

1. Nowdays, the issue of generation gap is becoming increasingly severe. The strained relationship between parents and children is a common occurrence. Are these problems caused by busy parents? Or, does the strict family rules affect the relationship between parents and children?
2. Firstly, in most Chinese families, both parents have to go out to work in order to earn more money to provide a better environment for their children. Unfortunately, this leads to rare communication between them and their children since these parents often rest during their leisure time.
3. The generation gap refers to the difference in attitudes towards things or the lack of understanding between young people and the older generation.
4. In families and society, the young and the old may not agree with each other from time to time. Young people would like to make as much money as possible and spend their earnings, while the older generation is often content with what they earn and tends to save as much as possible. Young people prefer exciting and loud pop music, while the older generation prefers melodious folk songs or classical music. A boy and a girl today may fall in love quickly, whereas their parents or grandparents might take a long time to express their affection before becoming lovers.
5. However, we should not be surprised by the generation gap, as it is quite natural in the development of society. The world is a changing place, where everything is constantly evolving, including generations of human beings. And change leads to progress.
6. My View On Generation Gap
7. Nowadays, the term "generation gap" is widely used. It refers to the communication barrier between different generations, especially between parents and their children. With the progress of society, this issue has become more apparent.
8. There are various reasons that contribute to the generation gap. The primary reason is the rapidly changing society. Different generations play different roles in society, and their differing experiences result in their distinct perspectives. The older generation is often conservative, whereas the younger generation is more liberal. This difference in views leads to conflict.
9. To bridge the generation gap, it is essential to prioritize communication. We should open our hearts and strive to understand others. Additionally, we should embrace new ideas and concepts to keep up with the times. By doing so, we will find that the generation gap is not as daunting as it seems. In fact, we can benefit from it.