teenagers in 1960's 与 men's movements in 1990的资料

谁有给我些有关teenagers in 1960's以及men's movements in 1990的资料,英文的?谢谢

1.Generation X is a term for a cohort of people born following the peak of the post-World War II baby boom, especially in Canada and the United States. While all sources agree the group includes at least some people born in the 1960s, the exact demographic boundaries vary depending on whether each source means people born just before the end of the boom, or just after, or just whoever happens to be twentysomething at the time.[1] The term is used in demography, the social sciences, and marketing, though it is most often used in popular culture. The generation's influence over pop culture began in the 1980s and may have peaked in the 1990s. However, judging from the influences of different areas of culture, especially in music and style, most elders of past generations would define Generation X as children born roughly between the years of 1969 and 1988. This pretty much regards any child born in the 1970s and 1980s. Two decades which many believe parallel each other in many ways. Children born in this era generally have parents of the same ages, share common interest in literature, and are those who typically dominate pop culture today.

Although the term Generation X goes back as far as the early 1960s, it was popularized by Douglas Coupland's 1991 novel Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, in which Coupland described the angst of those born between roughly 1960 and 1965, who, originally and incorrectly labeled as part of the baby boom generation, felt no connection to its cultural icons. In Coupland's usage, the X of Generation X referred to the namelessness of a generation that was coming into an awareness of its existence as a separate group but feeling dwarfed and overshadowed by the Boomer generation of which it was ostensibly a part. Afterwards the term stretched to include more people, being appropriated by the generation following the Baby Boomers and being used by marketers throughout the 1990s to denote potential buyers who were in their twenties at some time during the decade.

Generation X has also been described as a generation consisting of those people whose teen years were touched by the 1980s, although this excludes the oldest and youngest X'ers covered by the other definitions. Cameron Crowe, film director, posed as a high school student in 1980 to conduct research on a new generation in high school that was the first generation to study the Vietnam War as nothing more than a history lesson[citation needed]. This new generation did not worry about the draft which had been repealed when they were in elementary school. They also listened to a new kind of music, new wave, and propelled a new generation of rock stars onto the charts as early as the late 1970s- The Pretenders, The Cars, Blondie, and Devo[citation needed]. Cameron Crowe titled his book, released in 1981, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, followed by a hit film of the same name in 1982[citation needed]. Those in high school at the beginning of the 1980s were the first Gen Xers, described so well by Cameron Crowe, and the Fast Times film remains the ultimate Generation X reference film almost a quarter-century later[citation needed]. Unfortunately, these first Gen Xers also had another first - they were the first to attend college during the beginning of the HIV/AIDs epidemic. HIV started making headlines in 1983 reminding Generation X that the "free love" enjoyed by college-age Baby Boomers was a thing of the past.

Another common description of Generation X involves a period of transition (1945–1990) from the end of World War II and the decline of colonial imperialism to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War. The transition between colonialism and globalization is thought to separate the Baby Boomers from the Baby Busters, a sub-generation of Generation X made up of the earliest born members.

In California after the passage of Proposition 13 limiting property taxes in 1978, Generation X began adulthood in an era of budget cutbacks and rising fees for all public services from universities to state parks[citation needed]. However, this was a national trend in the 1980s and 1990s and not limited to just California. Hostility between Baby Boomers and Generation X increased in the 1980s and 1990s as Gen Xers accused Baby Boomers of hypocrisy and a "greed is good" mentality and Baby Boomers accused Gen Xers of being slackers[citation needed].
2.The men's movement is a social movement that includes a number of philosophies and organizations that seek to support men, change the male gender role and improve men's rights in regard to marriage and child access. Major movements with the men's movement include pro-feminist, men's liberation, anti-sexism or masculism, mythopoetic and men's / fathers' rights as well as male victims of rape by females.

Participants vary in terms of religion, politics, sexuality and a number of women are involved. The movement is predominantly western, although since the early 1990-s men's movements have been growing in non-western countries; an example is India, where dramatic rises in false accusations of dowry harassment as cited by the karnatka judicary in 2003 Crl.A. no. 589 of 2003 Decided on 4-9-2003 reported in 2000(1) Karnataka Law Online starting on Page no 560 "In as many as 44% of these cases prosecution is thoroughly unjustified"[citation needed], bride-burning, and other issues have resulted in large scale false imprisonment of innocent men and their parents, which have in turn provided impetus to a growing men's rights movement . Attitudes vary on issues such as gender roles, human relationships, sexuality (including gay rights), reproduction (including birth control and particularly the abortion debate), work, violence (its causes and resolution) and aspects of women's rights.

The Men's Movement in the US can be generally divided into two eras with distinctly different focuses and political viewpoints. The most recent version, which seems to have started in the early 1990's, commonly referred to masculism, is much more "pro-male" and a rejection of perceived politically correct gender feminism which is considered to be decidedly anti-male. This has also been called the "feminist backlash" in that many consider it a response to the excesses of the feminist movement of the 1960's and 1970's. Supporters of the masculist movement generally reject many, of not most, of the philosophical points of the previous men's movement.

The previous version of the Men's Movement consisted primarily of male sympathizers of the feminist movement as it reached its peak in the 1970's and 1980's. This group appeared to have embraced many of the philosophies of the "extreme" feminist movement and called for dramatic changes in male behavior and child rearing. Many of its detractors saw this approach as emasculating and misandrist. As a movement it was generally not accepted by men, though it gained considerable support from women, particularly by single parents raising boys.