin,slim 瘦

fat,stout 肥胖的

slender 苗条的

发型:dark hair

blonde 金发

cury,wavy hair 卷发

pony tail 马尾

脸部:freckle 雀斑

dimple 酒窝

oval face 鸭蛋脸

bald 秃顶的


Big-featured 五官较大的

Double-chinned 双下巴的

High-cheekboned 颧骨很高

Slender 苗条的

Sharp-featured 五官分明的

Well-featured 五官端正的

Pimpled 有粉刺的


Freckled 有雀斑的

Wrinkled 起皱纹的

Double-faced 两面派的

Well-Shaped 好看的


Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的

女性外表:blond 金发碧眼的 glamorous 性感有魅力的 slender 苗条的 well-shaped body 体形丰满的 plump 丰满肥胖的 elegant and poised 雍容华贵的 graceful 优美的 thin hair头发稀疏的 trendy时髦的 tanned 皮肤黝黑的 阳光肌肤的 natural-looking 长相一般的 pale 面色苍白的 dimple 有酒窝的 petite 瘦小的 wavy hair 卷毛的 oval face 鹅蛋脸型的 up-turn nose 朝天鼻的

男性外表:bald 秃顶的 disheveled hair 头发凌乱的 bright eye 眼神明亮的 broad face 宽脸的 clean-shaven face 面庞清爽干净的 bony 瘦骨嶙峋的 muscular肌肉健美的 robust 强壮的 chubby 肥壮敦实的 manly 男人味的 gentlemanly 有绅士风度的


I think I am a pretty girl/a handsome ball. I have a round face with o big eyes. My nose is neither too big nor too *** all. I have a medium mouth. I have short/long straight black hair. (I have shoulder-length hair). My teeth is white and healthy.给个采纳呗。



face:well-featured五官端正的/handsome英俊的/bony 瘦的/rosy 红润的/long 长的/broad 宽的/beautiful 美丽的

eyes:sexy 性感的/sharp 锐利的/slitty细长的/watery水汪汪的/deep-sunken深陷的/big大的/bright 明亮的

mouth:fine 好看的 sensuous有美感的 *** all小的 big 大的 mean薄的

ears:angular尖的 thick厚实的 cauliflower招风的 long-lobed耳朵很长的 drooping 耷拉的

figure:slender苗条的 *** all 细的 plump非常丰满的 fat胖的 muscularity肌肉发达的

6.描写人的外貌特征的英语单词 头发啦五官啦 身型啦

short 矮

tall 高

overweight 胖

plump 丰满

thin 瘦


slim 苗条

medium height 不胖不瘦

tubby 矮胖

muscular 强壮

elegantly 优雅

good-looking 长的好看

plain 长的一般

*** artly dressed 穿着得体

well dressed 穿的漂亮

neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁

scrufily dressed 衣着不整洁


lazy 懒的

punctual 守时的

kind 善良的

efficient 办事高效率的

strict 严厉的

generous 慷慨的,大方的

patient 有耐心的

fetful 健忘的

reliable 可靠的

boring 令人乏味的

open-minded 思想开放的

traditional 思想保守的,传统的


bald 秃顶的


Big-featured 五官较大的

Double-chinned 双下巴的

High-cheekboned 颧骨很高

Slender 苗条的

Sharp-featured 五官分明的

Well-featured 五官端正的

Pimpled 有粉刺的


Freckled 有雀斑的

Wrinkled 起皱纹的

Double-faced 两面派的

Well-Shaped 好看的


Bony 瘦骨嶙峋的
