
本人原本是WOW的玩家结果因无耻盗号者的原因让我万念俱灰 现在电脑在杀毒 有考虑过玩美服但是听说美服也有盗号的而且也是中国人干的 我现在身在加拿大所以玩北美游戏更适合 所以才问大家 有什么好的国外网游可以推荐给我 我就喜欢想WOW这样画面又好又有很高可玩性的3D网游 至于2D的什么什么西游之类回合制的游戏就免了 还有劲舞团那样90后的脑残游戏也免了 希望各位高玩 古玩们 能给我小弟提点有营养的建议 谢谢

  Top 10 Most Popular MMORPGs of 2008
  December 28, 2008 by srfto 34 CommentsHere is a list of the top 1 0
  MMORPGs (mass multiplayer online role playing games) reigning supreme at
  the end of 2008, at least in terms of subscription base. WoW is still #1
  in the charts for a while now. Doesn’t seem like anything is closing in to
  bring them down. WAR had a huge jump on their release date but their
  growth dipped after the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, or even a little
  before that. Age of Conan had a huge boast of 1 million subscribers within
  their 3 months but all that has completely died leaving them out of the
  top 10 list. Without further ado, your top 10 MMORPGs for 2008:
  1. World of Warcraft:
  With 4 years under its belt and 11 million subscribers to this game. It is
  one of the best MMORPGs out there today. Arguably, the best recognized
  MMORPGs even to non gamers. I know I know, there are many players out
  there who have their reasons to dislike this game. But you must admit
  Blizzard reigned supreme over every other MMORPGS out there. Surely 11
  million people can’t be wrong, but then again Mr. T plays this game too.
  Compare Prices
  2. Guild Wars: Guild Wars having a large community with 4.5 million
  players world wide is one of the top MMORPG to play. With a strong PvP
  system, guild battles gives players the thrive to come back for more. I
  love the whole Hero System which turns the game into a strategy-based game
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  3. Lord of the Rings Online: With a story already famous itself, the game
  takes players straight into the world told by Tolkein. It has all the
  elements of a MMORPG, but players actually love the questing in this game.
  Every two months or so players are treated to a free update for new quests
  (aka books) for them to take on. If you actually love the LoTRO story
  with a decent MMORPG element to it then this game is perfect for you.
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  4. Warhammer Online: The newest game to come out this year is Warhammer
  and it was one of the most hyped and talked about MMORPG. Warhammer is
  similar to WoW which is not a bad thing, but with better graphics and way
  better PvP (player vs player) or what they called RvR (realm vs realm)
  system. The main draw to this game is the whole world is a battleground
  for players. Each factions trying to take over each others stronghold and
  if succeeded players of the winning factions are rewarded. It might not
  kill WoW now, but it might just hurt WoW’s community over time.
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  5. Everquest 2: Sony did a great job making this so called sequel to the
  Everquest line. They introduced a “Lock Encounter” system so there would
  be no kill stealing in the game. Also, having 8 expansions and 1 more
  coming out this year this game always keep up with the latest contents in
  the game. Players should be aware, you’ll need to be very dedicated in the
  game to actually progress far.
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  6. Lineage 2: A very popular game in Korea where it was made and so far
  been popular in the states as well. It’s already been 4 years since its
  release and still has a decent growing population. Besides the nice visual
  graphics of the game and a great storyline, the siege warfare is really a
  nice touch to the game which puts PvP to the next level. Compare Prices
  7. Runescape: Now here we have a hidden gem. If players can overlook the
  graphics (usually players can’t) they can see how great and detailed this
  MMORPG is. The questing is non linear so as a player can choose where to
  quest and what to do to progress through the game. The PvP system in this
  game is really great because players who won the battle can reep the
  rewards from the players they’ve defeated. For a free game which doesn’t
  take much memory or graphics, this is a great MMORPG to play.
  8. Final Fantasy XI: FFXI has a amazing story line and a vast world to
  explore. It lacks PvP, but makes it up with the questing and storyline.
  Only the dedicated players will truly experience the quality of this game.
  If you are a fan of the Final Fantasy series and enjoy casual PvEing then
  this is the game to play.
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  9. Maplestory: A free game to play and addictive as well. Players who can
  overlook the cute graphics in this game will find that it is a great time
  killer. A very simple concept where you kill mushrooms, pigs, and other
  cute creatures to level. The cute creatures draws the attention of many
  players to keep on playing and seeing their characters upgrade. A
  2-dimensional side-scrolling adventure done right and its free.
  10. EvE Online: I have yet to try out this game myself, but I’ve been
  hearing and reading great reviews on it and hopefully I’ll have a chance
  to try it out. The whole game is set in the future and one cool aspect of
  this game is that you can control your very own spaceship to conquer other
  mines on other planets.
  Compare Prices
  Honorable Mention. Second Life: Well I can’t really call this a MMORPG,
  but it is like a SIMs type of game. It boasts a 14.5 million subscriber
  base and also free to play. This game supports the use of real life money
  to purchase in-game items and assets. It’s a whole new economy of currency
  exchange. Your USD for the games Linden Dollars. If you are a gamer that
  enjoys playing Sims, then you should give this one a try. There you have
  it my top ten MMORPG for 2008. Thanks for checking my list. As usual, any
  comments are welcomed.


第1个回答  2009-11-13
第2个回答  2009-11-13
第3个回答  2021-03-05

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