
品牌营销的前提是产品要有质量上的保证,这样才能得到消费者的认可。 品牌建立在有形产品和无形服务的基础上。有形是指产品的新颖包装、 独特设计、以及富有象征吸引力的名称等。而服务是在销售过程当中或售后服务 中给顾客满意的感觉,让他/她体验到做真正“上帝”的幸福感。让他们始终 觉得选择买这种产品的决策是对的。买得开心,用得放心。 纵观行情,以现在的技术手段推广来看,目前市场上的产品质量其实已差不多, 从消费者的立场看,他们看重的往往是商家所能提供的服务多寡和效果如何。 从长期竞争来看,建立品牌营销是企业长期发展的必要途径。 对企业而言,既要满足自己的利益,也要顾及顾客的满意度,

Brand marketing on the premise that products will have quality assurance, in order to be recognized by consumers. Brand based on tangible products and intangible services basis. Tangible refers to the new product packaging, unique design, and attractive names, and so rich in symbols. The service is in the sales process, or after-sales service to customer satisfaction in the feeling and let him / her to experience for themselves the real "God" feeling of happiness. So that they always think your choice to buy this product decisions are right. Buy happy, at ease. Looking at market, with today's technology to promote its point of view, quality of products currently on the market has in fact almost, from the standpoint of consumers, their value is often able to provide business services to the number and effectiveness. From the long-term competitive point of view, the establishment of brand marketing is the essential means of long-term development company. For enterprises, it is necessary to satisfy their own interests, but also take into account customer satisfaction,
Focus on win-win and win customers for life.
The brand is not only a business, product, service identification, but also a reflection of the enterprise's comprehensive strength and operational levels of intangible assets, in the business war plays a decisive role and function. For an enterprise, the only use of the brand, operating brand, in order to win the market. Join the WTO, foreign multinational companies with well-known brands will be inroads into the Chinese market, China's enterprises and products and world-famous brand enterprises and products in the same market compete, the product's competitive real transition to brand competition. Thus, active brand marketing, is a priority for China's enterprises.
第1个回答  2009-10-19
Brand marketing on the premise that products will have quality assurance, in order to be recognized by consumers. Brand based on tangible products and intangible services basis. Tangible refers to the new product packaging, unique design, and attractive names, and so rich in symbols. The service is in the sales process, or after-sales service to customer satisfaction in the feeling and let him / her to experience for themselves the real "God" feeling of happiness. So that they always think your choice to buy this product decisions are right. Buy happy, at ease. Looking at market, with today's technology to promote its point of view, quality of products currently on the market is almost a matter of fact,
From a consumer standpoint, they are often valued business can provide the number and effectiveness of services. From the long-term competitive point of view, the establishment of brand marketing is the essential means of long-term development company. For enterprises, it is necessary to satisfy their own interests, but also take into account customer satisfaction,
Focus on win-win and win customers for life.
The brand is not only a business, product, service identification, but also a reflection of the enterprise's comprehensive strength and operational levels of intangible assets, in the business war plays a decisive role and function. For an enterprise, the only use of the brand, operating brand, in order to win the market. Join the WTO, foreign multinational companies with well-known brands will be inroads into the Chinese market, China's enterprises and products and world-famous brand enterprises and products in the same market compete, the product's competitive real transition to brand competition. Thus, active brand marketing, is a priority for China's enterprises.