
I have mixed feelings about Ray Bolger. He was an extremely talented dancer, who incorporated very witty physical comedy into his dance routines. He was also quite talented as a verbal comedian. I always enjoy watching him in a movie or in one of his rare TV appearances. Unfortunately, as a human being, Ray Bolger was a real S.O.B. Many, many people who worked with him had war stories about Bolger. In 'The Wizard of Oz', Bolger was originally cast as the Tin Woodman (a more appropriate choice than the Scarecrow, given Bolger's Massachusetts accent) and Buddy Ebsen was cast as the Scarecrow (an excellent choice, given Ebsen's folksy accent and his loose-limbed dance routines). When Bolger saw the stiff costume he was required to wear as the Tin Woodman, he bullied Ebsen into switching roles with him ... and Ebsen nearly died when he developed an allergic reaction to the Tin Woodman's metallic make-up. When Ray Bolger starred in "Where's Charley?" on Broadway, one night he blew a cue onstage in a dance number, in front of an audience ... so he deliberately tripped his leading lady, Beverley Bozeman, sprawling her on the stage and leaving her to figure out how to save the number with the audience watching. During a guest appearance on the TV show 'Nanny and the Professor', Bolger angrily berated a child actor who blew a cue, reducing the child to tears in front of the entire cast and crew. On the closing night of Bolger's last Broadway show 'Come Summer', Bolger delivered an angry curtain speech to the audience that is still remembered for its mean-spiritedness. In fairness to Bolger, one person who has spoken well of him was his friend William F Buckley Jnr, who knew him socially ... but Mr Buckley never worked with Bolger.


I have mixed feelings about Ray Bolger.
我对Ray Bolger 有复杂的感觉。
He was an extremely talented dancer, who incorporated very witty physical comedy into his dance routines.
He was also quite talented as a verbal comedian.
I always enjoy watching him in a movie or in one of his rare TV appearances.
Unfortunately, as a human being, Ray Bolger was a real S.O.B.
不信的是,Ray Bolger 也只是一个普通人,他是一个真正的狗。娘。。养。。的 的。 S.O.B.(son of bitch,)晕百度因为这个翻译不让我提交,我只能用几个句号来掩饰一下了 哈哈。
Many, many people who worked with him had war stories about Bolger.

In 'The Wizard of Oz', Bolger was originally cast as the Tin Woodman (a more appropriate choice than the Scarecrow, given Bolger's Massachusetts accent) and Buddy Ebsen was cast as the Scarecrow (an excellent choice, given Ebsen's folksy accent and his loose-limbed dance routines).
在电影 'The Wizard of Oz' 中,Bolger 原本饰演一个木匠工(由于Bolger的马萨诸塞州口音,这个比稻草人的角色更合适他 )Buddy Ebsen 饰演一个稻草人 (因为Ebsen 和蔼的口音和松散的肢体,这让他成为这个角色非常好的选择)

When Bolger saw the stiff costume he was required to wear as the Tin Woodman, he bullied Ebsen into switching roles with him ... and Ebsen nearly died when he developed an allergic reaction to the Tin Woodman's metallic make-up.
当Bolger 看到他要穿着硬邦邦的服装去饰演木匠工的时候,他强迫的要求跟Ebsen 进行角色的对换,后然, Ebsen 差点儿因为木匠工要用金属类的化妆所产生的过敏而死掉。

When Ray Bolger starred in "Where's Charley?" on Broadway, one night he blew a cue onstage in a dance number, in front of an audience ... so he deliberately tripped his leading lady, Beverley Bozeman, sprawling her on the stage and leaving her to figure out how to save the number with the audience watching.
当Ray Bolger 在百老汇表演"Where's Charley?" 的时候,在台上表演的一个晚上,他在一个观众面前跳错了舞步,之后他就特意的把他的女舞伴Beverley Bozeman给绊倒,让她躺在舞台上去想办法怎样在那个观看的观众面前去补救刚才的舞步。
During a guest appearance on the TV show 'Nanny and the Professor', Bolger angrily berated a child actor who blew a cue, reducing the child to tears in front of the entire cast and crew.

在一次'Nanny and the Professor' 的嘉宾接待的电视节目中,Bolger很生气的喊骂一个跳错舞步的小演员。在全剧组人员的面前,把那个孩子骂的眼泪直流。
On the closing night of Bolger's last Broadway show 'Come Summer', Bolger delivered an angry curtain speech to the audience that is still remembered for its mean-spiritedness.
在Bolger的百老汇最后的闭幕演'Come Summer'结束后,他向一直记得他很卑鄙的观众发言了一份很生气的告别致辞。
In fairness to Bolger, one person who has spoken well of him was his friend William F Buckley Jnr, who knew him socially ... but Mr. Buckley never worked with Bolger.
为了对Bolger公平评价,他的朋友William F Buckley Jr. 说他是个不错的人。
William F Buckley Jr. 在社交上和他有来往,但是他从来没和Bolger一起工作过。

因为,我觉得反正翻译也没人知道,还不如不要翻译了。 如果你要的话,下面是参考:
Ray Bolger:雷博尔杰
'The Wizard of Oz' : 绿野仙踪
Buddy Ebsen:巴迪埃布森
Where's Charley? :在哪里查利?
Beverley Bozeman:贝弗利博兹曼
'Nanny and the Professor': 保姆和教授
'Come Summer': 来到夏天
第1个回答  2009-12-05
我对XXX百感交集。他是一个非常优秀的舞蹈家,他将非常风趣的形体喜剧纳入了他的舞蹈套路。他还是一个十分优秀口头喜剧演员。我总是喜欢看他的电影,或者只有他几个镜头的电视。但不幸的是,以人品来说来说,XXX是个不折不扣的gou niang yang de的(sob是son of ~~~的意思)许多,许多,和他共过事的人和他都有过冲突。在『绿野仙踪',XXX最初演机器人(这是比演稻草人更合适的选择,因为他有马萨诸塞州口音)而BE饰演稻草人(因为Ebsen的和蔼口音和他的松散肢舞蹈风格这是一个很好的选择,)。~~~~~~太长啦~~~~~~~~~