
The performance of a speech recognition system is measurable. Perhaps the most widely used measurement is accuracy. It is typically a quantitative measurement and can be calculated in several ways. Arguably the most important measurement of accuracy is whether the desired end result occurred. This measurement is useful in validating application design. For example, if the user said "yes," the engine returned "yes," and the "YES" action was executed, it is clear that the desired end result was achieved. But what happens if the engine returns text that does not exactly match the utterance? For example, what if the user said "nope," the engine returned "no," yet the "NO" action was executed? Should that be considered a successful dialog? The answer to that question is yes because the desired end result was acheived.
Another measurement of recognition accuracy is whether the engine recognized the utterance exactly as spoken. This measure of recognition accuracy is expressed as a percentage and represents the number of utterances recognized correctly out of the total number of utterances spoken. It is a useful measurement when validating grammar design. Using the previous example, if the engine returned "nope" when the user said "no," this would be considered a recognition error. Based on the accuracy measurement, you may want to analyze your grammar to determine if there is anything you can do to improve accuracy. For instance, you might need to add "nope" as a valid word to your grammar. You may also want to check your grammar to see if it allows words that are acoustically similar (for example, "repeat/delete," "Austin/Boston," and "Addison/Madison"), and determine if there is any way you can make the allowable words more distinctive to the engine.
Recognition accuracy is an important measure for all speech recognition applications. It is tied to grammar design and to the acoustic environment of the user. You need to measure the recognition accuracy for your application, and may want to adjust your application and its grammars based on the results obtained when you test your application with typical users.

