1英语各个时态标志性词语或词组。如完成时的at the end of等2与……有关 be realited to 的同义词组

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1.一般现在时用动词原形或第三人称单数形式。标志词有:every day, evry Sunday, often, always, usually, sometimes , on Sundays, on weekdays等等。
现在进行时am/is /are+v-ing形式。标志词:now,at the moment Look!, Listen!
一般过去时用动词的过去式。标志词有:yesterday, last week , last month, last year, two years ago.
一般将来时用will +v(原形).标志词:tomorrow,in the future, next week , next Sunday.
过去进行时:was/were+doing 标志词:at that moment, at this time of yesterday, at eight last night.
过去将来时:would +do 没有什么标志词,通常用在从句里。
现在完成时:have/has+动词的过分词.标志词:ever,never, since,already,yet,before.twice, once ,three times.
过去完成时:had+动词的过去分词。此时态是发生在过去的过去,就是在过去之前发生的事。通常用在从句里。有时也有标志词:by the year 2000
2应该是你打错字了吧?不知道你指的是不是:be related to,同义词组: be connected with,have something to do with ,be associated with。