比较级什么时候用much或者much more?


"Much"和"much more"都可以用来构成比较级,但是它们的使用方式略有不同。


    This book is much better than the one I read last week.

    I ran much faster today than I did yesterday.

    "Much more"用于表示程度更高的比较中,放在比较级前面,或者放在被比较的两个事物之间。例如:

    This book is much more interesting than the one I read last week.

    I ran much more quickly today than I did yesterday.

    The new car is much more expensive than the old one.

    需要注意的是,如果形容词或副词已经用了比较级形式,就不需要再加"much"或"much more"了。例如:

    She is happier than she was yesterday. (不需要说"She is much happier than she was yesterday.")

    He runs faster than I do. (不需要说"He runs much faster than I do.")

第1个回答  2022-12-06


    She is taller than me.

    This book is more interesting than that one.

    在表示更多的差异时,可以用“much”或“much more”,例如:

    He is much taller than me.

    This book is much more interesting than that one.


    good -> better

    bad -> worse

    far -> farther / further

    much -> more

    many -> more

    little -> less

    few -> fewer


第2个回答  2023-03-02

比较级什么时候用much或者much more的规则如下:

    如果形容词的音节是三个或三个以上,就在前面加上more比较级,例如more beautiful, more difficult。

    如果形容词的音节是两个或以下,就在后面加上er比较级,例如bigger, faster。

    有些形容词是不规则的,比如good-better, bad-worse。

    much是用来修饰形容词比较级的,加深程度,表示“…得多”,例如much better更好。

    much more也可以修饰形容词比较级,但是更强调差异,表示“…得多得多”,例如much more beautiful美丽得多得多。

第3个回答  2023-05-27

使用"much"和"much more"的情况取决于所比较的两个事物或性质的不同程度。


    形容词比较级:例如,"much bigger"(更大)。

    副词比较级:例如,"much faster"(更快)。

    "much more"用于比较级的名词和动词短语:

    名词比较级:例如,"much more money"(更多的钱)。

    动词短语比较级:例如,"much more difficult"(更困难)。

    需要注意的是,"much"通常用于否定句或疑问句,而"much more"用于肯定句中。


    "This book is much better than that one."(这本书比那本书好得多。)

    "She speaks much more fluently now."(她现在说得流利多了。)

    "He doesn't like it much."(他不太喜欢。)

    "Is it much colder today?"(今天冷得多吗?)

第4个回答  2023-05-28
一般来说,形容词和副词的一个词形式的比较级是用 "比...更" 这种形式来表达,基本形式为 "比+原形+形容词/副词"。当形容词或副词的比较级前面有 much 时,意味着程度更高,可以用 much more 来表示"更多/更加",much 通常用于形容词或副词一般比较级前面,表示比基础程度 "更多"。例如:
- This book is much longer than that one.(这本书比那本书长得多。)
- She runs much faster than her brother.(她跑得比她的兄弟快得多。)
- He is much more intelligent than I am.(他比我聪明得多。)
因此,much 通常用于比较级的前面,表示程度更高,而 much more 则用于表示程度更高的副词或形容词的比较级。