






第1个回答  2009-12-07
The first step to success - aspire

Everyone has their own ambitions, is the first step to success. Once you have ambition, will unswervingly for the effort. To build a correct goal towards the goal to pursue, life is naturally become rich and meaningful.
American psychologist once to a group of young people for a long time. These people's age, intelligence and ability, family background, the only difference is the clarity of the different life goals they. In these people, no life goal; 27% The vague target; only 60% Clear goals in life is 10%, But only 3% have very clear, unswervingly life goal. After 25 years psychologist surprised: those who have life goal, most living at the foot of the social ladder, Only the vague target person, living life in the middle of the society, Clear goals in life is 10% of the people, mostly in the upper social life, But those who become professions 90s is remaining have very clear goals in life.

We aspire to, is the future road.

How can we make an ambitious, have an ideal one? First of all, we must have learning objectives and learning motivation. Learning motivation is learning objectives, the protection of protection can pry up learning goals. The study goal, the less the blindness of learning, Higher learning motivation, interest in learning. Learning and happy, it is easy to achieve his goal of learning. However, not long, otherwise wide-eyed to learn will lose confidence.

A learning goal and motivation, first to be interested. Because the interest is the best teacher. Many people have to study interest, nature also without motive. How can the interest to learn? We must understand that learning is a kind of need, is our own needs, is the need of the society, without learning, humans will be stopped, Learning is a kind of fun, although some subjects you may feel boring, but as long as effort to fight and success, you will feel very happy, can feel the successful is happy, Secondly, each person has their own hobbies, just take time to develop their own special, you will feel good... So, you will learn to generate interest.

There must be an interest in the target. Target, we must carefully to customize a plan, for instance: double cease day when x, xxaccounting, master x (recent), In the winter I want XXX, XXX (middle), In middle school, I will strive for x, high school, I want to subjcet xx (long-dated goal). Remember that not careless lax, because of recent goal is not standard, the long-term, medium-term naturally. His ambition progress towards the goals include moral, learning method, efficiency, pay attention to rest, and give yourself a development space, etc. Ambition is determined by himself to the parents cannot always according to their own ideas to our future, should give us some useful when appropriate. We have their own thoughts, if we are always rope bondage, so will feel no future.
We learn to. We aspire to contribute to society, human society advances, will have a bright future.本回答被提问者采纳