in the end的同义词


in the end的同义词如下:

1、at last,最后,多指经主观努力,克服各种困难后才终于达到目的。  

2、at length,最终,强调经历一段长时间后终于完成,侧重在时间部分。  

in the end,意思是最后,in the end不仅可指"过去",还可表示对"未来"的预计。

in the end双语例句如下:

1、Her vision problems were so serious that she became blind in the end。她的视力问题非常严重,以至于最后失明了。 

2、But in the end, the young man was found to be innocent 。但最后,这个年轻人被认定为是无辜的。 

3、In the end, Tim realized his dream。最后,蒂姆实现了他的梦想。 

4、The shooter killed himself in the end。枪手最后自杀了。 

5、The postman still felt lonely in the end。邮递员最后还是感到孤独。
